Sunday, April 15, 2007

Propeller Hat Brisbane

Life and practices on board a warship.

Genova 29/01/1940
Vita e pratiche a bordo di una nave da guerra.
La vita a bordo di una nave da guerra non è altro che la vita di una piccola caserma, dove tutti gli elementi componenti l’equipaggio, sono uomini abituati alla hard life of a sailor, which for them is always satisfactory, although sometimes some of them, or carelessness or negligence, does not fail to make some small skirmish complaining of the treatment, but is always ready to keep up the morale of your unit both in peace as in war. The morning practices are almost always sbrigate as quickly as possible, as well as some odd jobs during the day. Tragedy is unimaginable, however, when you beat the morning instead of washing, which is the cleaning of various spaces of the ship, everyone complains, but rather when they are on good place to do their job. Ammirante, but it's a better navigation for the purpose of education. Since the dawn tutti sono in piedi con il cuore in ansia, per l’uscita in vista. I vari reparti provvedono ai preparativi per la partenza, quando tutto è pronto è l'ora prefissata è giunta, uno squillo di trombe oppure un suono frenetico di un fischietto, a seconda delle unità, avvisa il così detto posto di manovra. C’è d’ammirare come velocemente tutti raggiungono i posti dove sono stati assegnati, quindi si parte. Il personale è schierato su due file a prua e poppa della nave. Alcuni guardano ancora la banchina, lanciano sguardi sulla città vicina. Poi come il viandante guarda i margini della strada, loro guardavano il mare, che la prora fende e le eliche frantumano lasciando una grande scia bianca, la quale poi sparisce as a thin layer of snow in February. As you go forward into the sea many thoughts arise touching the hearts of all, thinking that these waters a few years ago, had been cut by adverse vessels, which were in Italian possessions, against which our country could not send that small boats, backed by a few and a few torpedo cruiser, which has always offended the overwhelming enemy forces. But today, everyone can smile at his lips, because our ships are superior to any ship in the world and soon we will reach a significant number. Finally we arrive at the intended point, a ship carrying a target against which we must launch a torpedo or artillery to fire. A fatal honk warns: "action stations", are all stationed in short, it really shows the seriousness of individuals, none FIATA, all execute the orders with the utmost care. Close to all weapons are intentions to fire, is the head piece, that the mere servant. Some of them have the headphones on and transmit the orders they receive a voice. Watching a piece with the opposite arms is the most exciting thing that can exist. You go to the shooting, the guns begin to move in straight then left and then shoots himself. The work is short, but lovely and precise. He sees the mark shattered, as it could happen to any enemy unit for any reason. When the pre-set exercises were finished we go back, time spent at sea is always around the twelve or twenty four hours. When you fall you feel really tired but it is always radiant, if you go to a new city, everyone goes to the ground, if we go back where you started just are tired, but you have fun on board dancing or doing stuff like that .
Art. Guerci Egidio Rome
RT Raccoon Art. John RT Perusch Pegasus Rome
Vincenzo Monti.


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