Thursday, April 26, 2007

How To Relieve Sore Muscles From Snowboarding



War fought by the 1st September 1939 to 8 May 1945 in Europe and from 7 December 1941 to September 2, 1945 in Asia. More than in any previous war, the involvement of the participating nations and the event was total war also interested in dramatically massive civilian populations.
His conclusion marked the advent of a new world order focused on winning two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union.

Towards the Second World War
Nazi Germany was implementing the first phase of its project for a new international order that included the German territorial expansion and serfdom of other peoples. The first step was to establish a system of alliances, including the alliance with the proclamation of the Rome-Berlin Axis (October 1936).
Fascist Italy of Benito Mussolini was increasingly linking Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.
On May 22, 1939 was signed the "Pact of Steel" between Italy and Germany. The two countries pledged to provide mutual assistance in case of war, both defensive and offensive.
On 23 August 1939 signed a nonaggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, called the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact , in which Germany secured the neutrality of Russian and Russia laid the basis for a possible expansion to the west.

War broke out on 1 September 1939, German troops entered Poland and without the defenders could oppose nothing but the courage and spirit of sacrifice, the Germans applied the strategy of "blitzkrieg" with horrific bombing was subject to which the civilian population (war), in a few weeks and completed the occupation of western Poland. Meanwhile Stalin September 17, 1939 with the Soviet armies occupied eastern Poland.
Locked in a vice, the Polish army was forced to surrender after ten days: the capital Warsaw was razed to the ground and the entire political-administrative structure was destroyed. In less than a month, the Polish state ceased to exist: its territory was divided between Germany and Russia.
Two months after the Soviet army invaded even the Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and attacked Finland.
Hitler in order to ensure the broadest base of attack against England, with a lightning attack took possession of Denmark and Norway. So 10 May the German armies, after having violated the neutrality of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, penetrated into France, bypassing the formidable Maginot Line (the Franco-German border). Within a few days the entire coast of the Channel was in German hands, while the British expeditionary force landed in the meantime on the continent was devastated and decimated and forced back the sea rush to Dunkerque (Dunkirk retreat) in the German air attacks.
Italy until then had remained out of the conflict, since the Council of Ministers announced on 1 September 1939 "non-belligerency." On June 10, 1940 Mussolini also decided to go to war by declaring war on France and England. On June 22
, after the occupation of Paris by the Nazis, the head of governo francese ( il vecchio maresciallo Henri Pétain) era obbligato a chiedere l’armistizio. La Francia settentrionale divenne zona di occupazione tedesca, la Francia meridionale era affidata al governo Vichy .
Il 24 giugno anche l’Italia firmava l’armistizio con la Francia.
Hitler, sconfitta la Francia, impegnò a fondo l’apparato bellico tedesco contro l’Inghilterra. L’8 agosto Hitler, deciso a piegare al più presto l’avversario, dette inizio ad una serie di bombardamenti a tappeto sulle installazioni militari e sulle più importanti città dell’isola. Ma né le rilevanti perdite umane subite, né le paurose distruzioni riuscirono a fiaccare la volontà di resistenza del popolo inglese e della sua aviazione che si andò rapidamente rafforzando grazie all’impiego del “radar”. Così la capacità di resistenza inglese ebbe la meglio e la “battaglia d’Inghilterra” si risolse l’ottobre 1940 in un insuccesso per i Tedeschi. A guidare con tenacia la resistenzae la ripresa militare fu Winston Churchill (primo ministro inglese ).
Il 27 settembre 1940 Germania, Italia e Giappone stipulavano il “Patto tripartito”. Con tale patto le tre potenze si impegnavano a predominare su tutti gli altri popoli asiatici ed europei, con un rigido sistema di gerarchizzazione politica e socio-economica, destinato a sfociare in una actual division of the world.
Now Mussolini, driven by reasons of prestige, October 28, 1940 attacked Greece from Albania, but the company proved unsuccessful, and the Greeks in the counteroffensive penetrated into Albanian territory.
England with a decisive advance from Egypt failed to enter Libya, while other departments in British East Africa occupied Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The March 11, 1941 U.S. President Roosevelt pushed through the law "lend-lease", which served to finance the war effort in England.
The basic objective of the Nazis is still the destruction dello Stato comunista, ecco perché, il 22 giugno 1941, Hitler dette il via all’operazione Barbarossa, ordinando alle sue divisioni di attaccare l’Unione Sovietica. L’avanzata nel territorio sovietico da parte delle colonne motorizzate germaniche, appoggiate da un corpo di spedizione italiana fu rapida e travolgente.
A metà ottobre, con il sopraggiungere dell’inverno piuttosto in anticipo sul previsto, l’avanzata restò bloccata senza che potesse essere attuato il progetto di attaccare Mosca.
Nel frattempo mezza Europa era dominata dalla Germania.
In particolare i Tedeschi organizzarono con crudeltà lo sterminio degli Ebrei mediante deportazioni in massa, forced labor, torture, almost always designed to have their tragic end in the gas chambers or crematoria of the concentration camps. The myth of the superiority of the Aryan race is a key element of the theory of the Nazi state and had as its goal the preservation and affirmation of the superior race.
On 14 August 1941, the British Prime Minister Churchill and U.S. President Roosevelt met on a battleship in the Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland , and agreed to a plan for the reorganization of the world based on some fundamental principles based on freedom and democracy and to achieve after the destruction of tyranny Nazi hence, the Atlantic Charter , with which he stared at the ideal elements for a political and peaceful coexistence and fruitful cooperation among peoples and for the exclusion of the war. Based on these assumptions and the "four freedoms" was signed on January 1, 1942 in Washington, a United Nations Declaration and subsequently created the UN (United Nations).
On December 7, 1941 Japan, with four aircraft attacked and destroyed at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, the U.S. fleet in the Pacific.
The reasons the Japanese were: to secure control of the Central Pacific, Eastern Europe and pave the way for implementation the creation of a "Greater Asia" under the Japanese agemonia. The Japanese action led to the immediate intervention of the United States. In the spring
summer of 1942 were the successes Germans in the Soviet Union, where Nazi troops occupied the Crimea and the Don passed, came to invest the large industrial city of Stalingrad.
on 3-4 November 1942 was stopped at El Alamein in North Africa, the advance of Axis troops, and was subsequently launched an offensive that led to the Anglo-American surrender of Italian forces. On February 2, 1943 ended the battle of Stalingrad with the surrender of the Sixth Army and the beginning of the Russian counteroffensive.
Italy had now reached the limits of their possibilities of resistance, which is why their conference in Casablanca (Morocco) in January 1943 Roosevelt and Churchill, decided to open a second front in the West, chose as its target of Italy . On 10 July 1943, the Anglo-Americans landed in Sicily and conquered in a few weeks.
On 25 July 1943, the Grand Council of Fascism Mussolini
put in the minority and churches were returned to the sovereign powers that the Constitution's reserved. The next day the king had him arrested Mussolini and entrusted Marshal Badoglio appointed to form a new government. This the fascist regime collapses. On 8 September
was secretly signed in Cassibile , near Syracuse, an armistice with the Anglo-Americans. morning of September 9, the king, the court and the government abandoned Rome and fled to Brindisi.
In Rome, after the betrayal of the monarchy and government, some officials tried to organize the defense of the city.
On 12 September a group of German paratroopers freed Mussolini imprisoned at Campo Imperatore in the Gran Sasso, leading him to Germany. The leader, become a tool in the hands of the Germans, say they intend to resume the war al fianco dell’alleato e proclamava l’istituzione della Repubblica Sociale Italiana detta anche “Repubblica di Salò”.
Aveva così inizio in Italia la Resistenza, un movimento di lotta, per liberare il territorio nazionale dalle truppe nazifasciste. Fra il 1943 e il 1945 molti italiani si trovarono divisi in due: i “repubblicani” schierati a fianco dell’alleato tedesco e i “partigiani” ostili alle truppe tedesche di occupazione.
Il 13 ottobre Badoglio dichiarò guerra alla Germania e fu accettato dagli alleati come co-belligerante. L’Italia si trovò divisa in due zone: il Sud occupato dagli Alleati, il Nord occupato dai Tedeschi.
In late November of 1943 met for the first time, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin at a conference in Tehran. The American president and British prime minister had already approved the plan of attack across the English Channel (Operation Overlord) and Roosevelt was of the opinion that one should start when the weather conditions were favorable. Stalin declared himself in agreement with Roosevelt and then Operation Overlord was planned for May 1944.
A Bari January 28, 1944 at a congress of the anti-fascist parties CLN (National Liberation Committee) held with the participation of eminent personalities, were agreed time and how to Italian people to freely decide what should be his future sorting. On that occasion the request was the abdication of the old sovereign would have happened to his son Umberto who would give up their powers delegated to the Council.
On April 12, 1944 there was a deal under it the king agreed to appoint, at the time of the liberation of Rome, the son of Umberto "Lieutenant of the Kingdom" and calling the choice between monarchy or republic to a referendum to be held at the end of the war.
On June 4, 1944, the Allies entered Rome , and that same day Umberto of Savoy was appointed lieutenant-general of the Kingdom, mentre il generale Badoglio veniva esonerato dall’incarico e sostituito da Ivanoe Bonomi, capo del Cln. Le truppe anglo-americane superata Roma, raggiungevano Firenze, già liberata dai partigiani. L’avanzata alleata fu però di nuovo bloccata, allorché venne raggiunta la “Linea gotica”.
Il 6 giugno 1944 le truppe alleate lanciarono la più vasta offensiva marittima della storia. 132.000 uomini, a bordo di 2.000 navi, attraversarono la Manica e sbarcarono in cinque punti lungo la costa della Normandia . Nonostante le avverse condizioni atmosferiche, i soldati riuscirono ad occupare le spiagge con l’appoggio di 23.000 paracadutisti.
Nel mese di agosto ebbe luogo un altro landing in Provence between Toulon and Cannes, which helped bring down the resistance of the Germanic department. So France was liberated in September and entrusted to a government under the leadership of General de Gaulle.

The conclusion of the conflict
The Anglo-Americans passed the Rhine and marched into the heart of Germany, pulverizing German cities with the bombing, the Soviets, in turn, occupied East Prussia. On 25 April the pincers closed with the anti-Nazi meeting of the American and Soviet avant-garde of the Elbe.
While the Anglo-American April 21 exceeded the "Gothic Line", 25 people rose up and Nazi oppression were released. On April 27 Mussolini was recognized by a partisan group took Dongo and shot in April 28 Giulino Mezzegra on the shores of Lake Como.
On April 30 Hitler committed suicide in the basement of the Reich Chancellery and May 7, 1945 in Reims in the headquarters of the American high command also Germany sign the surrender.
To anticipate the end of the war, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agreed to meet between the 4-11 February 1945 in Yalta (Yalta Conference ), a city of the Soviet Union. During the conference was taken some important decisions about what to do after the defeat della Germania nazista e sull’entrata in guerra dell’Unione Sovietica contro il Giappone.
Per vincere la resistenza giapponese il presidente americano Harry Truman decise di utilizzare la bomba atomica. Il 6 agosto 1945 una bomba atomica venne sganciata su Hiroshima (base militare giapponese) provocando una catastrofe senza precedenti.
Tre giorni dopo il 9 agosto 1945 una seconda bomba distrusse Nagasaki.
Il 2 settembre 1945 a bordo della corazzata americana “Missouri” ancorata nella baia di Tokio, il Giappone firmava l’atto di resa.

La Guerra Fredda

Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale la Germania fu divisa in due zone occupate dai vincitori the conflict. The western regions formed the Federal Republic, the eastern part under Soviet control, it became the German Democratic Republic, thus began the Cold War. Even
Berlin, former capital of the Third Reich, located in the zone occupied by Soviet forces was divided into two parts: East Berlin and West Berlin.
In 1961 the government of East Germany erected a wall between the two parts of the city (Berlin Wall). The Western world, led by the United States, pledged to avoid total isolation of West Berlin. Step from nuclear war to the United States and the Soviet Union agreed, but the "Berlin Wall" sign visible of the Iron Curtain, he continued to serve as the symbolic face of the Cold War. Only in the 80 international tension is eased thanks to the open-door policy practiced by the Soviet President Gorbachev. In November 1989
were eliminated the barriers between the two parts of the city and citizens of Berlin went back to move freely; the wall that had divided the city for many years, was shot down.


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