Sunday, September 26, 2010

Matter For Grih Pravesh



The harvest came in half, but the most difficult phase is now behind us. Yesterday morning it rained too heavily, so we suspended until tomorrow, and today I was able to give me a day off (almost) all. Two things, good and bad. The bad news is that in August Uncinula Necator (which is a fungal disease of the vine and not the evil star of a porno-horror comics of the 70s) has hit hard in the days that should no longer strike. Manco cryptogams are more than once, my lady. The production, which was to be a prodigious amount, he ended up being like that of a normal year. The fact is that, as Pierina and its secchiolin milk, I had built many castles in the air, assuming you have all those already in the cellar graziadiddio;

but just as I sit de 'my big dreams top,
falls on castle, and the rest of the first Bertoldino .

Insomma, anche quest'anno niente pelliccia di visone, niente lifting e niente liposuzione.
La cosa buona, invece, è stata adottare un nuovo ( e costoso) macchinario che ha sveltito enormemente i tempi di vinificazione. Così le due settimane di passione che fino allo scorso anno mi traumatizzavano, questa volta sono filate via lisce lisce senza richiedere nemmeno una di quelle gloriose ma esiziali notti in bianco, drammatica costante delle mie passate vendemmie. Rovescio della medaglia: il nuovo procedimento è decisamente frenetico e incalzante, e le 12/14 ore giornaliere di lavoro continuativo si sono rivelate molto pesanti e faticose. Così mi sento come un Gran Servizio di Bollito ancora acquattato nel pentolone.


These are real and the supposed mental illness. If the real rely on the doctor, where we supposed? (Who takes a picture with the citation wins dedication Ignazio LaRussa).
The doctor said that I do not have dysthymia: missing character continuatività and chronicity of symptoms. It made me touch the past two years, the phases of depression were frequently alternating phases very positive and punctuated by moments. Almost in the words of Poto in the comments on previous post, he said that mine are pretty " stages paradepressive type dysthymic " caused by the excessive negative bundle of reasons, but I can validly to control thanks to some solid "anchor " consisting of a variety of interests, passions, people and so forth. Stages bad jump out when the anchors no longer seem so sure. These days supposed was afraid that one of them, one of the most reliable, is showing signs of slowing down. Maybe it is not true, but the mere thought of it depressed me a lot. And how
Famo, st'abbacchio? Cheese and eggs? A chops? Potatoes and artichokes?


And I've said it all.


My hunger was not really .... Rather, they want something good. So I attached to the cream. No, no one in this picture, indeed! I am attached to that found in the fridge and I succumbed to the eating disorder bulimia and para-dysthymic. I find some kind of compensation, but no, it does not work. The only effect at the time, the acidity of the stomach.


Also these days I won a prize, a kind of local Oscar, that is, the others have won but have won only thanks to my performance. Only it can not be said, and given that this is not about money I do not say, and I'm pleased with their gratitude.
But my self-esteem has the effect of a strong coffee and delicious.


Ricevere ieri una parcella di seimila euro per un accatastamento obbligatorio ha vanificato del tutto l'effetto del caffè precedente.

Domani è il giorno del Grande Cetriolo.


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