Sunday, April 15, 2007

(c) What Is The Focal Length Of The Mirror?

a cruise abroad.


Tell one of your overseas cruise.
The cruise I am talking about is the journey that was made to accompany His Excellency Count Galeazzo Ciano in Spain. Throughout the second naval squadron was in the more everyday quiet, moored in the port of La Spezia, where the sunrise every day made us more happy and excited for future licensing, when suddenly came a phonogram, commanding the Seventh Division to be ready to leave in six hours. After a few days of waiting, we go. We sailed from La Spezia on July 7 Direct Gaeta, were 2 pm, the blazing sun sparkled on the fly complexes making them sparkle. The faces of the crew were not satisfied, you could see in many a sad expression that almost reveals his own weariness of the sea. But these were not voluntary and not permanent, but all relied mostly with wives or children. They had hoped to leave these days, instead already had the pure belief that for a long time he had to remain in service. But the Italian does not demean the face of such hardship, after a few days of sailing are all re-appeared happy and content, mostly smoked his pipe, telling us their young cruises abroad. We were talking about the fun and hardships they tried, then the people with whom we had, in a few days, be in contact. We all listened to them with their anxiety and soothed our attention increasingly appeared rejuvenated. I must say though that all their talk ended with a warning to us young people, explaining how we had to behave abroad to honor us and Italy intera. Arrivammo a Gaeta il giorno 8, splendido mattino, il sole ci sorgeva dietro la montagna spaccata e con i suoi raggi colpiva tutto ciò che incontrava sulla sua strada. Qui attraccammo e si restò per alcuni giorni, completando la pulizia della nave, per poter fare bella figura sotto il cielo straniero. Ci trattenemmo fino al giorno 11, finché a bordo dell’incrociatore Eugenio di Savoia salì sua eccellenza Ciano, per essere trasportato in Spagna. Al momento dell’imbarco otto unità erano a largo con gli equipaggi schierati sulla dritta di ogni nave. Alle 14,20 avvistammo un apparecchio nel quale c’era il ministro degli esteri, da noi tanto aspettato. Alle 14,25 l’apparecchio tocca mare, fa un giro intorno a noi and then taken on board this ship. At 14.30 the Seventh Division under the command of Samiglio sail from the port of Gaeta, directed at the Spain reborn. We sailed all night without feeling any emotion. The morning did not seem so bad, but from afar it was beginning to see the sea slightly moved. The various machines were still fresh and needed to vent, as a young colt when he ate a lot of oats. You could see the funnel smoke like when Vesuvius erupts. The divisional headquarters had ordered us to prepare ourselves for this mission, we order you to navigate to 35 miles, about 65 km per hour, imagine a little 'how they should be well up there. Rough seas, ships launched and whistling wind. In short the crew is found toward the center of the ship, each holding the other because it makes you seasick become yellow in the face and eyes the color of glass, which really impresses. This ringing lasted nearly three hours, then returns to the calm and the life course. Everyone laughed at the pranks of the others but in general we were all equal. Returning to normal is not looking for another spot to land, and of course the city where we were going. At 3 pm on the 12th we saw land, we stood in front of Barcelona. The entrance was so exciting, first enters the flagship and after waiting for the landing of Cyan enter the hunt. I can swear that in my few years I had never seen a slaughter like that. The Port of Barcelona is one of the most beautiful in the world, both in style and the size. Make it distinguishable: the great fortress, that guards against any air strike and naval facilities for the unloading of goods, the ten miles of shore all with style. Today the port is crowded with vessels of large and medium sized, but only four caravels escaped under fire of the pioneers of Italy. The rest is nothing but a heap of ruins, on the one hand, the port of Barcelona is the museum of terror in the vicinity of everything is intact, there will be a test the maritime station, the building of the corporations and finally, the entire city . Twenty meters away from these buildings is a merchant ship sank. Imagine how exciting it was for us, about 20000 people between men and women were on the platform, most of all with a phalanx on the chest. They looked tired, but in their faces you could read the pride of a nation that is capable of action. We stayed here a few days, feeling great satisfaction. The works were carried on board very quickly, gladly went down to the ground because the city was big and beautiful, much more than the locals who were in it and because the population showed nice to us all, eager to speak Italy and Spain of their renewed. But faced with so much beauty there were also many ruins, especially in holy places, made especially by those wretched rude, who believed that abusing the God and sacred things, would make it again and win wars. Of this 5 days after we sailed home with a visit to Malaga, where they embarked again Cyan, to return to Italy. So we were welcomed with great coolness and the city did not look very elegant, indeed it was a simple little town with some garden and nothing more. At 4 o'clock the next day we sailed from Malaga and we went off to await the boarding of Ciano and then seize the route to Italy. The foreign minister went on board about 40 minutes later, some still ride in the harbor and then we go. The speed was about 20 miles per hour, as expected it would arrive after 40 hours navigation. The sea was calm, the service is disengaged with earnest, our calm was interrupted with some alarm for the purpose of education. After about 35 hours of sailing you begin to see the ground and it was precisely an Italian coast, was a moral awakening, everything suddenly the ship shakes and begins to spin twice as fast. I looked surprised and remarked that other units did the same thing, in short all the crew were on deck, a few hours of this speed and then arrived in the Gulf of Gaeta, where a thousand honors Cyan lands, and then we went to the dock and we stayed there for about a week.
Vincenzo Monti.


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