Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pelvic Pain Hurts Laugh

journal of Vincenzo Monti, embarked on Hunting a policeman torpedo. From 5 July 1940 to 29 December 1940.

journal of Vincenzo Monti, embarked on a hunting torpedo policeman.
From 5 July 1940 to 29 December 1940.

July 5)
There was no bombs, and our guns were firing at an accelerated pace, the unit was going fast 700 mph, some gusts were well centered, but the 'severely damaged but managed device to gain altitude and slope off. But I remained convinced that the pilot did not return most of the Italian ships.
July 6)
stay in Augusta, more than calm days, by the way he felt, as if by instinct, a soon to be released, but not succeeded until midnight on anything.
7:08 July)
The morning was calm, at 14 the order came to keep us ready to move, the 18th sailed from the port of Augusta, along with several cruisers in other CT. We had the task of escorting the battle cruisers. In the setting of the sun joined us other cruisers with other CT. Night falls, all is silence, the navigation continues regularly until the morning of 8 July. At dawn we learned that not far from us was the first team, composed dalle corazzate Cesare e Cavour, con altri C.T.. La nostra era quella di guardare le spalle ad un grosso convoglio, nello stesso tempo, di incontrare il nemico e dargli battaglia, alle 14 dell’8 luglio la prima missione finiva felicissima.
Dirigemmo la nostra prua a levante dove trovammo qualche avamposto delle forze nemiche che fu da noi attaccato e bombardato. Non fu possibile precisare se fu affondato, perché dovemmo proseguire la nostra rotta. Poco dopo un aereo faceva capolino sulle nostre corazzate, che da poco si erano unite a noi, ma il pronto e efficace intervento delle batterie antiaeree, costituite da cannoni di cento millimetri e da un grosso mitragliere, sventavano l’attacco. Dopo pochi minuti venivamo attaccati di nuovo, ma la growing and effective anti-aircraft and the prompt reaction of our maneuver commanders, make vain attempts. The night passed without further incident.
July 9)
now all felt that the enemy was not far from us, so we prepared for battle, except for a calm reigned over all. From 11 am we were at action stations, waiting ... ... ..
I was at the lowest point of the ship, I could not hear anything, I gave the company of which three sailors, two and called a recruit of '19, I was the youngest and yet I was the boss. With modest words explained to them the great responsibility that we all had. I listened, seemed ready for their work as not ever. To enter the phone to hear something that communicated with the complex, and I learned these words: "Airplanes stern. I'm not scared at all, while anti-aircraft guns opened fire infernal knocking down five of the fifteen planes, these were idrosiluranti, who tried to penetrate the formation, but the sagacity of our commanders, rendered futile their dangerous missions. From our ships will catapult aircraft reconnaissance, they gave us the exact route of the enemy, the largest fleet of King Vittorio, I went to meet with the confident assurance of victory.
At 14.10 am always by phone, that my friend had left on "Whale to starboard, distance 26,000 meters, faces 60 degrees. " The engines feel part of the complex, did not report to his companions. Meanwhile, the first ships to cruisers start, giving way to those of their battleships, which were made well distinguished from the others. The silence lasted for about five minutes, the CT is intended to protect large ships with smoke. The speed is the maximum, 38 knots, meanwhile ended the shooting of big guns. My friend asked me
"ready to supply? "I answered:" Yes, it's attack, "then said softly:" A British battleship is on fire. " He called the agent and said, "Let's stay ready," did not go five minutes the first shot part, and I turned noria loaded with quiet, the speed was highest. Continue put together make it a bit 'difficult this task, but our agility overcame every obstacle, the guns of our guns started normally, or shoot for nine mouths. Four units were firing at us read, because when we went to the attack, the large units folded by both parties, the CT supported the duel. Several shots fell for us in our neighborhood are without illusions, but I do not know what happened to them.
When we were shooting the enemy fled back to our ships, we were already exhausted forces, much more than supply, the rest was very little oil, water to drink was taken because there was need to machinery. In the evening, it was thought to cook but rather to prepare ammunition for machine guns, which fired about 3500 shots, nearly all the supplies on hand. Air strikes were repeated, the last was done in the dark, dangerous time because besides not distinguish the plane, not even distinguish the quality of offensive weapons that we launched it (bombs, torpedoes, etc. ..), but fatigue was noted in them, not just come in range, they let down the good bombs, where they went, they went. In harbor some talk and then sleep. It was about midnight, I felt tired but happy, recited una piccola preghiera per ringraziare il Dio della bella vittoria concessaci e poi pregai per i cari fratelli in special modo per quello in Africa, poi per i cari familiari. Mi addormentai.
10 luglio)
Il proverbio dice:” Non mai riposare sulla vittoria di ieri, ma pensa a quella di domani”. Infatti, non un minuto dopo fu fatta la sveglia, eppure andammo a letto tardi, non fu affatto pensato a poi. Misi a posto le armi e munizioni, tutto fu fatto per tempo, fin dalle 5 eravamo al nostro posto, nel modo che alle 8 eravamo pronti a muovere. Nelle prime ore del pomeriggio imbarcammo ancora del materiale di consumo, quindi salpammo l’ancora alle 16, diritti a Napoli. Fu questa una bella navigazione, datosi la rotta we did, as well as sea conditions that we encountered, but also browsing this made me feel a bit 'of emotion.
After about an hour browsing the dashboard warns a submarine, went to the bow to ram him at the same time a false is found periscope on the starboard side about 200 yards away. Some shouted "Submarine in sight", but the commander continues, he already knew what it was, it was a stick, while we are waiting to the torpedo. Nothing else to report until the morning.
July 11)
arrived in Naples at 7 am, we were able to ensure the victory of good, because the radio talked about it, the headlines were all dedicated to the naval battle. We remained calm, but we were proud to have finally been able to show what we were capable of.
24:13 July)
were really some good days for me, both nights I went to the ground a lot of fun, gave himself that Naples is a city that does not leave much to be desired. On board, everything was held in the most perfect manner.
July 13)
In the morning there was a speech by the commander, who shows us how the actions were carried out after him, the squadron leader, which we praised for the courage and the coolness with which we had practiced combat, but at the same time reminded us that war is not was over, and that the succession had more wins, maybe harder, which could cost as much death for the glory of Imperial Italy. In the evening we were asked to leave again, we went to Messina, no meeting.
July 14 to 29)
days of little activity, it has been idle all this time, remembering that we were at war, and we were preparing weapons, machines, devices that were all the appliances for the direction of the shot etc. .. . In this period is to remember the heroic view of the intersection Colleoni, who along with other units for the discovery of a convoy to Tobruch (Libya) was attacked by forces soverchianti per numero e per mezzi, ma per questo, insieme alla nave sorella Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, non rifiutava battaglia, mentre da altre unità si facevano proteggere e mettere in salvo le navi trasporto. I nostri incrociatori ingaggiavano battaglia con quattro navi caccia nemiche, le quali furono respinte; ma a questo attacco ne segue un secondo, ed ora il nemico assaliva le nostre con due incrociatori da 10000 tonnellate, protetti da forti corazzate, insieme ai quattro caccia, ma per questi i nostri comandanti non si impressionarono a fatto, e quindi alla pugna, destinarono i 152 contro gli incrociatori pesanti, i pezzi da 100 contro i caccia. Le nostre unità sfruttando la loro velocità resistevano all’impeto nemico per circa tre ore, inflicting heavy losses. Finally, the Colleoni was a failure in a vital organ, is trapped and then underwent a series of blows, but for what the spirit of our people fell, they continued to fire, until the water poured into the pool . Meanwhile, the other cruiser was forced to withdraw because he was now alone, was not worth sacrificing a thousand men with one of the finest vessels of the fleet. This episode can be seen that both the quality of our seafaring people, who, to save some steamers loaded with material, they went to death voluntarily. Many people died, including the commander, but this was rescued, but as a result of injuries sustained during the battle, died after 24 hours on his beloved boat. His name was Umberto Navaro.
from July 30 to August 2)
on the evening of the day I went to bed late, no voice that you had to go around, but this was expected for days, because in Messina were three steamers of considerable size, they were loaded with troops destined for North Africa.
In the morning I woke up a few minutes before the scheduled time, I felt something disgusting, I did not know where that smell was unpleasant, I warned him that his friend was sleeping on my left, saying: "Mountains, you know that in a 'is now out ” , la notizia subito passa di branda in branda, fu un lamento generale, perché tutti immaginavano quanto era straziante la missione che ci veniva affidata. Ad ogni modo ci preparammo nel minor tempo possibile. Alle ore 6,05 del 30 luglio salpammo l’ancora, con una rapidissima manovra, fummo fuori lo stretto, credevo che dopo aver fatto una scorrazzata, uscivano i piroscafi, ma non fu nulla di ciò. Si filava a tutto vapore, circa 30 miglia all’ora, da quanto potei orizzontarmi attraverso la bussola eravamo diretti ad Augusta o Catania, infatti, dopo un’ora di navigazione si rallenta improvvisamente, mi guardo intorno, vedo l’Etna con un manto di verde e un pennacchio di fumo, dunque eravamo a Catania. Dal porto came a line of steamships, they were counted seven in all, they brought all manner of war materiel, including armored cars, tanks, motorcycles, armed with machine guns, etc. .. . Meanwhile, the fighter squadron torpedo, tirelessly crisscrossed the waters of the Gulf, some recognition instruments helped us in the service of discovering any submarine, the convoy was advancing at the same time taking due course. Some cruisers and torpedo hunting could be seen on the horizon, they had the task of reaching, in fact, very little after we made contact. At some point he began a very slow browsing, not walked more than 10 mph, you walked in a zig zag to better defend the convoy from any attack submarines. This grueling pace lasted up to 19 at this time, four destroyers with four cruisers were visible on the horizon with other ships. Soon we made contact but we were able to maintain it, because we accompanied the steamers were not more than 10 miles per hour. Until the morning browsing continues regularly.
In the sunset you increase the speed, we went up a few degrees to starboard, after an hour's sailing at full speed, you saw the other units. Now we had information, our bows were directed to the east, was advancing rapidly and with sudden shrewdness, these operations were carried out in order could leave a large convoy to the street, which still are separated by several miles from the longed-for goal. The pace was always normal, the lookouts were scanning the horizon as far as possible, and then we began to see the profile of a forward and mountains. We approach with ever increasing rate. According to the findings of facts we were facing the island of Candia (Crete). Nothing was discovered in port, so we went back empty-handed once again. We turned off into the sunset with the bow facing north, did not go over 30 miles but only 20 hours because we were never sure that those waters were not enemies, weapons, because we had to roam far and wide throughout the eastern Mediterranean. Until the morning we found nothing exceptional. The day it was founded in open sea, the crew hopes to see the national land because they were already forty-eight hours we had taken off. At about 8 the order came to go to Naples, the whole crew showed signs of unspeakable joy. At 10 am we began to see the tops of Peloritani Sicilian mountains, as we advance the gentle slopes you were to discover more and more, we were taken by a yearning to see the dear land to greet the saddened heart and mind were in hundreds of ideas. Meanwhile, the commander called to report the number of head of service, he realized that we could not go to Naples, because there was no water, so that after this incident the squadron leader, decided to stay in Messina for supplies, as was done. We arrived on the coast at 11 am, we were short of water, oil and the staff was not fully in line, so we look like the eye of others was mixed. Men and machines were ready to restart only after several hours because staff and equipment of the young Navy of Italy knows no barriers. On the quay there was a large crowd waving handkerchiefs. Was quick and precise steering, a few minutes later we were free, so we refreshed as best we could as soon as possible. The machines were turned off, nothing would place the suspect there would be was just another start. At about 6 fires were called in place, ready to leave at 7.30, a plume of smoke was made during power up and then it seemed that everything was resting outside, but inside everything was ready with unspeakable fury. At 7.40 he was called "the driving position". Many civilians crowded into the dock and seemed somewhat surprised to see us leave so suddenly. Soon we took the sea with moderate speed, navigation was very calm, at 6 o'clock in the morning we arrived in Pozzuoli, where is found our squadron as another. At 10 am we set sail again from Pozzuoli, and then we arrived in Naples at 10.12. The fatigue of three nights navigation is not quite revealed itself on our faces, we were happy as never before. Soon the shaggy beards were shaved, which were already a bit 'submitted. Every man he met a fellow pushing his eye said: "Tonight we go out, it's a shame not to go out here in Naples, the other with a yes, it runs directly to the barber, or in the shower to clean up the heavy limbs. I, too, that night I went out especially to meet my childhood friend, who was in Naples as a guard public safety. Did not find him, let him say to his friends to come visit the next day. After that I turned to the city, entering a store I saw a calendar that marked day two, I remembered that the task nineteen years in a few hours, because my dear, I had always said that I was born during the sunset. I tried to celebrate my birthday as best I could and then on board.
3:04 August)
the evening they landed, I wanted to meet a childhood friend, who was here as an agent of public safety. I went to the police station did not find him, left him a note saying, among other things, to visit me the next day it was. It was about 12, I was at the table when the column is calling me, saying: "Mountains, on the ground there is a friend waiting for you," I felt my heart flutter, I apprestai to go to him. At that time I spent moments of indescribable joy, because I could talk to him the dear dialect and discuss our village, friends, teammates and the like.
August 4 to 12)
stay in Naples, really happy day, the alarm we were made a little 'later. We had a day and five hours of free Naples and is ideal in every respect, both for its beautiful landscape, the streets broad and well maintained, then for the nice coastline with beautiful gardens, interesting monuments, comfortable beach, although the conditions of the coast are quite bad, then for its meeting places, which bring together the sea and sets are always packed. Ogni giorno che uscivo mi recavo dal mio amico e con lui frequentavo di sovente i punti su indicati. Oltre ciò era necessario tenersi pronti per la guerra, e questo non fu mai dimenticato.
Ufficiali e comandanti ci tenevano al corrente di quanto accadeva nei confronti della nostra cara terra, non fu mai trascurato un solo istante, un’arma, ne lasciato in bando al preparazione delle munizioni, anzi fu tutto riguardato con maggiore attenzione, furono poi revisionati una parte dei macchinari in modo che dopo questi giorni eravamo ancora più pronti di prima. Nulla aveva influito quel po’ di calma, perché i marinai d’Italia non somigliano all’esercito di Annibale, che durante le vacanze di Canne restarono inermi e poi per questo became incapacitated brutes.
13:14 August)
Since morning I intended to watch some men who prepared the ammunition, at 17 called the scorer, saying: "Mountains, suspend the work, with the same men preparing deposits for landing ammunition because it will dock. " On hearing these words I felt tingle all my life, I hurried a convinced you, then I walked away happily, I was so happy that I realized where I was. Someone asked me why I was so happy, it was no easy answer, because I knew that going in the basin were short leave, and I which is only 140 miles from home I was sure we could go, as I went. Ordinatomi finished the job, I shaved and spied the meantime if you asked permission. Nothing until 18.20, at that time I went to dinner, I ate just a bite and immediately went to voicemail, where I found the official head, which I expressed my desire and I assure you that after the landing of ammunition sent me, were truly indescribable moments for me.
the evening was done the landing, but thanks to the kindness of some junior officers, I did not exhaust the company because they sent me to the last change to send me home a few hours later. At
21 games to edge, a few minutes later I was at the station, I inquired at what time there was a train, I reported at 22.55. It was only 21.30 so there was still plenty of time to wait. I began to walk along the track, I was quite nervous, I smoked cigarettes, then I found myself with a friend on board, which he went on leave with other students, so we went in a group and the time passed very soon. Finally we leave, the train was slow on the track, we struck a breeze in his face, making it less boring hot August night. The stations kept coming but the sigh was like that did not culminate ever. I tried several times but I could not sleep. I arrived at about 4 in Ceprano, was a dark night, lightning flashed over the horizon by short pauses which remained the clear sky light and this helped me to find the exit door. During the walk home I felt transported by anxiety that they could, then walked briskly toward the 5 arrived, the arrival was so exciting, after a short conversation with my parents, I went to bed for a few hours.
The day passes are now happily a friend now another. The evening began for me to be sad, I felt that I had broken a few hours, it seemed a dream of being at home, not at all this sadness palesai not regret mine.
August 15)
holidays around the world in the early hours of dawn and yet I left my dear little house to get back on board, some tear came out from the eyes of her mother at the time of posting. I did not feel anything, I left happy, I can not specify the strength my heart. The train leaves at 5 am, a last farewell to the beloved village, and then I found myself in the car, I arrived in Naples at 16, just after I came back on board where I was greeted by the merry companions. Until the night is nothing new.
From August 16 to 22)
These were days of great activity for me and all the crew, each device was meticulously covered all the guns were cleaned and tested with a series of shots made against a cliff off the Gulf of Gaeta. In addition we had the news of the great Italian victory in AO, so we were happy. Nulla di interessante per quanto riguarda la Marina.
23 agosto)
Fin dal mattino ero intento al lavoro di riordinamento dei miei locali, alle 9 il capo cannoniere mi avvisa personalmente di prepararmi l’indomani mattina per poter fare bella figura perché c‘era una visita del vecchio e del nuovo comandante, a tali parole rimasi un po’ attonito. Il capo cannoniere intendendo la mia impressione mi dice: “ Il comandante Battaglia sbarca “. Fu per me questa frase come una coltellata al cuore perché omai mi ero affezionato a lui, sia in pace come in guerra, sempre ci aveva predicato a tutti le sue prodezze che venivano sempre a nostro vantaggio, perché fu con lui che avemmo l’onore di essere the first on all hunting fleet in the work of shot, he sank a submarine on June 15 and then under his leadership to confront the enemy back unscathed from a high-risk mission due to its ability to maneuver, but now we have it rip and to occupy a new place where he could not stay another of the same skills. In the evening we meet with the bitterness making this left us, as we will let the following text: "I want when I will meet with your master tell me:" The crew of the policeman continued to be perfect, "the only way ease the pain I feel in great leave. "
August 24) Morning
like the others, we changed it to 10 and we took our ordinary seal to receive the new commander. The ceremony was brief, austere and moving for some, in fact the whole crew had a pouting face and someone slipped some tear. At 11 we were called aft to greet the captain, crew was lined up in two rows, a guard of honor remained among the ranks, officers dressed in full uniform. Then there was the delivery of the pennant. The commander of the Battle holding, saying: "Officers, petty officers, chiefs, lieutenants and municipalities, from the moment you recognize as your Commander Commander Ernesto jury," and then kisses the pennant and hands it to the new commander. The new tells us the following words: "I have gathered to greet the commander of Battle, which gave this unit the brilliant traditions in peace as in war. We promise you, at this time, we will continue, "was the greeting made to the item:" For the Battle Commander ", so it was a posting. The face you looked sad, then she took courage and said: "See you guys," part in the removal and occasionally throwing glances on board, then a curve did not allow me to see him more. I'm not ashamed to confess, I cried, not because it was good to us, but because it was always presented pronto ad incoraggiarci durante gli scontri con il nemico.
dal 25 al 28 agosto)
In questi giorni l’equipaggio pur crucciato per lo sbarco del comandante, si dedica con amore a ripulire i vari locali, per poter fare ottima figura, e far fare una buona opinione al comandante di noi stessi.
29 agosto)
Un ordine improvviso giunse nelle prime ore del mattino, esso ci face partire da Napoli alle ore 12,30, non sapevamo dove si andasse. A largo del golfo di Napoli vennero svolte delle esercitazioni, poi rotta verso sud e di seguito non accadde nulla di grande importanza.
dal 30 agosto al 1 settembre)
Passai una felice nottata, alle ore 8 potei apprendere da un sottufficiale che rientravamo Taranto, this news cheered me first, and then I was almost annoying, because I had already made me one of my war plan, according to which with the help of the first team had to destroy the enemy fleet. At 4 o'clock we arrived at Taranto, but we did not go to the dock designed for CT. Moored to a dock to stock, the transaction was quick, with only an hour later we were ready. It was a very hot evening, the glowing red disk disappeared on the horizon giving us a last farewell of the day. Looking at our harbor crowded with warships of all sizes, did come, as if by instinct, a desire to meet with unspeakable to defeat the enemy once and for all. After sunset I went near the command voice, for information if there were frank, if we start now and where he had planned to go. I had a poor outcome because the office was closed. A few minutes later I saw get on board in a speedboat, which bore the initials of the RN Vittorio, it dropped a would-Admiral, who asked to speak to the commander. After the brief interview were given various orders, including one to be ready to leave in two hours and was expected to soon leave the fleet Trent to make one of those missions that caused the evacuation of the Mediterranean squadron reduced by some enemy. At midnight a strange moonlight lit up the core of ships, their funnel huge columns of smoke were rising, which meant that we left early. At 4 we were the first to go, a quick spin at the mouth of the harbor and then waited for the release of the battleship when it was the turn of the four battleships, we were a short distance you could see the towers from 381 to continuously moved , was the last verification of various devices, at dawn we were in perfect formation. I slept until noon and I became interested at all with the aim of this mission, and now that my friend took me to eat, saying among other things that had been sighted an enemy formation, was scheduled for 4 hours contact (ballistic) . I do not impressionai at all, I consumed the meal e andai a fare un giretto per meglio assicurarmi se era vero, infatti era la verità. Mi ritirai dove ero destinato qualche ora dopo preparandomi un gran numero di munizioni per eventuali necessità.
L’attesa fu seccante, passarono le 4 poi le 5 e nulla di nuovo, a tale ora mi fu portata la cena, avevo appena incominciato quando mi veniva telefonato e mi avvertivano che l’attacco era imminente. Siamo in perfetto schieramento si va all’attacco, presto feci mettere via il mangiare e subito al mio posto. Mi erano compagni tre marinai tutti richiamati, erano di buon umore anch’essi quindi tra una parola e l’altra si attendeva il momento fatale, che non venne più per quella volta perché il nemici appena avvistatoci retired at full steam, so we we went back empty-handed. From that moment began one of the worst navigation I can remember. There was a sea of \u200b\u200bvery strong bow, accompanied by a great wind, which did make acceleration units torpedo that it is very difficult to describe. The four of us were there at the lowest point of the ship (this time I was in store ahead for reasons above), we looked at each other without having the courage to speak, a cold sweat from his brow there came out, one by one we were tearing down without saying a word, the sea grew more and more and our discomfort grew, we were half exhausted, without a drop of water and nothing to eat, we were in one of the most critical moments of navigation. All night we sat together in the morning one of Marian went on to take us to eat, I managed to get just a little bit 'of crackers and cheese, I tried to eat but could not, I went to sleep, not even had dinner. During the night, calmed down a bit 'that blessed the water, I was already so weak that I was not able to keep me straight. Finally went back to the morning of Sept. 1, when I went on deck I felt like I dream, I rays dazzled the sight, I looked in the mirror for fear of scaring me, but in the faces of my fellow past my appearance. Throughout the day we are dedicated to repairing the disaster made by the sea.
September 2 to 6)
were these few days of great activity, was once again covered every nail that he had a particular interest for the full efficiency of a unit in the war. In these four days in Taranto could do just a relief.
September 7 to 9)
At 15 came an order, which requires us to be ready to move in one hour, the various departments now settled in their seats, so in just about forty minutes we were given orders for departure. At 16 and set sail a few minutes, we were destined to escort Pola division, consisting of three cruisers of 10,000 tons to our group joined the other cruisers of the same size, with others we left CT. During the twilight disappeared
the wide horizon the port of Taranto, were seen advancing five battleships, with their superb aesthetic that seemed to be the ruler of the sea, they were accompanied by several cruisers and CT, they took a route different from ours, so we sailed in separate groups until 16 days of September 8. We had taken the route to the west, we headed in those localities where one of our submarine was sunk by an enemy unit from war. We saw an enemy naval formations moving towards the east, but once again if the spun and we had to fall on 9 September in Palermo, without being able to fire a shot this time either.
The day we were left empty.
10:11 September)
On September 10 staff was dedicated to rest, and was done free, while 11 was prepared to leave Palermo at 20.20. We started the evening and arrived at Taranto on Sept. 12 at 16. The navigation was very beautiful, calm seas and moderate speed.
September 12 to 20)
long but well-deserved rest after the period of continuous navigation, we need to watch the machines and other devices like that. On that occasion, some permits were granted, I could not go because I had received a permit last time.
While I was on board and I looked in my pocket, I found the address of some relatives who were unknown to me at Taranto, I went to them, who received me merry and promised to return in the future.
September 21 to 30)
continues quiet, these days I felt unwell, the doctor had some 'of tachycardia, which went away with a few days after this period of convalescence was sent on leave. However, I continued to stay in Taranto.
October 1 and 2)
In these two days I lived in hope of going on leave, but was not sure why the team was again made ready to move in two hours. Anyway I had a little recovered from the disease has already been mentioned, but now more what else was the great desire to leave. Finally in the late afternoon of 2 September I received orders to prepare for that evening party was a moment of real joy. Only a few hours after I left my beloved ship in the hope of finding it in the same place. When I was in town immediately went to my relatives, where I was lovingly accepted, so I stayed for about three hours, we had dinner, passing along to their happy hours in a particular way. There was discussion on my arrival home, provided that their fabulous, while I was already being no other times I found it different. At about 21 good-bye and left, the station was the wrath of God, a thousand men were in line to make the ticket, for each way of shoving, kicking, punching, spitting and swearing, I managed to fight my way and buy a ticket. At 22.20 we leave, the train was only full of sailors, so imagine what a beautiful trip was done. At 6.20 am I arrived in Naples, after having informed the organization discovered that the train for three hours and twenty minutes I had to stay on hold, then took the opportunity to visit a friend of mine who was in Naples as an agent of public security. I stayed with him for a couple of hours, then went back to the station and we leave, the sun was already high, with its beneficial rays struck the window, warming the car but at the same time bothered her eyes. At 2 pm I reached the longed- goal, then shortly after I got home, the arrival was exciting, I found in the kitchen and a guest was the wife of a cousin of mine, from the family of which I was a guest at Taranto few minutes before leaving.
October 3 to 14)
were the days spent in peace, not constant whistle of call during the day, not regular and special gatherings, and no alarm clocks made with shouts, shoves and threats, as some day happen, especially after a long period of difficult navigation. The pure air of the morning through the window located on my starboard side, and between a yawn and the other slowly I was beginning to move, once raised was a new life, I seemed to be a new world.
Among the other day I noticed improvement in me, then I felt perfectly well, but my bad luck ended the license, but I am not angry at all because I understood my duty of Italian fascist and then try to have no extension or things like that, I prepared to leave. On 13 October at 6 pm I left the dear native village, after a bad trip I arrived in Taranto. I went immediately from my family where I learned with great sorrow the loss of our three small torpedo units stationed in the Strait of Sicily, but they had already inflicted considerable losses on the enemy, including the sinking of a cruiser of 7000 T. At 22
greeted relatives to go on board, to my chagrin I found the policeman in the dock, was at anchor in Mar little, without getting lost in meditation, I presented myself to the edge of the Grenadier, I spent the night here, lying on a table. I can swear that it had not suffered the bad quality of the bed, because the first stretch of sleep already. In the morning I went to the edge of the policeman, where I was greeted by the merry companions in particular.
October 15 to 27)
I began life with minimal activity, remembering the good old days spent in the womb to my dear, I dedicated with love to every job that I was ordained or recognized I needed to be done to ensure the perfect order on the premises assigned to me. On October 22 we went to the great sea buoy, to run the next day a number of shots a charge. The weather was bad, water and wind coming down with rain for two days and the situation has not changed. On the third day the rain had stopped but the wind was so strong that there was water on deck heeling pruning. The media could no longer travel, and the food were not, and over the sea even to suffer hunger. The other two days were worse than ever, on Oct. 27 went back to March small, it was a real day of celebration for all of us, because we were able to take some refreshment and then go free and pass one of those beautiful evenings.
October 28)
normal time the morning was done at 10 There was meeting the captain, who made a short speech, recalled the arduous business of employment, following the decision gave the fascist government, he added that in addition to the powerful British fleet at that time imposed on the few but brave Italian units of retreat, this was done after we had got everything he wanted by the government of Athens, finally said that if we were to return today is not to impose the English fleet to abandon the positions they occupied, but in itself but which, until recently was the terror of the seas of the world, will try to avoid colliding with our units, which are much more powerful in every field.
While he would say these words, le nostre truppe dislocate in Albania varcavano il vecchio confine, muovendosi alla conquista dell’infocata terra balcanica ( la Grecia). Per tale atto non è da ritenersi responsabile il governo di Roma, ma solo quello di Atene, perché esso forniva basi sicure alla flotta inglese, appoggiandola con spionaggio fornito da pescherecci greci, i quali comunicavano con le basi inglesi, e l’Italia non ignorava che il Colleoni fu affondato da navi rifugiate nei porti greci, questo non basta, essa diveniva sempre più pericolosa ed ora sconta le giuste pene inflittegli dalle colonne dell’esercito fascista.
dal 29 al 31 ottobre)
Giorni alquanto movimentati, si è avuto qualche allarme aereo, ma al passivo, no bombs, land a few blows of the battery bar the way to the very few systems have come on strong the square.
In the late afternoon of October 31 order came: "Ready to move in less than two hours, we were ready, nothing new until midnight.
November 1)
the morning wake up earlier than normal, everything changes required in the navigation order, but this was expected was not for that day. At 10.30 we received orders to change in routine estate, someone had heard from authorities that this day would come to the Duce Taranto to go on a visit to the fleet that was stationed there. At 12 we sided castle, some tests were done and then we waited. We stayed there until 4 pm, they finally sighted the procession of boats, the Duce was on the first, wore the seal of First Marshal of the Empire, it was right towards the center of the boat, smiling as always, we went to visit then Arsenal went in, we were left free, but there was relief.
November 2)
morning as usual, at about 11.45 an air raid stopped playing, we had revoked the order to move, so there was relief, the pay and fresh booze to go around.
3:04 November)
Continue calm all day on November 3, and 4 were called to replace the black shirt, hunting as noi, quindi navigammo dalle 12,20 fino alle 19,30 circa. Furono svolte importanti esercitazioni, tra cui tiri di Incrociatori dei grossi calibri e dei pezzi antiaerei. Fino a mezzanotte nulla di nuovo.
dal 5 all’8 novembre)
All’alba del giorno 5 novembre eravamo pronti a muovere, si doveva uscire per eseguire una serie di tiri a una carica, ma le avverse condizioni atmosferiche non lo permisero nelle prime ore del mattino. Vi fu un allarme aereo, ma la pronta reazione della difesa antiaerea sventarono l’attacco, non fu effettuato affatto lancio di bombe. Il giorno 6 novembre salpammo l’ancora all’inizio del giorno, dopo aver assistito di nuovo a una di quelle solite sparatorie per quei farabutti inglesi, who had joined the Greeks and did not bother that much of a good time. The exercises managed in the most brilliant, during which there was a small altercation with the top scorer for his oversight of an eye.
Day November 7, all took place regularly, while the morning of day 8, the air-raid alarm sounds again, shooting at everything go, after that we were made ready to move in twenty minutes in the evening but this order changed to ' At dawn on November 9 repeated the same procedure, there were no francs for both days.
9:10 November)
It remains ready to move on both days were made a few air strikes, but rejected by all the emergency of anti-aircraft batteries of the Royal Navy ships and the harbor. We follow with passion the unfolding events in Epirus (Greece). Nothing is more important to report.
11:12 November)
dawn on November 11, as usual, ready to move, being the birthday of the King Imp, our commander wanted to celebrate it in the simplest way, although the conditions of the case do not allowed. He made a general meeting, with some warm words we recalled the life of our invincible Imp, who in 40 years of his reign had made Italy, small and sterile, a powerful nation of which he had the command. The beloved hymn was sung at the birth of the King Set, and then andammo a mangiare. Poco dopo giunse ordine di smettere i festeggiamenti, infatti qualche ora dopo fu gridato: “ Franchi “, e tutti a cambiarsi, ci dettero poco, circa due ore, ma ad ogni modo dopo tanto tempo che non si usciva ci sembrava una delle ottime franchigie.
Viene la notte, una luna piena rischiarava il bel cielo pugliese, non c’era corrente, insomma un atmosfera di pace dava l’impressione di una grande notte per gli avvenimenti in corso, perché solo le avverse condizioni atmosferiche li avevano fermati fino a quel giorno, infatti molto fu fatto. Una grande nave fu silurata e gravemente danneggiata e due piroscafi furono affondati dai nostri sommergibili. In verità avrei rinunciato a tale bottino senza aver subito the serious flaws in some of our battleships. Here's how it was the sad episode. At about 20 hours there was an air raid, but the quick reaction of our anti-aircraft guns made room on the first attempt. At about 23.55 hrs, when almost all the people rested, except the security guard, was performed a second raid, was immediately reported and was made a hell-fire, but this time they held tough villains here, after having lit the target with some phosphorescent rockets, threw themselves desperately to attack with torpedoes, severely hitting the battleship Cavour, who was half sunk, the battleship Duilio was sunk in a way too small and the battleship Littorio was seriously damaged verso la prora. Tutto ciò restò ignoto per noi fino al mattino seguente, verso le 10 si incomincio ad avere notizia, ma in verità nessuno lo credeva, ne fummo certi verso le 13 dello stesso giorno, perché noi dovevamo abbandonare Taranto e per uscire si doveva passare per forza vicino alle dette unità. Io e tutti i marinai della mia unità ci sentimmo di molto avviliti in quel momento, ma poi guardando ancora più in là si vedevano ancora potenti navi da battaglia con dieci Incrociatori pesanti ad altri di minor dimensione, il che voleva dire che ancora una volta eravamo di molto superiori al nemico, che ancora una volta sconvolto è stato messo in fuga. La navigazione prosegue regolarmente, giungemmo a Messina il mattino seguente, then remained at peace for that day, the captain told us a few words the significance of this shift, and since then have been insignificant losses in Taranto.
November 13 to 15)
continues quiet, measures were taken for possible air strikes, is eagerly awaiting the right moment to respond to Mr Winston Churchill with iron and fire, with only 17 November evening this happened for a while.
November 16 to 18)
were three days of hard sailing, at 9 AM on November 16 we left Messina, our bow was facing west, towards Gibraltar. In the morning the sea was calm and made me want to navigate to the 14 then became a bit 'rough, then moved even more, which we avoided all you can eat dinner. The night was a disaster, continuing waves were even reaching the deck planks of the complex. No less pleased was the following morning, all was spoken except to eat. It was 13 of 17 November we sailed for about twenty-seven hours always twenty miles, we were near the Balneario (Spain), at a distance when they saw it appear in their heavy wheels three battleships and many cruisers escorted by CT, and soon made contact injury suffered in training at the same time, some planes were catapulted from cruisers, and was called immediately after the order that was ready to put posti di combattimento. Io e tutti i miei compagno non sentimmo più la fame e nemmeno la debolezza, andammo al nostro posto, si attende ma nulla ci viene detto. La velocità era aumentata poi diminuì, accostate su accostate ci facevano mescolare tutte le viscere, eppure eravamo là pronti a tutto, ma il sospirato ordine di rifornire si invertì con quello di “ cessa tutto”.
A circa cinquantamila metri da noi c’era una formazione navale nemica, formata da una nave da battaglia, da una portaerei e da alcuni Incrociatori, che quando ci videro, prima di entrare nel nostro raggio d’azione delle potenti artiglierie, se la filarono di buon passo, e rientrarono nella roccaforte di Gibilterra. Noi ancora una volta dovemmo return without being able to finish anything.
Upon return we were headed Tunis, about eighteen hours by boat from Messina, folded across the fleet to return to their bases, the speed was normal, one had to arrive after noon, but a failure occurred at a hunting Division stationed in Cagliari, forces us to look away so that it could return to base unharmed.
At 14 the same day we had just finished this mission and took the route to Messina when suddenly we stopped, what happened?, Failure of the musculoskeletal system, which made me a bad impression, not long after we leave, we had just thousand meters fact that we are back in damage. Precautions were taken immediately so that some half an hour after we resumed the route. Now we were sailing even at 27 miles, was set to arrive by midnight, in fact the lights were sighted at 10.15 the close, the weather was stormy again, a current outstanding hindering the operation, the wind whistled to several kilometers hours, so before you made the others were inside the 2, also at 2.20 we were okay.
November 19)
We were tired from the long voyage, and then wake up at 7:30 in the evening was made a hearty dinner in a barracks on the ground, but I was and I could not go out of service, but also being on board I thought replace the stomach. Of particular
nothing to report.
20:21 November)
Days passed in peace, dedicated to putting in place weapons and ammunition, the machines we had to bring us in the Arsenale, where the evening of November 21 about sixty men departed on leave, I was hoping I was also given to me, but given the conditions in which we were put there for nothing thinking.
November 22)
quiet morning, I got up at 7 am taking advantage of the absence of top scorer. During the day, nothing new.
November 23 to 25)
continues quiet, meanwhile, came on board several workers for the reorganization of the unit. The evening of 23 November I attended a performance Opera (Madama Batterflai), 24 real godsend, 25 I devoted myself to fix some little thing.
26 and November 27)
the morning is normal, exemption during the evening I heard a trumpet call all the sailors on board, I went back there because I was at work, so it was not necessary, I swear that I would rather shamelessly fall away, although I knew how many difficulties had to endure that night.
Shortly after you see the ships go out, I felt rip the heart from envy, because I thought it was five months that we were sailing as desperate and maybe this time we have not the time you will meet with the enemy. On the morning of November 27 we were on the lookout for anti-aircraft defense, in the evening around midnight I heard a lot of shots, it tore me even more courage because I thought that I was not there the night of a war that has decisive. Luckily, I was mistaken, because those shots came from Crotone, a city on the Calabrian coast, which was submitted to a British air attack - greek. That same day, a ship that crossed our formation to the south of Sardinia, with six of ten thousand ton cruisers, two battleships Vittorio Veneto and Caesar, and many CT, was close to the enemy, it was about 12, thrown by our equipment ships gave us all the information needed to prepare the contact. The enemy had a powerful training, consisting of many cruisers, several battleships and aircraft carriers from time to time as part of formations idrosiluranti trying to attack our unity, but all was in vain because the powerful anti-aircraft guns of our ships them kept away. (As a friend of mine told me this is how you held the shares). Sighted the enemy formation will be directed only against our division consists of three cruisers Trieste, Trento and Bolzano, this was done to attract the enemy, while others follow behind cruisers and two battleships. The division reached its peak due to remote start the fire hitting two cruisers, but it is far superior our numbers, fell back into action by the heavyweights of Vittorio Veneto, but when the British were seen to reach all those "confetti" deviated route, flying fast. They withdrew with two cruisers badly reduced, and we transmit a torpedoed a hunt. Our squadron leader has had a bad effect, both to me and to all the crew, angry because he wanted to serve his state of mind of the enemy, he wanted to follow him to avenge also torpedoed our hunting, but still the war it was not finished so we were hoping to download our anger at the right moment.
November 28 to 30)
continue with the fast pace of work, little was left on board people and therefore nothing to do. He listened with pleasure to the various reports of the corresponding broadcast by radio in respect of the naval battle occurred a few days before.
None for our purposes.
1 and 2 December)
We went back to see someone who was returning from leave, so it was expected that soon we were ready with those blessed work, in fact, from December 2 are regularly in armament.
December 3)
the morning is normal, around 10 back to Messina with Ascari, hunting of our division, which along with the cruisers had participated in the battle of the Sardinian sea. We did see him in the strongest demonstrations, but At the same time many thought the serious damage reported by the squadron leader, where there were also two deaths. At 15 order came to light immediately, with the cruiser sailed at 6.45 Trent, which was to go to Naples to do small jobs and the Ascari, fellow patrol, we had not dropped the tug, who was playing the ' air-raid alarm at the same time the batteries began to fire, doing great barrage, but gave himself the height of the planes was great and then there was darkness, no plane was shot down but was not even made bombs.
navigation will continue regularly until midnight.
December 4) The day it comes
Beside the gulf of Naples, near the islands of Ischia and Capri, at this point the speed was very low, because only 10 we were able to enter the harbor.
The morning was delightful, a breeze from the north marched, making redden the nose, the sun occasionally peeked behind a map of clouds, which they tried to fade away more and more. Vesuvius that never turns off his boiler, issued the usual plume of smoke, filling the natural beauty of the vague location. At 10, in port, all grounded in the evening, I was not free, and then nothing.
5:06 December)
Days spent in Naples, passed in a completely calm. On the morning of 5 dicembre, S. M. R., il P. di Piemonte passò in visita a parte degli equipaggi della prima e seconda squadra. La cerimonia fu breve datosi le circostanze attuali. Nel resto del giorno nulla da ricordare. Alle 9 del 6 dicembre giunse ordine di tenerci pronti a muovere, alle 20 si salpa, la serata era buia, un vento fortissimo veniva da ovest, quindi si incomincia quel balletto che fa poco piacere, fin dal momento che ritirammo l’ancora. Ad ogni modo le nostre rotte avevano come pinto d’approdo Messina e senza guardare le condizioni del mare tirammo avanti, man mano che uscivamo dal porto il malessere si faceva sempre più noto, continue ondate invadevano tutte le soprastrutture dell’unità, portando di tanto in tanto qualcosa in mare, including a riservetta containing ten rounds, when really dangerous. I had gone nell'antialloggio office near the store where I was destined, I spent most of the night without sleeping, but even then he could no longer stay there because the water I wet the back and I took refuge in the most convenient. We arrived at 3:30 the day on December 7 really tired, hungry and more thirsty for drinking water because there had penetrated the salt water, so you can imagine.
December 7 to 12)
Once in Messina were immediately made the appropriate sound recordings Arsenal, to repair damage suffered during the voyage of the previous days. In questi giorni tutto fu riparto. In questo frattempo c’era stato il cambio della guardia dei vari stati maggiori, Marina dipartimento dell’Egeo e perfino il super generale Badoglio. Tutti hanno dato le dimissioni datosi la crisi notatasi in Albania e in Africa, noi tutti eravamo molto nervosi per tali perdite.
dal 13 al 16 dicembre)
Al mattino giunse ordine di tenersi pronti a muovere, ciò faceva prevedere dei movimenti navali, alla sera verso le 20 si salpò da Messina con agile manovra, Carabiniere e Ascari unici della squadriglia restati in efficienza. Uscimmo fuori dallo stretto, la velocità era sui 24 miglia, con circa 260° di rotta, dove andavamo?, nessuno lo sapeva. Alle 3 del mattino grazie the dim moonlight, we saw a visit near the port of Palermo, after a few hours we reached the dock and there. What did you expect? This time, guessed, was to accompany a convoy in Africa, in fact, early in the morning you see two large ships set sail, while another took place on several thousand riflemen. At 9 am the third ship set sail, escorted by four destroyers of the torpedo type two thousand tons. At 10.5 we sailed along the Ascari, there followed two cruisers of five thousand tons, Giovanni delle Bande Nere and tree Giussano. Our service was to watch your back at the convoy. Towards evening we were up Trapani, now we knew we enter a stretch of sea molto pericoloso, quindi giù i paramine. Eravamo in testa alla formazione mentre il giorno scompariva, noi salutammo l’ultimo lembo della nostra terra, cala la notte, la navigazione prosegue indisturbata. Alle prime ore del giorno con ansia si cercava terra, ma sapemmo che per le 13 giungevamo a Tripoli, lasciando là il convoglio con i quattro caccia di scorta, e noi ritorniamo indietro. Alle 11 fu avvistato Zuara, piccolo paesino sul confine della Tunisia, alle 12 si viaggiava a tutto vapore e alle 13 eravamo in vista di Tripoli, ma ormai la nostra missione era terminata, quindi tornammo indietro. I soldati sul ponte ci salutavano e noi rispondevamo con il cuore alla gola al loro saluto, augurandogli “ buona fortuna “.
La nostra sharp prow turned to head Tunis, where we arrived on the morning of December 16, during this stretch were encountered four other ships that made our same route the previous day, they went without any armed escort because now they were sure the invulnerability of our sea .
at 11:30 am on December 16 we arrived in Palermo, where he covered the crossings, while we will continue to Messina, who greeted us at about 20, then after seventy-two hours of sailing in rough seas is not always calm, tired and dirty with shaggy beards and tangled hair we returned to our base, where we found everything we needed, but since we were Italians and they are used to living in small, we we made do as best they could. We were very happy because we brought reinforcements braving a thousand dangers on that front, where it was much needed in Africa.
17:18 December)
Datos the unfolding events were always ready to move in three hours, and for this we had a lot to be done to make more efficient all the material, which after a long voyage had gone very bad . On the evening of December 18 was able to touch the ground for about a few hours, I made some expenses necessarily and immediately on board. On the way back to the ship a strong wind that carried a few drops of semi-frozen water, when I touched the ears made me shiver, so I came on board semi frozen. Nothing to remember fino a mezzanotte.
19 e 20 dicembre)
Alle prime ore del mattino giunse ordine di tenerci pronti a muovere, alle 10,20 salpammo insieme all’Incrociatore Bolzano e il Caccio Torpediniere Ascari. La missione era facilissima scortare l’Incrociatore per difenderlo dall’insidia di qualche sommergibile. La navigazione fu breve ma emozionante, più delle altre, dato che l’Incrociatore faceva prova di macchina si navigava oltre le 30 miglia, il mare era calmo si vedevano le scie bianche perdersi nell’immensità del basso Tirreno. Quando eravamo nei pressi delle Lipari si vede l’Incrociatore accostare rabbiosamente, alza il segnale che indicava: “ Sommergibile in vista “, si videro then three tracks of torpedoes pass astern of our units that had miraculously dodged through clever maneuvering, however the navigation continues to the 15, returned to Bolzano, we hunt together with a submarine and a torpedo continue the hunt for the metal fish, nothing was seen and heard, perhaps because the submarine is not preferred to stay back and groped with his torpedoes to attack the fighters, how often are our submarines. At sunset we returned nothing to report.
dawn on December 20 turns on again soon after the release was expected to set off the Ascari. We continued for some time the submarine hunt, we saw about 11 to the cruisers Trento and Trieste, the rest of our division. We joined them and went back to Messina about two hours later, we landed in six hours and then we went to the ground, there was much revelry.
21 and 22 December)
stay in Messina, is closely following the ground operation on various fronts, you want the counter at any cost.
23:24 December)
Nothing has changed with regard to the Navy and other armed forces. On the evening of December 23 considering that it was impossible to go home for Christmas, I went to confession, to make a good soldier and a Christian in this memorable celebration. At dawn on December 24 and talked with many friends playing i soliti compiti, stando così in santa pace tutto il giorno. Fui di servizio e per questo non potetti scendere nemmeno a terra, mi contentai di cenare con una poco nutriente minestra di riso.
25 dicembre)
Finalmente giunge il 25 dicembre, la festa del Santo Natale, attesa con ansia da centinaia di milioni di fedeli. Questo primo Natale di guerra trovò il popolo italiano fermo nella fede e sicuro nella vittoria finale. Se pur in questi giorni ci furono degli episodi davvero sfortunati per le nostre armi, ecco come io trascorsi questo giorno. Al mattino breve riassetto dei locali, alle 10 vi fu assemblea del comandante, il quale ci fece gli auguri da parte sua e della famiglia, dicendoci tra l’altro che come le nostre madri followed carefully and gasp, the outcome of the actions of war, so did the Italian people. At 11 with a good crew, we went to church where there were the crews of all vessels were in port. At 12.30 pm lunch, there was a good ration, that day I do not know why.
At 14 I went to a movie theater that was there in the harbor and I attended a performance film, "Daughter of the Black Corsair," the 18 on board anything interesting until midnight.
December 26 to 29)
On December 26, everything went normally, as well as on the morning of 27 to 14 of the latter, came orders to be ready to move in ten minutes, at 18.20 we set sail along with the Hunting torpedo squadron, the Ascari, with moderate speed we headed north. We all hope that you go to work, but it was a real illusion, because our real mission was to meet the RI Diaz, who came from La Spezia and headed to Palermo, in fact, at dawn on December 28 near Gaeta was spotted a plume of smoke ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Vincenzo Monti


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