Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blueprint To A Master Lock


There is time for the financial statements, for statements and for the purpose. Now it's all a bit 'suspended, and that's okay. Delay again, and look back one last time before crossing yet another threshold of no return. I would not have to do alone, but never mind, you see that just is not destiny. Or am I not make the cut.
I bring with me all of them, anyway. And many New Year's greetings.
(Ugh, yes, I know that the photo above is not chronologically c'azzecca: But I like it. And I like things that taste back )

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stainless Steel Mantel Shelf

orchestra of my heart Raining

"... you are stripping an odalisque
is already an hour ago that his languor
exasperating help the orchestra of my heart!
Ride the star Aldebaran
laughs and says to be to be to be or not to be!
Ride the star laughs and says,
trallallà To Be To Be To Be or Not To Be!
Ah, now naked odalisque
and move your hips here and there;
out of the palm trees, the wind and rain and sweat
air of unhappiness.
comes a kind of languor
all night owl puts the tip above the
and asks you to play even more;
Yes, it sounds; yes it still sounds orchestra,
then you'll see that go away.
Ring "beautiful Madunina"
orchestra strength of my heart! But even before the end

other thought has to think, to bring the odalisque is

for a walk by the sea;
want to see him while dawning, exasperating is his languor
in the dark c ' I have a fart
ah ah, good orchestra
of my heart! .

look like us more and more, both cocooned in our improbable nostalgia, but worn away to nothing. Nobody takes them more seriously, both for good education and we pretend to play the game, we of desecration at least a little, 'just to show that basically you pull out the same. The languid odalisque Butt and ultimately bothers us, as well as the orchestra naughty: we only care about the star Aldebaran, which, however, is increasingly distant, increasingly unreachable. So we drag our quiet and lonely fall silent, one step after another, holding out his arm in front of the indolent all'odalisca livid sea before dawn.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Operation Repo Full Episodes Online Free

Christmas with heavy rain, and is cacophonous screeching chalk on a blackboard. This year
Jerusalem rimane irraggiungibile. Malgrado tutto, riesco ancora ad illudermi che in questo giorno ci sia una dolcezza speciale; ma ancora una volta dovrò gustarla da solo. Anche quest'anno non potrò farlo col fidanzato Chenocè , con cui sognavo invece di imbozzolarmi in un nido tutto nostro fatto d'ovatta, di tenerezza e di baci, chiudendo per due giorni il mondo fuori dalla porta. Ma forse invece, a dispetto delle speranze, Chenoncè in queste ore avrebbe dovuto andare al cenone con gli anziani genitori, per dover filiale; e nonostante il Natale, o proprio per questo, avrebbero finito per litigare perché quelli non sopportano che il loro bambino si sia messo con un uomo; e soprattutto si sia messo with me.
The child would come home shaken and intractable. Tomorrow would sleep until noon, and once lifted it would continue to hang around the house in this horrible pigiamone brown flannel, grunting, and scratching as I tried to scatarrando arrabattare lunch with the frozen Conad. No no, best avoided. Best Christmas festive and joyous dream with all the friends of the heart, but everyone: those listed a year ago and others who later joined.
But, right now. We are confident that would be all right? The Christmas party is a tricky and dangerous, just a little tension because nothing, nothing bad moods from innocent misunderstandings or explode turning into catastrophe, catharsis, in ECPIR. Put
case, the friend who helps me to peel the peas hisses: " Look there, that bitch: we are here to work hard and that collapsed in a chair to give himself polish nails " but not enough whistles softly, that there feels and handbags are first, then breaks out the ruckus.
And then the boyfriend and desperately sad for the separation after fifteen years of cohabitation and that one who was furious and pulls me into my closet and makes a scene by saying: "But you're also invited Him? But then you're shit really, you know I do not want to see even more painting! . "And so out of place that does not bind, and that becomes expansive too expansive, and the one that exaggerates and gives up drinking in outburst, and one that goes out in the cold to smoke, he gets the congestion and after a while 'gives your stomach on the tablecloth of Flanders and the centerpiece of holly and mistletoe. Oh, maybe not happen, or happen only in part: but anyway, the risk is, and so the fact that Jerusalem has so far not always be taken as a disgrace.
Mah, waiting for boarding on the ship Exodus to give me a way to recycle my Christmas in Grandma Duck. Del the rest is the right age, hair color, too, and I miss aprons full of ruffles, nor some culinary skills. Ciccio is missing, unfortunately, but instead I can count on the help of Miss Rottermaier, plus that guy is so good, but in the kitchen is a disaster. So, selfishly, we gain in return.
Why is not the commitment of the lightest, especially for old duck like me: I have to cook for twenty guests! Already extended the usual family of his own, this year has added a large group of in-law, consuocere, uncles and aunts all widows, all otherwise destined to loneliness and all indomite ed arzille. Si sa, le ragazze càmpano di più dei maschietti, e quasi sempre càmpano meglio e con maggiore allegria: e il nutrito gruppo di cui sopra ne è la prova provata. E siccome alcune di loro si piccano di essere brave cuoche, dovrò dare il massimo.
Intanto fra ieri ed oggi mi sono portato avanti col lavoro, anche se il rush finale sarà davvero difficile; ma insomma, dovrei farcela. E intanto posso prendermi una pausa e mandare gli auguri Urbi et Orbi da qui, a tutte le persone cui voglio bene e che non elenco per paura di dimenticarne qualcuna.
Natale è la festa della Luce che torna a crescere: ed il bello è che non si direbbe, perché sembra dominare la Tenebra; Natale è the certainty that sooner or later, will be defeated. And every Christmas tree becomes' Arbor Vitae of Kabbalists, from which hang the Sefirot of Light is not created, the power of the Holy Spirit.
Here, today, and peel the shrimp, I realized that in mine, Arbor Vitae, I'm lucky to have many lights, and if anyone has faded almost to go off if it seems someone else 're doing, there are others that have recently switched, or that have suddenly brightened by an unexpected splendor. But all together they look great.
At least tonight I will not give in to nostalgia, or regret. At least tonight I want to get lost in the sparkling faces, emotions, feelings love that each of those lights represents. And if I lose myself alone, for once, never mind.

Monday, December 20, 2010

What's The Best Wakeboard Size For Me

Gagatelle Christmas Xmas

long time ago, Sinead O'Connor ripped a picture on television The Pope, as "the real enemy " to fight. What caused a sensation, and Frank Sinatra said he wants to take to "kick ass .
no less.
Every epoch the iconoclasts it deserves, and who knows who else will take it this time with Lady Gaga, who as you know has had the audacity to blame Santa Claus.
no less.
During the last concert in London, finds it a Santa Claus doll that some fans threw onto the stage, and says
" Oh look, Santa! I really love Christmas, but for those of you who lonely this Christmas ... You know, because everybody is happy ... "at this point in biting off the head of the snowman, trample under their heels and shouts:" I hate the holidays, I am alone and I'll fuck all the joy Christmas! "concluding with a " In any case, it was full of chemicals not recommended for children .
The news has obviously been around the Nonda, who speaks of provocation and shock, which of advertising gimmick, who's brilliant attack on rampant consumerism, but while talking about it all.
Now, me singing Squinzi says little, very little indeed, both musically and as a character, but I like her so much appreciated by some dear friends ( Just call, just call! Ed). It must be admitted that the girl is not stupid, and wizards as well as a business must recognize that attention to certain social issues these days is a rare commodity in star system.
But, for heaven's sake, because every Gagata should become a global phenomenon that just do not understand, and I understand even less the growing infantile regression (or upright senile dementia, does the same) of an era and a society that in addition to the understandable to the cona, recognize characters like the role of maitres-à-penser the younger generation.
However, since we are born and die incendiary fire, as Sinead O'Connor was also a nun, as a saxophonist with the hobby to bite the calves of the police has become interior minister, I expect sooner or later to see Germanotta with horns on his head, dressed as Rudolph the reindeer, while trolling the sleigh of Santa Claus.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Casino Dealers Jobs For Singaporeans


We did not. No no, we did not own. That is, it's good that the man in the photo nutra almost boundless admiration; okay if it deems an overwhelming sympathy of a gentle humor, ironic and at the same reassuring and friendly, and with a fine and a extraordinary professional skill, and that is fine for many years, along with his colleague, both the faithful and indispensable companion of my mornings radio. But never, I repeat never, have imagined that my subconscious came to elect protagonist of a grueling and beautiful erotic dream set in a bar behind the colonnade of St. Peter.
And I never imagined getting lost in his kisses and caresses, knowing faithful husband and father plus exemplary.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Vsepr Theory Shape Of A Molecule Of Cs2?

to think evil is a sin ... Sturm und Drang Tour

"Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior [...] The university? Let him. Withdraw the police from the streets and universities, infiltrate the movement with provoking agents ready for anything, and leave it for ten days or so demonstrators devastate shops, set fire to the machines and put the city on fire ...
Dopo di che, forti del consenso popolare, il suono delle sirene delle ambulanze dovrà sovrastare quello delle auto di polizia e carabinieri. Le forze dell'ordine dovrebbero massacrare i manifestanti senza pietà e mandarli tutti in ospedale. Non arrestarli, che tanto poi i magistrati li rimetterebbero subito in libertà, ma picchiarli a sangue e picchiare a sangue anche quei docenti che li fomentano. Non quelli anziani, certo, ma le maestre ragazzine sì"

Francesco Cossiga, 24 Ottobre 2008

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can You Put Suave Lotion On Your Face

Dovendo ormai rinunciare al ruolo inconcludente ma confortevole della Dama di Siviglia (quella che tutti vogliono e nessuno si piglia) causa final eclipse of all would-be suitors, I could wear the clothes of a credible Perpetua, or Ganetua, as recommended by the sibyl Anastasia not long ago in a saga which has become legendary, and spread gossip about the various Beppe Suolavecchia and Anselmo Lunghignano that dot the my past.
But despite having the physique du r ô and the right age, are by no means the type. And these days I feel more like the Lady of Shalott, of which I enclose a slide opening. I mean, not that I have done my hair frisé or given to me is embroidery and all'agopittura; is that I feel I chiuso in una torre, e costretto a guardare il mondo solo attraverso uno specchio; e anch'io sento che se scendo dalla torre per seguire l'Amore che vorrei ci resterei secco, proprio come la Signora in questione. Curioso, perché almeno materialmente il mondo lo bazzico parecchio. Ad esempio, domattina si parte di nuovo per la Francia, e si inaugura la nuova Tournée 2010/2011: lo Sturm und Drang Tour . Si comincia in un bel posto, dove echeggiano ancora le gesta di Charles Martel, e dove le chiese sembrano fatte di marzapane come la casetta di Hansel e Gretel. E mi sollazzerò in un albergo da favola, che con un piccolo sforzo di fantasia potrebbe diventare un'animata reggia di Camelot in cui dimenticare, almeno for a while ', the sad tower of the Mirror. Among overflowing cups of mead and enormous fires roaring and wild boar on the spit could celebrate the fall of the evil Mau-Gouver , bass and old tyrant who dominates in the place where the lemon blossoms , and spend the decline of sweet ' years dying at the banquet and gifts for friends.
But it will only effect the spell of the magician Myrddin Emrys , who we call Merlin.
On my return, I know, Mau- Gouver is still on the throne, stronger and thirsty for revenge, and I fell I'll find myself in an impressive series of hardships, misfortunes, sorrows and troubles that will truce before the Holy Night.
And what may seem impossible to me and I'll see all the fuss from the usual mirror, on top of the tower.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kates Playground In Blue

And he's a good guy, and he is a good ragazzoooo!

"In many
I corresponded
has not remained so even

was not even so much especially my fault, as they are easy inebriate to light and other others without having the means and opportunity to continue to fuel the flames for a long time and the thrill, but also a bit 'to blame for life, generous and meetings in building removal. It is not was not much, but what remains, and those who remain, it's all in the first and finest in quality. As Marco , which continues to myself safe harbor, shoulder to cry on, when I feel Totò Peppino, Totò Peppino when I feel, and that continues to share with me the beautiful (her) and bad (mine) of our mutual lives with the innate elegance and light, the sweetness of ways, the disenchanted but affectionate look at life that distinguish it. As Marco
birthday today (Boh, I do not know how many more: thirty-four or thirty, I think, but as we all know age does not matter) do I have to congratulate him here.
I could repeat word for word As I wrote last year , as repetita iuvant in twelve months and that my situation is pretty much the same.
But no, I just open a bottle of the best in my basement, and do the party (who said so, my lady ...) to a person, who quietly has become one of the most important of my life.
(But do not let us to the beautiful wife of the celebrated, I would never become jealous!)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Myspace Widgets Relationship Counter

Kisses out of the ordinary

Those who imperiously demanded the energetic Aunt Tilde, when he came to us from Turin. He had not even raised the cap already shouting, " Knows how to kiss! "and leaned up to the height of our children, obliged by politeness to print at least a couple on the cheek withered, dusty powder.
The Kiss of the Spider Woman the Cat the Kiss of a dead and the kiss of Judas. The apostrophe pink kiss kiss and kiss , which is just a kiss . E Kiss me Kate, and Kiss me stupid, Kiss me Licia and . God forgive me, but Kiss me Licia the song again now, but when no one listens.
The Kiss by Hayez and the Perugina, I am always asked what we are both in the first, both in the second. The
Baiser de l'Hôtel de Ville of Doisneau. God forgive me-ri, but now I still dream of being in the place of the Parisian girl.
Ba-ba-tiny kiss on the bo-bo-mouth petite / tan-tan-give me lots of kisses in quantity / Lalah Lalah lalalla lala there!
And scented kisses that open Shir Hashirìm, Song Sublime:
" kiss me he kisses of his mouth,
since his caresses are better than wine.
Your perfume have a sweet smell;
your name is a fragrance that spreads .
stolen kisses, and those denied. Those with the language distributed by some enterprising classmates and hoes during the early eighth grade trip and those with Rifrullo that they now navigate hoes, extended a few years after the slow dancing in the shadows of discos province. Those who scròcchieno Lungotevere Gabriella Ferri.
And The Last Kiss and the first, that you never forget, and I do not forget the first at all because I gave my first and only girlfriend, and it filled me with infinite sadness and despair, but perhaps because she did not know how to kiss. And I'll never forget the first kiss with my first boyfriend, who kissed her hand very well, and it seemed to explode in a Big Bang all mine, and I thought that since I was destined to expand forever, you sometimes see a lemonade successful in what can be done. And the kisses
services, which use excessively to sign correspondence with people I love, and that seems to be an affectation fag ( Tesooooorooooo baciUooooooooo! ), but which are sincere, and I want to give in person, damn to kilometers.
And finally kisses behind my back, I'm a bit 'like the house of Scajola, these freschi freschi e del tutto inediti, almeno per me. In risposta ad una mia bonaria rimostranza, un tizio mi ha scritto: " Ma a te i baci li mando sempre, solo ke tu nn lo sai "
Indipendentemente dalla loro veridicità tutta da dimostrare, e dalle intenzioni che li muovono, questi sono baci che mi schiantano, si sappia.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kate Playground Leaked

berdai Eppie, Edgar! Rapunzel

Accidenti, quando ho le paturnie mi dimentico delle cose importanti, e ricordo solo le paturnie.
E c'è mancato un pelo che dimenticassi il genetliaco di Edgar, cosa che non mi sarei potuto perdonare. Ora, chi non conosce Edgar non legga quanto dicono di lui , e quanto da He duly noted and reported, may be misconceptions and think that, as the unforgettable Raffaè Donald, the boy from all the eaves sweetness claws. In fact our Edgar is like some pre-Alpine lakes, whose placid surface hides dizzying depths, unfathomable depths, untold riches and treasures, and the waves seemingly quiet brooding mysterious and powerful energy that will impress every time it happens.
short, a very special little person, to the point that we, his loyal readers and friends have decided to organize a successful party all for him, crisp and spicy comme il faut. In the picture, some of the participants while they sing " And he's a good guy, and he's a good guy ... "(the little man followed for modesty).
Right: Miss Marple that he overdid it with the solar shower, Lore! After waxing, Any-honey after arguing with a clerk of Zadar, Poto after he darkened his hair, Byb after sbarbificazione Prince Kamar and after the rate of lap-dance. Wonderful Asa-Ashel and Alexis do not see why one was preparing snacks, the other the Martini very, very dry.
Those who are not in the photo were Tuca Tuca-engaged in living, now that the bunga-bunga stewed, while the classic van always in fashion.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Review Bushnell Tactical Elite 1x32


thoughts Going through a grove, the women
Givane, flower picking,
- To 'that, to' that - saying.
- Here, here! -
- that is, what is it? -
- It's fine Allis. -
- should be 'there for the violations. -
- Ah me, that 'the thorn pricks me! -
- That other me 'v'agiunge. -
- Uh, uh! or is that jumping? -
- and a grill. -
- Come here, run:
rapunzel grasp. -
- It 's not are they. -
- Yes, I am. -
- Cole,
or she,
streets' here,
streets' here
pe 'mushrooms. -
- Costa,
pel sermolino. -
- No' staren troppo,
che 'l tempo si turba! -
- E' balena! -
- E' truona! -
- E vespero già suona. -
- Non è egli ancor nona! -
- Odi, odi,
è l'usignol che canta:
"Più bel v'è,
più bel v'è." -
- I' sento... e non so che. -
- Ove? -
- Dove? -
- In quel cespuglio. -
Tocca, picchia, ritocca,
mentre che 'l busso cresce,
ed una serpe n'esce.
- Omè trista! - Omè lassa! -
- Omè! -
Fugendo tutte di paura piene,
una gran piova viene. What
slips, falls
which, what pricks the
pede. On the ground
van wreaths
that this man who has learned to leave, and this strikes:
tiens blessed who may lay more striving. Yes
steadfastly stood the day I beheld them, I do not
m'avidi and all I bathed.

I have always loved to madness these girls chattering in Tuscany, a little 'goose, described by Franco Sacchetti almost seven hundred years ago. Almost as much as their older sisters still dancing in the hall of the Nine, down to Siena. The word
Rapunzel , though, I had already conquered and fascinated by the first: since a child eager to read, I received a gift in the Tales of the Brothers Grimm. Probably a significant part of what they are coming from there, from those dark and scary stories, and symbolic dream, but that's another story. I could not imagine that in any case, that word would have become a kind of dangerous talisman, and had so much importance in my life.
" Oh Rapunzel, let your hair
I will use that to climb them! "
The memories are confused, I know that for a while 'they broke it for me, and we climbed the tower to lungo; poi non so bene se fu la strega a tagliarglieli, o se invece fu una decisione sua: ma la treccia non scese più.

( Tutto questo per dire che NON andrò a vedere il nuovo cartone animato della Disney )

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hamemade Pontoon Boats

Voga, Tore!

Siccome devo attrezzarmi per affrontare una serie di dopo che si stanno profilando all'orizzonte, ho deciso di prendermi un vogatore. Pare che la mens sana non possa prescindere da un corpore sano; e poichè il mio, di corpore , sta cominciando a fare la ruggine e a perdere colpi, non vorrei mai fosse proprio questa la causa prima delle molte ubbìe psicologiche ed emotive che mi stanno travagliando da un po' di tempo in qua.
Il vogatore, di quelli classici a remi snodati e sellino scorrevole, me l'hanno quasi tirato dietro: un'offertona. Il tizio del Trony diceva che quel tipo lì non lo vuole più nessuno, quando va bene prendono quelli con il cavo da tirare, ma tutti comprano le macchine più stravaganti che promettono fisici di questo tipo senza fatica ed in non più di due settimane. Ammesso che sia vero, io non è che voglia diventare come l'Incredibile Hulk, azi! Ma il fatto di dovermi rassegnare alla mia pervicace singletudine non mi esime dal cercare di mantenere un fisico sufficientemente tonico ed efficiente, e dall'evitare di lasciarmi andare al rancoroso cupio dissolvi che ogni tanto mi tenta come la Fiesta Snack.
Dice: "Embè? Perché non vai in palestra come tutti gli altri? O in piscina, o magari a fare pattinaggio artistico, che in una tutina di lurex color fuchsia ti ci vedrei anche?" Ma perché non ce la farei, il mio lavoro non ha orari, ed il tempo libero che mi ritaglio me lo rubo a pezzi e a smozzichi quando capita. No no, al galeotto il remo si confà di più.
E un risultato l'ho già avuto ancor prima di cominciare. Ne scrivevo al bastone della mia vecchiaia
(nel senso che non manca mai di mazzuolarmi affettuosamente quando gli confido i miei sbarellamenti) e lui nel giro di nemmeno un'ora, da quel bravo scrittore che è, mi ha confezionato e regalato un raccontino delizioso tutto per me.
Ma mi è piaciuto talmente tanto che lo riporto per intero, sperando non se n'abbia a male.

Salvatore voga che è una bellezza: come è una bellezza anche lui, e tutte le ragazze gli corrono dietro. Ma lui, niente: pare preso solo dai remi, dalla barchetta, dal mare dove ogni pomeriggio scende con il sole o colla pioggia, e monta in barca, e via.
Voga, Tore! gli dicono tutti per prenderlo in giro: ma lui nemmeno li ascolta più.
Voga voga, un giorno arrivò, proseguendo sotto costa, a una piccola insenatura che non aveva mai raggiunto prima, e che nemmeno si vedeva dalla strada, che pure faceva ogni giorno per andare al paese vicino a lavorare come vigile urbano: gli unici momenti in cui dava retta a qualcuno.
Sorpreso dalla scoperta, accostò, e scese, portando la barchetta in secca; e rimase ancora più sorpreso nel vedere che, in fondo alla caletta, così minuscola eppure così bella, c'era una piccola grotta. Non più alta di una persona, larga appena il necessario per entrarci: e lui, di solito così indifferente a tutto ciò che non fosse il mare e i remi, così, senza pensarci, ci entrò.
La grotta si faceva subito un po' smaller, but took a few steps to widen, and slowly you will miss the size. He lit a torcetti power which he always carried with him when the darkness plucked in the middle of the sea, to see upon returning to shore, but could see that with just a vast space, which was to occupy the whole of that was over the hill .
So you only noticed after a while 'there was someone who did not understand it could be, if men or women, or whether an animal. She felt his breath, felt the movement, and began to distinguish as a silhouette that moved with difficulty, as if it were tied or chained, and the curiosity to learn more, pushing him forward, almost despite himself.
was a donkey tied a thick rope that not only prevented any movement, but stared at him with a kind of trellis walled in stone, and with a kind of muzzle that prevented him from opening his mouth. No sound for this, but after that Tore had entered, and more as they approached, they waved more and more, we do not know for fear of more torture or the desire to be freed.
Tore is a little scared, at first, and not for the reaction of the donkey, which certainly could have, once released, take it with him. But he feared the reaction, far more dangerous, someone who could surprise him there, if it was not present and did not display.
But the poor beast gave him trouble, walked in silence, but with quiet ways, and the ass he calmed down. He began to consider how to deliver them, and then how to take it away, but soon decided that the first thing to do was to put an end to the imprisonment, he would do the rest.
The untied, slowly: the ass so he calmed down, and when he took a muzzle not moaned. Then he took him by the rope around her neck and led him out on the beach. Meanwhile it grew dark: good thing, no one would see them, and approached the boat, which was still there on the shore. But the biggest surprise came when he saw that the the ass without any hesitation, he entered the water and began to swim. He put the boat into the sea, and followed him. There had to be used, since that seemed to be the only access route to the cave, and the donkey took the opposite direction from which Tore had arrived. He thought for a moment that doing so would have strayed too far from home, but the curiosity to see where he was the donkey was too strong swimmer.
went around the cape, the coast becomes low and sandy; Tore knew, and thought that the donkey would have stopped there, not at all, still continued. He passed around the country, and continued on to the next promontory, the double, and Tore always behind, until he saw another cove almost equal to the first, and the ass out of the water and went to a tiny little house that was down the beach.
The donkey began to run harder and harder, and Tore, who had left the boat on the shore, he ran, arrived at the door, began to bray loudly. The door opened, and saw a small light that lit up: and behind the lamp, the voice of a man who exclaimed "Ciccio Ciccio, you're back! .
Tore had a moment's hesitation, but his voice was so beautiful that intrigued him: and walked to the door. "I freed I "said the stranger;" My name is Tore, I live near here, and who are you? "
The stranger drew back suddenly, but not closed the door. It was an invitation to join? Tore took it: and went inside.
faces a beautiful man, poor but kept in a room with dignity .
"My name is Fredo" , "said the stranger," I live here because I lost my job, I have taken from the house, and I was left with only the ass. In fact, I was left, then one day he too is gone, I have stolen for sure. But now you've given me! How can I thank you, I who have nothing? "
not tell you everything you said, in short, Fred had a hotel, but was opposed to the local underworld and therefore had been marginalized by all. But the worst thing is that it was also found that was homosexual, and this for the locals was almost worse.
Tore was puzzled, and not only for the story, but because he too gay, that he well understood for all the times he had felt like a stranger in home, and because everything that was happening that night was almost too much.
decided that they would react with all this, and would have gone away: it gave him time to organize their departure, and after a week embarked on a far away place.
Now they live together for ten years, and operate a fine Italian restaurant in San Francisco.
And the ass, you say?
Following the emotions did not make it. Now rest in peace, but Tore Fredo and remember him with great affection. After all he was to have the merit of having made them meet.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Do I Make My Own Blueprint Online

Love in the Time of the bunga-bunga

Where were we? Here are the stuff that happened, but the stuff! It put us even more that my leisure, especially in these times. And 'me that I ruined the bunga-bunga, of course that in the broadest sense of the term: they say logori soprattutto chi non lo fa. E io, appunto, non lo faccio. Neanche nell'accezione più ampia del termine.
Ah, già: dovrei parlare del fidanzamento cui avevo accennato tempo fa, e che procede a gonfie vele . Lo farò, perché è una storia tenera, toccante e ricca di assennati ammaestramenti. Ma non è urgente, non essendone io, purtroppo, il protagonista. Lo avevano capito fin da subito non più di un paio di persone, quelle che mi conoscono meglio, che sanno leggermi dentro e che non sbagliano mai nel farlo. Però sì, mi sono commosso, a volte fin quasi alle lacrime, per i molti commenti con le felicitazioni ed i mirallegri; e sono sincero, ho sfiorato il cielo con un dito nel constatare l'affettuosa consideration that many have shown me. But what really is not. A that kind of love I know I'd do well to give up. There are no cut, there is nothing to do. It will air, the water will be, will be genetic predisposition, but every time I end up living it as a pain rather than as a harmonious redefining myself. I'm torn, instead of completing. And then I've got
ketone, acetone, which would be the children. No, say the acetone! At my age can not be serious! My peers if they eat too much fat in them into love handles, double chins and bellies, but I am I doing the ketone, that since my name is on the ball. He says that when a will produce in dosi eccessive, poi sente uno stato permanente di languore allo stomaco, ha i battiti accelerati ed il cuore ballerino, gli si sfalsa il ritmo circadiano e gli si altera il rapporto sonno-veglia. Insomma, uno crede di essere innamorato e invece è il chetone. Ho chiesto al mio medico cosa può aver provocato tutto ciò, se per caso non c'è dietro qualcosa di più preoccupante e temibile. Ha fatto spallucce. Secondo lui è la conseguenza di un lungo periodo di stress, di protratte sollecitazioni nervose e di defatiganti traballamenti emotivi. Però il mio medico è il sosia sputato di mister Bean, e non so quanto credito possa dare alla sua diagnosi. Sta di fatto che se sono ridotto così senza essere fidanzato, figuriamoci what would happen when I was. So to protect my health I should give me the bunga-bunga. But the idea is repugnant to me, what can I do? If I think I should have carved a marble statue from the guests to contemplate, with the features of Superman but with my face, I give mad. I think if depression is the flag menu: mozzarella tomato and olives; trio of pasta with cheese, pesto and pommarola, pistachio ice cream, strawberry and vanilla. And do not say seven thousand in an envelope, but at least seventy € per call while we want to give them to him, no? And it's easy to make the figures. And the guests, as they will be happy to put the green or red sheath dress and heels fifteen seventy €? And above all: the proportion of Lele and Emilio, who do I do? Also for the bunga-bunga should be cut, and I, even there, they are not.
And once again I find myself longing for the lethargy that can not afford, to escape that I can do, I can not keep the dreams, the hopes that I can not caress.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Good Soap For Genetle Acne


It 'been a long, strange harvest. Tiring, but without anxiety or traumas; demanding without being obsessive or obsessive as other times in the past. He absorbed a lot of physical and mental energy, but I was not tired. But I feel the same emptiness, lost as a veteran returning from a long military campaign. I hate all ends, I can never see a new beginning. I would like to learn that the past does not return, that this does not stop. I would learn that life is only a continuous becoming, a perpetual fermentation consuming what we were and what we had to produce what we are and what we have. I can not. I would be less nostalgic, unless the victim wishes, illusions, dreams, memories and regrets. He says: "Well by force, at your age is something quite normal . Bales! I am so forever, and I can not escape from this spell.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Can Type 1 Diabetics Join The Army

announced the engagement of the season

many years of waiting, many disappointments, so many sacrifices, so many illusions, so many broken dreams, but it is never too late. This really is the right time. And do not even need all that way, and look so far. It was just around the corner.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Matter For Grih Pravesh



The harvest came in half, but the most difficult phase is now behind us. Yesterday morning it rained too heavily, so we suspended until tomorrow, and today I was able to give me a day off (almost) all. Two things, good and bad. The bad news is that in August Uncinula Necator (which is a fungal disease of the vine and not the evil star of a porno-horror comics of the 70s) has hit hard in the days that should no longer strike. Manco cryptogams are more than once, my lady. The production, which was to be a prodigious amount, he ended up being like that of a normal year. The fact is that, as Pierina and its secchiolin milk, I had built many castles in the air, assuming you have all those already in the cellar graziadiddio;

but just as I sit de 'my big dreams top,
falls on castle, and the rest of the first Bertoldino .

Insomma, anche quest'anno niente pelliccia di visone, niente lifting e niente liposuzione.
La cosa buona, invece, è stata adottare un nuovo ( e costoso) macchinario che ha sveltito enormemente i tempi di vinificazione. Così le due settimane di passione che fino allo scorso anno mi traumatizzavano, questa volta sono filate via lisce lisce senza richiedere nemmeno una di quelle gloriose ma esiziali notti in bianco, drammatica costante delle mie passate vendemmie. Rovescio della medaglia: il nuovo procedimento è decisamente frenetico e incalzante, e le 12/14 ore giornaliere di lavoro continuativo si sono rivelate molto pesanti e faticose. Così mi sento come un Gran Servizio di Bollito ancora acquattato nel pentolone.


These are real and the supposed mental illness. If the real rely on the doctor, where we supposed? (Who takes a picture with the citation wins dedication Ignazio LaRussa).
The doctor said that I do not have dysthymia: missing character continuatività and chronicity of symptoms. It made me touch the past two years, the phases of depression were frequently alternating phases very positive and punctuated by moments. Almost in the words of Poto in the comments on previous post, he said that mine are pretty " stages paradepressive type dysthymic " caused by the excessive negative bundle of reasons, but I can validly to control thanks to some solid "anchor " consisting of a variety of interests, passions, people and so forth. Stages bad jump out when the anchors no longer seem so sure. These days supposed was afraid that one of them, one of the most reliable, is showing signs of slowing down. Maybe it is not true, but the mere thought of it depressed me a lot. And how
Famo, st'abbacchio? Cheese and eggs? A chops? Potatoes and artichokes?


And I've said it all.


My hunger was not really .... Rather, they want something good. So I attached to the cream. No, no one in this picture, indeed! I am attached to that found in the fridge and I succumbed to the eating disorder bulimia and para-dysthymic. I find some kind of compensation, but no, it does not work. The only effect at the time, the acidity of the stomach.


Also these days I won a prize, a kind of local Oscar, that is, the others have won but have won only thanks to my performance. Only it can not be said, and given that this is not about money I do not say, and I'm pleased with their gratitude.
But my self-esteem has the effect of a strong coffee and delicious.


Ricevere ieri una parcella di seimila euro per un accatastamento obbligatorio ha vanificato del tutto l'effetto del caffè precedente.

Domani è il giorno del Grande Cetriolo.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lga 775 Motherboard On Boat

Psychiatric help

Il disturbo distimico è un disturbo cronico caratterizzato dalla presenza di umore depresso che persiste per la maggior parte del giorno ed è presente nella maggior parte dei giorni. Le più caratteristiche manifestazioni del disturbo sono sentimenti di inadeguatezza, colpa, irritabilità e rabbia; ritiro sociale; perdita di interesse, inattività e mancanza di produttività.
I sintomi tipici are:

-insomnia or hypersomnia
conceal the latter. I could fall asleep in situations and in the most unexpected hours.

-fatigue, permanent tiredness and weakness widespread

- low self-esteem
celo, uh if I'll hide!

- inability to concentrate, and doubt or hesitation in making decisions
conceal, especially the first

-discouragement or even despair
celo, the first, but every now and then the second

celo, conceal!

- Patients with dysthymic disorder can often be sarcastic, nihilistic, thoughtful, demanding and claiming
basically my portrait

dysthymic Usually the subject is able to carry out its job functions and to have social relationships, but in a much diminished and with a great effort in those areas in more "normal" and that people with whom you relate, and often the family members, very difficult to realize.

attitude almost permanently dark, quiet and sad, can easily cause irritation if not anger, the next considering it just an annoying pessimistic, believing voluntarily assume such an attitude does not want to give to causes that .
not for nothing since they sent me the godwit recently

For dysthymic asking for help is a difficulty that feels insurmountable. This will trigger a vicious circle that reinforces the low esteem in him, insecurity and negative self-perception by increasing the discomfort.
yes, but so much to those who ask? Then not even believe it.

excess food from anorexia to bulimia
celo, all

So, in short, the harvest this year, the start in these conditions. Which, admittedly, not much. One can imagine, then, it will be a difficult vintage. Plus still give a four to five days of good weather, with rain and then rain for a while '. To be happy about that.
course I have to laugh thinking about it. I need help and do not dare ask. I need help and not know to ask. I need help and be afraid to ask. I need help and turn in on themselves. But then passes the giggles, and there is only fear. Tomorrow is
day of the Great Pumpkin.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Saree Business Through Online

This video of the season is the most comprehensive I could wish

SEASON '97-'98

Manchester-Juventus 3-2 Gol unfairly not allowed to Sheringham
Bari-Juventus 0-5 Penalty not given to Neqrouz
at 0-0 Juventus Udinese 4-1 Gol-not granted Bierhoff
Napoli-Juventus 1-2 Penalty not given to Protti
Juventus-Roma 3-1 Penalty not given for a foul on Gautieri Deschamps, Zidane's ejection for failure to do the reaction on Petruzzi ( in turn expelled)
Juventus-Lazio 2-1 Penalty given to non-existent Del Piero penalty
not granted Jugovic
-Olympiakos 2-2 Rosenborg Strana determination of the Greeks, already eliminated
Juventus-Atalanta 3-1 Gol offside of Inzaghi
Brescia-Juventus 1-1 Penalty not given to Hubner
Juventus-Sampdoria 3-0 Gol Inzaghi's offside;
Laigle expelled for petty reasons
Udinese-Juventus 1-1 Montero not a red card for elbowing Inter Milan 2 Helveg
-2 Penalty given to Milan, to the benefit of Juventus-Lazio 0-0 Atalanta
Penalty not given the Lazio at the hands of Dundjerski
Juventus-Napoli 2-2 Goal not given Bellucci
Juventus-Piacenza 2-0 Doubling of spoiled Delpiero by hand ball
Lazio-Juventus 0-1 Penalty not given the Lazio at the hands of Iuliano
Empoli-Juventus 0-1 Goal not given Bianconi
Juventus-Inter 1-0
(crucial challenge) Penalty not given to Ronaldo

I Need Angel Blade Episodes

After a brief crush on the blog again juve-way multi-directional ... nn

SEASON '96-'97

Juventus-Fiorentina 1-0 Penalty not given in Oliveira
Juventus-Verona 3-2 Penalty silly granted Vieri
Parma-Juventus 1-0 joint ejection of Zidane and the Church:
Zidane was sent off just
Perugia-Juventus 1-2 Goal Del Piero-acclaimed all-spoiled by offside; expulsion of dubious Matrec; goal annulled for offside in Negri non-existent, non-expulsion of Montero
Juventus-Vicenza 2-0 Tacchinardi not ejected for a foul on Lopez-Rosenborg 2-0 Juventus
Gol Zidane scored in the bank; goals from Inzaghi offside
Inter-Juventus 0-0 Gol Ganz
not given to Milan-Juventus 1-6 AC Milan is the surrender of suspected
Juventus-Udinese 0-3 Penalty silly granted Lombardo
to Juventus-Perugia 2-1 Penalty Rapajc denied, continued failure is not punished with the tag
Verona-Juventus 0-2 Goals scored by irregular Ferrara (foul Ametrano)
Parma-Milan 1-1 Gol regular canceled in Crespo final minutes, no penalty awarded for hands in the Parma-Parma 1-1 Juventus Baresi

(crucial challenge) Penalty awarded to ridicule Vieri at 0-1

Hair Loss Lower Legs Symptom Of

forget anyone!

is what can I do to get to thirty in multidirectional sense, but No more ask me ... i gobbacci are gobbacci nn and I can ask to go against my milan nn why is my milan, but why should I throw against my diclub president of TIP and the whole world, risking their GalerÃa in these dark times without freedom of expression :-(

Monday, June 21, 2010

Telling My Parents About Gynecomastia


prof nn I speak here of public resources med and biography ... this blog over time and some work becomes a point of reference antigobbacci without expecting anything more

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cover Letter For Clothing

only deliziosità

here is my address delicious:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Atm Refractor Telescope

Gazie Fulham, thanks Fantantonio .. About


Bibbidi Bobbidi

Then we also think Cassano

Bibbidi Bobbidi
bu ...
and Juventus in the Champions nn there is more!

Bibbidi Bobbidi bu

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pirate Ship Birthday Cake

drugs ... This is the end of

Difference Kameez Kurta

I do not mean much more, but turned out this way ... if you have the patience to read ...
First, the Supreme Court, as some say, did not condemn Agricola Juventus and Giraudo, no one argues, however, set aside an appeal that absolved them, saying they were guilty and punishable, contrary to the established by the territorial court, under the law 401/89. The fact that the Supreme Court saying they were guilty does not contradict the fact that the Supreme Court has not decided on the merits, since it can annullare un'assoluzione per mancata applicazione di una legge. Inoltre, al contrario di quanto detto da alcuni tifosi avvocaticchi, nessuno ha detto che fosse da applicare in alcun modo la legge del 2000 in modo retroattivo. Queste, permettetecelo, sono balle.

Anzi, scrive la Cassazione nella sentenza che "i fatti commessi prima dell'entrata in vigore della nuova legge, concernenti somministrazione di sostanze dopanti espressamente vietate dal decreto ministeriale ‑ e che sono oggi punibili a norma dell'art. 9 della legge n. 376 del 2000 ‑rimangono puniti dalle disposizioni dell'art. 1 della legge n. 401 del 1989, in virtù del disposto dell'art. 2, comma 3, cod. pen. (legge più favorevole): mentre la condotta di somministrazione di sostanze non ricomprese nell'elenco ministeriale, resta sanzionata dall'art. 1, comma 1 della legge n. 401 del 1989, non potendo essere accolta la tesi della intervenuta abrogazione"

Allora, se la legge del 2000 fosse stata più favorevole si sarebbe applicata quella al caso "doping-Juventus", mentre si applica quella del 1989 sia per fatti antecendenti al 2000, sia per fatti successivi al 2000 in cui vengono somministrate sostanze non dopanti secondo il ministero e quindi non punite dalla legge 376. Altra cosa importante: nonostante dal 2000 ci sia una legge e un elenco ministeriale di sostanze ritenute dopanti, ancora oggi dare medicine non considerate doping a un atleta sano, per la Cassazione, è reato!

Go ahead. The same Supreme Court says that "the territorial Court stated that" there is no doubt that the conduct complained of, with reference to medicinal products not specifically prohibited, was put in place in respect of the players of Juventus. Indeed it is widely felt to acts of the process that from 1994 to 1998 the administration of the drugs in question actually took place and was often made with off-label mode, ie outside of the context identified by the Ministry of health authorization forms that are not allowed. "" Therefore, "continued the Territorial Court 'in relation to this aspect of imputation under A, there can be no room for a formula of acquittal diversa da quella derivante dalla impossibilità di applicare al caso di specie la normativa di cui alla legge n. 401 del 1989». Questo collegio, viceversa, ha ritenuto che la condotta degli imputati integra il delitto di cui all'art. 1 della legge n. 401 del 1989: apparendo condivisibili, quanto al resto, le affermazioni della Corte territoriale, coli specifico riferimento alla ritenuta equiparazione della posizione degli imputati, la sentenza impugnata va annullata in parte qua e, segnatamente, nella parte in cui ha mandato assolto Agricola Riccardo e, per effetto estensivo, Giraudo Antonio, «dai residui fatti addebitati nel capo o), perché il fatto non è previsto dalla legge come reato».

Tradotto: la Corte d'appello established off-label administration (proven fact, as we wrote here) and acquits because it ignores the applicable 401/89. The Supreme Court however considers appropriate, cancel the acquittal and said time-barred. Obviously, if on appeal the only ground of acquittal is not the applicability of the law 401, and if the Supreme Court has established the applicability inetrvenuta, Giraudo and Agricola are guilty of sporting fraud. Prescribed, not convicted, but guilty. May waive the requirement if they want to be acquitted of everything but, as Labor says, should be innocent.

Article. 1 of Law 401/89 is the key, is a law free-form as the Supreme Court says and speaks of fraud. The Supreme Court held that even the administration of drugs off-label is an offense under that law, and this is the only point on which one can object. Article. 1 of Act 401 states: "Anyone who offers or promises money or other benefit or advantage to certain participants in a sports competition organized by the associations recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), Italian Union for the improvement of horse breeding ( JOIN) or other sporting bodies and associations recognized by the State acceding to them, in order to reach a result different from that caused by the proper and fair conduct of the competition, which makes altri atti fraudolenti volti al medesimo scopo, è punito con la reclusione da un mese ad un anno e con la multa da lire cinquecentomila a lire due milioni. Nei casi di lieve entità si applica la sola pena della multa."

5 Color Sliver Deck 2009

Farma pharmaceutical juve juve

Come già anticipato ecco un pò di notizie raccolte in rete a ravvivare gli anni 90 della juve...a voi ogni giudizio:
Quello che riportiamo, come al solito , non sono accuse o giudizi su un processo ancora in pieno svolgimento, ma solo la fredda cronaca riportata dai siti web e dai giornali sull'incredibile piega presa dall'indagine partita da alcune dichiarazioni di Zeman.

Giraudo and Agricola acquitted!

Since we always trust the justice ... this time to admit that they are right! Oh ... the doubts remain ...

Process Juve, Juventus took EPO.
Agricola convicted, acquitted Giraudo
Juve took EPO. And 'This is the highlight of today's ruling that ended the first trial for doping: in the dock were Antonio Giraudo, and Dr. Agricola. Judge Giuseppe Casalbore has acquitted Juventus chief executive, but imposed a year and ten months imprisonment for sporting fraud (including the use of Epo in fact) to the doctor. The public prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello asked 3 years and 2 months imprisonment for Agricola, 2 years and one month for the manager.

After more than four hours of deliberation thus ending a process started by the accusations of the current coach of Lecce, Zdenek Zeman. For Agricola was prohibited from practicing the profession for the duration of the sentence, was granted probation and fined 2,000 euro, but the reality that emerges is that of a team that in recent years, like it or not, has made use of performance-enhancing drugs. Years, among other things, surrounded by so many victories in Italy and internationally.

In recent days, the defense and prosecution took turns to comment on the pages of newspapers, anticipate, defend its arguments. The lawyer Grosso, a consultant for Juventus, had not supported the applicability of the crime of sporting fraud, citing the ruling of the court in Bari on 24 October 2003 Gillet was acquitted of the charge of having used nandrolone. Raffaele Guariniello replied, noting that the sentence was annulled in the Supreme Court. Now came the sentence Casalbore, but both acknowledge that the defense may appeal. In any event, Judge of the Juve players were given banned substances.

Judgement April 28, 2005 From
editorial de la Gazzetta dello Sport "

" Case closed. Dr. Agricola Juventus and not guilty. Or, alternatively, as prescribed offenses. So has expressed the highest authority of world sport, the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, the IOC's legal adoption. The Cones and the Football Association had turned to the Tas to get out of the quicksand of reason after the heavy sentence of ordinary justice, that November 24, 2004 sentenced to 22 months for Agricola "sporting fraud and administration of dangerous drugs for health, fulfilling instead Juventus. Questions not so aggressive (EPO was omitted), those placed at the top of Italian sport Tas. But even though it was obvious from Lausanne to expect a simple and commonplace "no" to question "the use of pharmaceutical substances not expressly prohibited by sports standards, it can be disciplinary sanctions? ", less predictable was that Tas could go further. as specifying the presence of" any violation of a rule-doping "should go to the" Regulations applicable at the time of the alleged infringement. "With relative, and emphasized almost nice post, time limitation. Five years, those who lead us from '98, the last year in the practice of Agricola, 2003. At the CONI anti-doping prosecutor, now you just have to play a simple task deed. Trophies for Juventus are safe, and in return you do not look back. If the case for the sport, however, may be closed to ordinary justice, the game is still open. The fact that there is going to the prescrizione (prevista nel 2006) è secondario, perché comunque ci sarà tra Appello e Cassazione un verdetto che nel merito, come capitò a Conconi a Ferrara, sarà definitivo. Quel giorno sapremo. E sul piano etico, e sostanziale, sarà quello l'unico vero, autentico ultimo atto"

Tutto parte da alcune dichiarazioni di Zdenek Zeman, fatte oltre sei anni fa, quando il tecnico boemo sedeva sulla panchina della Roma. "Il calcio - aveva detto Zeman – deve uscire dalle farmacie. Sono stupito e questo sbalordimento comincia con Gianluca Vialli e arriva fino ad Alessandro Del Piero. Io che ho praticato diversi sport pensavo che certi risultati si potessero ottenere solo con il culturismo, dopo years and years of specific work.
The complaints of the coach of Lecce did not leave indifferent the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello that in August 1998, decided to open an investigation to ascertain certain responsibilities. They are called many illustrious figures of the calcium and gathered their evidence: over the same Zeman, appear before the prosecutor Alessandro Del Piero, Ronaldo, former President of Coni Mario Pescante.
On 29 August of that year, the first breakthrough in the investigation: Juventus is formally involved in 'folders and clinical investigation of the Juventus players attached. In May 2000, the prosecutor closed the investigation after receiving from their advisors expertise on medication use club Torino defendants are the managing director Antonio Giraudo and club doctor Riccardo Agricola. Exactly one year after the two were on remand. The

genniaio 31 of 2002 begins so the process: in the next two years witnessed Birindelli, Tacchinardi, Pessotto, Conte, Radish, Peruzzi, Lombardo, Amoruso, Ferrara, Montero, Vialli and Zidane. In practice, almost all of the players who were part of the management team of the first Lippi. Then comes the skill of hematology Giuseppe D'Onofrio, in June, that worsens the position of the club: the expert sees, in its report, the use of Epo.
Over the past two months the final stages: the Agricola pm call to order three years and two months, and for Giraudo punishment would be two years and a month. The defense, strong pro veritate the opinion of Carlo Federico Grosso, calls for the full acquittal. The decision: the Juventus club doctor sentenced to one year and ten months, discharged the CEO.

the Corriere della Sera Gaia Piccardi

On the table of the Minister of Health, Girolamo Sirchia, a few days ago I received a very interesting report. Sender: Public Prosecutor of Turin, Raffaele Guariniello pm. Subject: controls (optional) crossed the blood-urine in football. Taken in the 2003-2004 season, stranded for a long time, taken on January 23 Bologna-Cagliari last year with the Football Association when it finally was guided to the regulation of Wada, the World Anti-Doping Agency. Commendable initiative, if it were not for a congenital defect: the manner in which tests are made, in the urine of players will never be found any traces of EPO. Useless, then. Totally unnecessary.

The problem revolves around a detail about the cost of one euro, but so important as to render ineffective the whole procedure. The urine, in fact, from the time of collection to the analysis in the laboratory are not chilled: kept at room temperature, they lose any ability to detect erythropoietin, the hormone that increases the availability oxygen in muscle tissue, thus promoting physical recovery. The doctors who collect for the Football Association urine samples in the locker room of the Italian stadiums are not equipped with "ice packs", all dishes, put in the freezer, allow to cool and refrigerate insulated bags. The EPO is a protein unstable, with a rather low: in the absence of appropriate procedures for storage and transport of urine, it quickly becomes impossible to find.

pm At Turin, which is investigating the August 1998 distribution of illegal drugs in football and seven years ago brought to light the failure of the anti-doping laboratory dell'Acquacetosa, doubt came from the observation of data: almost a year and a half and no cases of cross-test positivity. The survey is a current investigation of fatal diseases (Gehrig's disease, cancer, leukemia) players. Inspectors from the Public Prosecutor of Turin have rolled up our sleeves and looked at fifteen months of negative tests: time of collection of urine to the player, starting time of the sample on the stage, time of arrival at the laboratory dell'Acquacetosa Roman, time analysis .

Immediately pm to consultants, it became clear that something in the procedure, did not fit. In common laboratory analysis of urine, refrigerated, keep the possibility to detect EPO for seven days when stored at 4 degrees, for many months if kept in a freezer at minus 30 degrees. Those of the players, however, came the "death" at the time of the analysis of Ep. Throughout the 2003-2004 season, in fact, the transport of urine occurred at room temperature. Inspectors have calculated that, on average, to go from stage to all'Acquacetosa samples needed 17 hours of travel: the majority was delivered after 10 hours, several after 24 hours, a 5% even after 30 hours. In 2005, to date, the storage conditions were also inadequate. Recently (this is one of the last Sunday of the season) with a bag of blood and urine samples of players (in this case neither chilled ...), taken Sunday afternoon stage, arrived Monday at noon at the laboratory. Beyond any time limit to find the EPO. It is curious that no medical phlebotomist, in almost two NFL seasons and cross-checks, it is now suspect. Especially since the company supplying the bags for transport to the Football Association also produces chilled bags.

But nobody has ever bothered to ask for it. When the players in the urine was not sought a delicate and perishable substance EPO, the procedure could be adapted. But then she proved to be entirely overcome. So much so that the laboratory dell'Acquacetosa often undetectable in the samples or exogenous EPO (ie, agents may be induced by doping) and, paradoxically, endogenous or basal, that is the natural value that everyone (even those who are not a professional athlete) has. A total of 780 tests: 640 last season, 140 so far. Three games per match day, match 4 players, two per team, selected at random. A score of waste: the most excellent, March 20, 2005 after Rome-Milan, Gattuso and Pancaro those of the Rossoneri, who said no to the levy (optional, must always be remembered) of blood lends to the (unnecessary, as seen) of urine . 780 samples of urine in the vain search of Ep. Minister Sirchia was informed of yet another mess of Italian sport. Including the most terrible suspicion: the nostro calcio è davvero pulito o c'è qualcuno, nell'ambiente, che finora ha fatto in modo che dai test incrociati sangue-urine non emergesse assolutamente niente?

Marco Travaglio su

Pare passato un secolo, da quel giorno di fine luglio del '98 quando Zdenek Zeman dichiarò all'Espresso che il calcio era finito in farmacia. Gli diedero del pazzo, del calunniatore, del visionario, assicurando che " nel mondo del pallone il doping non esiste ". Poi si capì che non lo cercavano, per questo - ufficialmente - non esisteva. E saltò il laboratorio Coni dell'Acqua Acetosa.

Ora, per la prima volta nella storia del calcio italiano (e non solo), una società viene convicted of doping. And it is the most prestigious and noble of Europe: Juventus. This, in addition to the analysis and subtleties on the device the ruling this morning by Judge Giuseppe Casalbore, is the substance of the last act of the first trial Juventus managing director Antonio Giraudo (acquitted) and the chief of staff doctor Riccardo Agricola (condemned).
fully confirmed the heart of the prosecution, supported with patience and determination in recent years by the public prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello and its substitutes Sara cake and Gianfranco Colace. The main accusation which are rotated around the six-year investigation, preliminary hearing and the hearing was with sporting fraud " somministrazione sistematica di eritropoietina " (la famigerata e vietatissima Epo) e mediante l'abuso di farmaci su atleti sani.

Quest'accusa, dislocata alle lettere g), h) e i) del capo d'imputazione, è stata ritenuta fondata dal giudice a carico del dottor Agricola . Sia sul versante della frode sportiva, in base alla legge 401 del 1989 (che punisce chi compie atti fraudolenti per alterare i risultati delle competizioni sportive), sia su quello della somministrazione di farmaci e creatina in maniera pericolosa per la salute degli atleti (articolo 445 del Codice penale).

Traduzione: secondo il Tribunale di Torino, la Juventus ha " dopato " i suoi giocatori con l'Epo e altri farmaci, in parte vietati, in part but only lawful to treat disease (in this case non-existent), in the seasons from 1994 to 1998. The first four seasons Lippi era, under the direction of new leadership Moggi, Giraudo, Bettega, marked with a harvest of success (three league titles and one Champions League). Now about those sports games will decide the judges of the Football Association and UEFA, provided that the condemnation of Agriculture "supports" the Court of Appeal, to which the defenders have already announced action.

Judge Casalbore, denying allegations that some lawyers painted it as "flat" on the views of prosecutors, issued a complex ruling, which will require to be fully understood careful reading of the reason (arriving in three months). But already sufficiently clear. Doping and the resulting charges of endangering the health of players, Giraudo was acquitted by the formula of paragraph 2 of Article 530 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: that absorbs the old lack of evidence ("when the evidence is contradictory or insufficient ").
In the process, as the Court did not identify quite sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the CEO knew what he was doing farm. Until the last prosecutors had reviewed the possibility of seeking the acquittal of Giraudo, but then opted for a request for condemnation, even more mild compared to Agricola, based on a "logical proof" circumstantial: Due to the abnormal costs of the EPA, it was unthinkable that they asserted the doctor without telling his supervisor, which allocated funds for medicines and signed budgets.

For the judge, this is not enough. There is a lack of fingerprints, documents or testimony that is to ensure that Giraudo was in agreement (nell'arringa, its defenders had observed that, if anything, the doctor responded to the sporting director Luciano Moggi, not the CEO).

In any case of agriculture and its practices that we discussed above in the three-year trial. Not Giraudo. Along with sporting fraud and alla somministrazione dannosa di farmaci, i due imputati erano accusati anche di falso materiale, per la strana triangolazione di ricette con cui la Juventus - complice il farmacista Rossano - si procurava medicinali a esclusivo uso ospedaliero. Anche questa accusa è stata confermata, ma solo per Rossano (che ha patteggiato 5 mesi), mentre Giraudo è stato assolto con formula piena e Agricola con formula " dubitativa " (il solito art. 530 comma 2). Un'altra, la creazione di una farmacia abusiva contro la legge 538/92, è caduta in prescrizione. Per le tre imputazioni minori (presunta violazione della legge 626/94 sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro e presunti test irregolari sull'Aids e sul testosterone sui calciatori), invece, è scattata the full acquittal.

All this, for the lawyer Luigi Chiappero (defender of Agricola with Emiliana Olivieri), is a "balanced away". Unfortunate metaphor, as the head g) for which Agricola was sentenced to 1 year and 10 months in prison reads: "... the testing players banned doping methods and in particular the administration of medicines to stimulate the 'erythropoiesis such as recombinant human erythropoietin in transfusion practice type, using the ban "all" from July 1994 to October 1998. " For a sentence so infamous, perhaps, is more appropriate comment by another lawyer, Paolo Trofino, defending Giraudo with Anna Chiusano: "We scored a fine goal with Giraudo, but we lost the game farm." Judgement by JUVE