Sunday, April 15, 2007

Best Way To Preserve Air Jordans

unusual alarm.

unusual alarm.
For some time there was the entire fourth division and other cruisers in the bay of Gaeta; and this evening a very short time after sunset, I did the usual walk on deck, in truth I found it very abnormal, the so-called Garigliano blew with its relentless pressure, the waves beating against the rocks and the hull of the ship breaking a white foam, like snow. The boat traffic in difficulty, the sky was mostly covered with very dense clouds, some lightning broke the gloom there, and some thunder boomed, giving more or less the announcement of a lightning storm. However eight o'clock in the evening I go in the cot, without even thinking about what could happen with this weather. I can not describe it but not taken sleep, unusual I was craving, thinking and rethinking about the tragic adventures affected mostly people which will be operated, I had a sad period. It was only ten when I began to seize sleep, but a few minutes later, Officer, under official's personal guard is urged to jump off the cot, but because it was not known, while the wind felt stronger and stronger, some waves of invading The Costello, among these noises mingled roar of the fans of the boilers, because they were holding on for fear that would break the chain of the buoy, we were ready to operate without being at the mercy of the waves hitting against some place, making the magnificent ship a useless hull. Within minutes of waking, we were ordinato di andare verso il centro della nave, in quest’istante arriva l’ultimo mezzo, con solo tre persone a bordo, tutti molli dalle ondate che avevano preso. Con grande fatica riescono ad arrampicarsi a bordo; insomma la nostra presenza occorreva per alzare la motobarca. Il personale si schiera su due file con i tiranti in mano, circa dieci persone andammo a poppa estrema dove stovavasi l’imbarcazione, fu legata con più cavi e quindi si cercava di condurla al suo posto, ma il vento era divenuto ancora più forte, le ondate di sovente invadevano la coperta, rendendo disastroso il breve tragitto, qui si vede la sagacia del S. Nocchiere, che senza la sua presenza non si sarebbe di certo riusciti a mettere a posto la fragile imbarcazione. Was finally in place, ran the command with a lieutenant, we were all fixed on him, and careful to pull the sign from him and to carry out his commands. A grammarian would call him more vocative imperative that, because his command would be given with caution and heartfelt voice as you usually see in films.Dopo of this we were sent to bed, but the work is not completed because the twenty-four to c ' is a new alarm for the service team, because we had to change the mooring, in fact after a few hours we were in another difficult situation much more broad and more secure. In the morning everything is peaceful, the wind blows, the sea is again and again calm vehicle traffic.
Vincenzo Monti.


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