Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hyundai Rc Helicopter

One of my cruise to Sicily.

One of my cruise to Sicily.
For several days the fourth naval division, consisting of four destroyers and four cruisers, was in the port of Naples. On board the rumor spread that there was soon a cruise to various ports in Sicily. Indeed, on 5 April at 17.23 we left Naples. It was one of those usual sunset, the sun with its rays gilded the entire spectrum of fire, and disappearing behind the smoking Vesuvius. In short, the squadron was in training, we were sailing at 19 knots and we were Direct Trapani, for a time and keep the right course at the same speed, but when the day began to fall and that rascal south wind whistled increasingly taking hold around 40 degrees to the starboard bow, forced us to sail along the coast with very low speed. He hoped for a change when we were out of the gulf, but it was a real disappointment, because as our advancing prows cleaving the tumultuous sea, they found more and more resistance. I sat all alone near the stern gun and with sad eyes looked at the huge banner bright Napoletano. My sad eyes are always put out a bright spot, beneath which was one of the dearest friends. Meanwhile more and more advanced immense solitude, the wind howled louder and louder, of course, became increasingly violent, some waves began to invade the pool, more and more intensified with the passage of time, so that soon became covered with the continuously covered by water. These movements caused the vile sea-sickness, which is one of the major illnesses that may exist, for which there was no medicine. Around 8 I try to retire below deck, you could hardly go, when I arrived there was no place you can go, almost all people had the moral ground, many were sick, making the space in a pitiful state, wherever there were spitting, scrape and sketches of all kinds, sending a stench that they can not be compared to another. Someone begged God while others cursed. All this made me a bad impression. In the meantime the water flowed on to the deck like a river, penetrating through a number of communications on the premises, including all the old-fashioned flooded Journal. The commander has established a rotating shift, but many people have made the order not only to refuse, not because they felt able to do that job. At about 11.30 at night, it fell to me, and go on the spot caught a fatal wave, from which all went out and soak in this episode will remember all my seafaring life. At this rate has passed the whole night, in the morning il mare era sempre uguale, i viveri erano corti e il personale semisfinito, dunque fu preferito ritirarsi nel golfo di Milazzo. Era questo un porto abbastanza riparato dalle correnti, la cittadina si estendeva su una piana fertile e intensamente coltivata. Stammo qui per circa ventisei ore, tornata la calma in mare si salpò diretti a Trapani e durante la notte si svolsero molte e interessanti esercitazioni. Arrivammo alla detta città dopo circa diciotto ore di navigazione, era questa una bellissima cittadina di pittoresco aspetto, la quale aveva davanti, come una difesa naturale, l’arcipelago delle Egadi, con la favolosa Favignana e la piccola isola Formica. A Trapani vi stammo pochissimo, dalle 10 alle 16, la sera si partì, l’equipaggio everything was angry for the continuity of the navigation. Anyway we went, we were heading to Augusta, we were sailing with moderate speed, was a sweet afternoon, the white contrails left by us mingled with sunlight reflections, providing high quality appearance. The navigation was overjoyed and came to Augusta the next day, tired but we were happy and we hope to take some refreshment and rest a bit 'try hard work of a few days earlier, in fact, you could see many Sicilians with the paper license in his hands, but when they were the most beautiful and almost abandon the ship, came a counter, which kept us ready to move immediately, for an unknown destination, therefore, were canceled and new permits yes noticed the frown on every face and because things did not seem too smooth because of the 16.30 radio news announced the immediate occupation of the Germans in Denmark and Norway, so it was prudent for us to keep us ready on their places of war. Our future goal was Palermo, and then that night we went to the capital of Sicily, and after a lap and a half we went around the island on 10 to 14, festive welcome by the Sicilians. From there he left a few days later and were directed in a dark and lonely harbor near Salerno, after having remained for twenty-four hours from here we set sail and after long and thoughtful exercises, went back to Gaeta, where he remained for about a week , svolgendo giornalmente delle interessanti esercitazioni.
Monti Vincenzo.


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