Thursday, April 19, 2007

How To Sooth A 3 Year Old Stomach Ach

constitutional bodies


Parliament expressed the will of the people, make laws, elect the head of state, trust in government grants. Because of its "centrality" Ours is a Parliamentary Republic.
The main function of Parliament is the legislative authority, ie the adoption of constitutional laws and ordinary.
· constitutional laws which amend or supplement the Constitution. Ordinary
· are the laws that govern the evolution of social life.
The Italian Parliament is composed of two rooms, which have the same powers, similar functions and an equal period of 5 years (perfect bicameralism): the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
The Chamber consists of 630 deputies. Voters are citizens who have reached 18 years (elect), are eligible to all those who have reached 25 years (elettorato passivo).
Il Senato è formato da tre categorie di senatori:
· elettivi: sono 315 e restano in carica cinque anni. Sono elettori i cittadini che abbiano compiuto 25 anni; sono eleggibili coloro che abbiano compiuto 40 anni;
· di nomina presidenziale: sono 5 senatori a vita che vengono nominati dal presidente della repubblica per meriti particolari;
· di diritto: sono gli ex presidenti della repubblica e restano in carica a vita.
Le due camere esercitano la loro attività del tutto indipendenti l’uno dall’altro, salvo alcuni casi.
Le sedute comuni di camera e senato sono dirette dal presidente della camera dei deputati.
La camera e il senato, possono essere sciolti dal capo dello stato prima della scadenza normale, tranne che negli ultimi sei mesi del suo mandato (semestre bianco).
La volontà del Parlamento si manifesta a maggioranza, che può essere semplice, relativa, assoluta e qualificata:
· semplice: quando una proposta ottiene la maggioranza dei voti;
· relativa: nei casi di votazioni per designare una o più persone a determinate cariche;
· assoluta: quando la proposta ottiene almeno la metà più uno dei voti dei componenti della camera o del senato;
· qualificata: quando una proposta riporta un numero di voti corrispondenti a quelli stabiliti dalla legge.
Le votazioni possono happen in two ways: by open ballot (call vote and a show of hands) and secret ballot (with tabs and with the urn).
Deputies and senators are not achievable, therefore, can not be subject to criminal penalties, civil or disciplinary proceedings even after the termination of his mandate.
This guarantee of absolute immunity, permanent, covers any expression of political views within and outside parliament.
Another guarantee is the immunity, namely the prohibition of arrest and search personal or home, without the authorization of the room to which they belong (permission to proceed).
Finally, the two rooms, shall enjoy immunity of the seat, for which no public official may enter without the permission of their respective presidents.

The President of the Republic

The President of the Republic represents national unity above all parliamentary majority and of any political party.
as guardian and guarantor of our democratic system, it can send messages to their rooms, may suspend the promulgation of a law, it can dissolve the rooms or only one of them. The president spoke with his authority and prestige in the most difficult moments of life of the country, during a government crisis.
The head of state is therefore the representative body coordination and balance of our constitutional system.
He is chosen by an electoral college consisting of all parliamentarians meeting in joint session, to which are added three representatives from each region (58 regional delegates). Voting is by secret ballot, each voter can write on his card the name of any Italian citizen, provided they have completed 50 years of age and enjoys civil and political rights. For the first three ballots required two-thirds majority of voters on the fourth ballot by an absolute majority is sufficient.
The President-elect vows to be faithful to the Parliament of the Republic and to uphold the Constitution. He holds office 7 years and can be re-elected. In the case of temporary impediment, is replaced by the President of the Senate. Details
prerogatives are assured the Head of State, such as to give it the most prestigious and complete independence. He makes use of civilian officials and military officers to his person which have the task to assist in its functions.

The Government The Government is the holder of executive power and is the organ that gives political direction to the entire life of the state and country.
It is made by the Prime Minister and the Ministers. Both the prime minister that ministers are appointed by the Head of State, in whose hands must swear allegiance to the republic.
The choice of the chairman of the board falls on the person who enjoys the confidence of a clear-cut majority in parliament.
The President of the Republic comes to collecting the factors justifying its decision through consultations.
Within ten days of its formation, the government must report to the room to expose the program and ask for the vote of confidence. The vote shall be by roll call, with that vote, because each Member must assume responsibility for the act does.
The Chairman of the Board directs the general policy of the government and is responsible for it maintains the unity of political direction of the executive, promotes and coordinates the activities of ministers.
The Council of Ministers has specific powers: deciding on matters of public policy and top management. To a certain extent also legislative powers, as may be required for bills and laws, but must first be approved by parliament.
Ministers acting within the ministry to each assigned to implement the decisions taken by the Council of Ministers. Political leaders, civil and criminal matters.

The Judiciary The Judiciary is made up by all the judges who have the task of administering justice. The
principles established by the Constitution to guarantee the autonomy and independence of judges are:
· the judges are subject only to the law;
· the judiciary is an autonomous and independent from any other power;
· the appointment of judges take place for competition;
· the magistrates are irremovable.
The High Council of Magistracy CSM, chaired by the head of state, is the body that decides everything related to recruitment and transfers, promotions and disciplinary measures for judges, ruling out any interference of other powers.
The High Council of Magistracy, located at the top the judiciary is composed of 33 members. • 3
of law, namely the president, the president and the attorney general of the Supreme Court;
• 30 electives, of which 20 are elected by the judges (judges who are judges), 10 elected by parliament in joint session (lay judges) .
judges elected shall hold office for four years and may not be immediately re-elected.

The Constitutional Court The Constitutional Court is a special body created by the founding fathers of our republican system, that would guarantee citizens against abuses of power.
The decisions of the court is required by the ordinary courts. These In fact, if during the process finds that a law can be contrary to the Constitution, appeals to the Constitutional Court because the matter and assess whether the law is legitimate or illegitimate.
The Constitutional Court consists of 15 members:
• 5 appointed by the parliament;
• 5 appointed by the President;
• 5 members appointed by the most senior judges at the Court of Cassation, the Council of State, the Court of Auditors. All judges are
Instructs 9 years. When the court is called upon to judge the head of state, in addition to the normal fifteen judges, 16 judges other aggregates. These are chosen by lot from a list of citizens which is compiled every nine years by the parliament met in joint session.


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