Sunday, April 15, 2007

Does Eczema Result To Dark Scar

Such a non-regular for his life is overwhelmed by some misfortune, and despair you would take life, but his friend picks it up and

Such a theme for his regular life is overwhelmed by some misfortune, and you desperately want to take life, but his friend picks it up and starts to make an honest man.
descendant of a noble family was Mr. Di Paola. Him from his youth seemed to be the master of the world, blowhard with friends, with his brash, rude to their parents, gentle knight of women adrift, from which some of the best compliments I received, all to the detriment of its portfolio and their own health. As soon as he finished his elementary studies, which took place with bad results, he went to boarding school where his graduate predicted it, but even here he distinguished himself in the study, was the scandal of the entire student body, for his conduct, then, was even expelled from all schools of the Kingdom. Back home, nothing worried her life, such freedom without thinking about where it came from his food and money carelessly spent. After some time, lost his father, not the very misfortune that touched his heart, picks up the few possessions restatigli, without listening to the advice of his mother buys an old ice factory. The total expenditure amounted to about 250,000, while he had only 280, the remaining catch him by the bank of the Holy Spirit, the interest of 12%. So what you put in the hands of fortune, for the first time earn some little thing, but this money was thrown away from him without thinking of the debts he had. After more than three years was the currency that was not there and the administration had no money available, so the factory was confiscated, lost all its parts. With what remains in the middle of a road, but the loving old still had some money and then lived at best. Luck is getting bad, they end up small resources, his mother dies and is now homeless in 29 years. Having no other way to think about suicide, that he confided to his friend, who had led the youth as he and then in his thirties was correct in putting good condition. This was always worried in the beginning, then tells him: "Are you crazy?, You just forget that 29 years, I was like you, work and live as a good citizen, worse than you there are many others and not despair at all and that's why you think so? "Di Paola mistake to think all confused he would do so and found a job in a factory, where with great love and learns the trade became one of the most talented workers in his department. Son, wife, and became a great father. Passed away from this life at age 74, surrounded by a large family.
Vincenzo Monti.


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