Wednesday, March 17, 2010

5 Color Sliver Deck 2009

Farma pharmaceutical juve juve

Come già anticipato ecco un pò di notizie raccolte in rete a ravvivare gli anni 90 della juve...a voi ogni giudizio:
Quello che riportiamo, come al solito , non sono accuse o giudizi su un processo ancora in pieno svolgimento, ma solo la fredda cronaca riportata dai siti web e dai giornali sull'incredibile piega presa dall'indagine partita da alcune dichiarazioni di Zeman.

Giraudo and Agricola acquitted!

Since we always trust the justice ... this time to admit that they are right! Oh ... the doubts remain ...

Process Juve, Juventus took EPO.
Agricola convicted, acquitted Giraudo
Juve took EPO. And 'This is the highlight of today's ruling that ended the first trial for doping: in the dock were Antonio Giraudo, and Dr. Agricola. Judge Giuseppe Casalbore has acquitted Juventus chief executive, but imposed a year and ten months imprisonment for sporting fraud (including the use of Epo in fact) to the doctor. The public prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello asked 3 years and 2 months imprisonment for Agricola, 2 years and one month for the manager.

After more than four hours of deliberation thus ending a process started by the accusations of the current coach of Lecce, Zdenek Zeman. For Agricola was prohibited from practicing the profession for the duration of the sentence, was granted probation and fined 2,000 euro, but the reality that emerges is that of a team that in recent years, like it or not, has made use of performance-enhancing drugs. Years, among other things, surrounded by so many victories in Italy and internationally.

In recent days, the defense and prosecution took turns to comment on the pages of newspapers, anticipate, defend its arguments. The lawyer Grosso, a consultant for Juventus, had not supported the applicability of the crime of sporting fraud, citing the ruling of the court in Bari on 24 October 2003 Gillet was acquitted of the charge of having used nandrolone. Raffaele Guariniello replied, noting that the sentence was annulled in the Supreme Court. Now came the sentence Casalbore, but both acknowledge that the defense may appeal. In any event, Judge of the Juve players were given banned substances.

Judgement April 28, 2005 From
editorial de la Gazzetta dello Sport "

" Case closed. Dr. Agricola Juventus and not guilty. Or, alternatively, as prescribed offenses. So has expressed the highest authority of world sport, the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, the IOC's legal adoption. The Cones and the Football Association had turned to the Tas to get out of the quicksand of reason after the heavy sentence of ordinary justice, that November 24, 2004 sentenced to 22 months for Agricola "sporting fraud and administration of dangerous drugs for health, fulfilling instead Juventus. Questions not so aggressive (EPO was omitted), those placed at the top of Italian sport Tas. But even though it was obvious from Lausanne to expect a simple and commonplace "no" to question "the use of pharmaceutical substances not expressly prohibited by sports standards, it can be disciplinary sanctions? ", less predictable was that Tas could go further. as specifying the presence of" any violation of a rule-doping "should go to the" Regulations applicable at the time of the alleged infringement. "With relative, and emphasized almost nice post, time limitation. Five years, those who lead us from '98, the last year in the practice of Agricola, 2003. At the CONI anti-doping prosecutor, now you just have to play a simple task deed. Trophies for Juventus are safe, and in return you do not look back. If the case for the sport, however, may be closed to ordinary justice, the game is still open. The fact that there is going to the prescrizione (prevista nel 2006) è secondario, perché comunque ci sarà tra Appello e Cassazione un verdetto che nel merito, come capitò a Conconi a Ferrara, sarà definitivo. Quel giorno sapremo. E sul piano etico, e sostanziale, sarà quello l'unico vero, autentico ultimo atto"

Tutto parte da alcune dichiarazioni di Zdenek Zeman, fatte oltre sei anni fa, quando il tecnico boemo sedeva sulla panchina della Roma. "Il calcio - aveva detto Zeman – deve uscire dalle farmacie. Sono stupito e questo sbalordimento comincia con Gianluca Vialli e arriva fino ad Alessandro Del Piero. Io che ho praticato diversi sport pensavo che certi risultati si potessero ottenere solo con il culturismo, dopo years and years of specific work.
The complaints of the coach of Lecce did not leave indifferent the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello that in August 1998, decided to open an investigation to ascertain certain responsibilities. They are called many illustrious figures of the calcium and gathered their evidence: over the same Zeman, appear before the prosecutor Alessandro Del Piero, Ronaldo, former President of Coni Mario Pescante.
On 29 August of that year, the first breakthrough in the investigation: Juventus is formally involved in 'folders and clinical investigation of the Juventus players attached. In May 2000, the prosecutor closed the investigation after receiving from their advisors expertise on medication use club Torino defendants are the managing director Antonio Giraudo and club doctor Riccardo Agricola. Exactly one year after the two were on remand. The

genniaio 31 of 2002 begins so the process: in the next two years witnessed Birindelli, Tacchinardi, Pessotto, Conte, Radish, Peruzzi, Lombardo, Amoruso, Ferrara, Montero, Vialli and Zidane. In practice, almost all of the players who were part of the management team of the first Lippi. Then comes the skill of hematology Giuseppe D'Onofrio, in June, that worsens the position of the club: the expert sees, in its report, the use of Epo.
Over the past two months the final stages: the Agricola pm call to order three years and two months, and for Giraudo punishment would be two years and a month. The defense, strong pro veritate the opinion of Carlo Federico Grosso, calls for the full acquittal. The decision: the Juventus club doctor sentenced to one year and ten months, discharged the CEO.

the Corriere della Sera Gaia Piccardi

On the table of the Minister of Health, Girolamo Sirchia, a few days ago I received a very interesting report. Sender: Public Prosecutor of Turin, Raffaele Guariniello pm. Subject: controls (optional) crossed the blood-urine in football. Taken in the 2003-2004 season, stranded for a long time, taken on January 23 Bologna-Cagliari last year with the Football Association when it finally was guided to the regulation of Wada, the World Anti-Doping Agency. Commendable initiative, if it were not for a congenital defect: the manner in which tests are made, in the urine of players will never be found any traces of EPO. Useless, then. Totally unnecessary.

The problem revolves around a detail about the cost of one euro, but so important as to render ineffective the whole procedure. The urine, in fact, from the time of collection to the analysis in the laboratory are not chilled: kept at room temperature, they lose any ability to detect erythropoietin, the hormone that increases the availability oxygen in muscle tissue, thus promoting physical recovery. The doctors who collect for the Football Association urine samples in the locker room of the Italian stadiums are not equipped with "ice packs", all dishes, put in the freezer, allow to cool and refrigerate insulated bags. The EPO is a protein unstable, with a rather low: in the absence of appropriate procedures for storage and transport of urine, it quickly becomes impossible to find.

pm At Turin, which is investigating the August 1998 distribution of illegal drugs in football and seven years ago brought to light the failure of the anti-doping laboratory dell'Acquacetosa, doubt came from the observation of data: almost a year and a half and no cases of cross-test positivity. The survey is a current investigation of fatal diseases (Gehrig's disease, cancer, leukemia) players. Inspectors from the Public Prosecutor of Turin have rolled up our sleeves and looked at fifteen months of negative tests: time of collection of urine to the player, starting time of the sample on the stage, time of arrival at the laboratory dell'Acquacetosa Roman, time analysis .

Immediately pm to consultants, it became clear that something in the procedure, did not fit. In common laboratory analysis of urine, refrigerated, keep the possibility to detect EPO for seven days when stored at 4 degrees, for many months if kept in a freezer at minus 30 degrees. Those of the players, however, came the "death" at the time of the analysis of Ep. Throughout the 2003-2004 season, in fact, the transport of urine occurred at room temperature. Inspectors have calculated that, on average, to go from stage to all'Acquacetosa samples needed 17 hours of travel: the majority was delivered after 10 hours, several after 24 hours, a 5% even after 30 hours. In 2005, to date, the storage conditions were also inadequate. Recently (this is one of the last Sunday of the season) with a bag of blood and urine samples of players (in this case neither chilled ...), taken Sunday afternoon stage, arrived Monday at noon at the laboratory. Beyond any time limit to find the EPO. It is curious that no medical phlebotomist, in almost two NFL seasons and cross-checks, it is now suspect. Especially since the company supplying the bags for transport to the Football Association also produces chilled bags.

But nobody has ever bothered to ask for it. When the players in the urine was not sought a delicate and perishable substance EPO, the procedure could be adapted. But then she proved to be entirely overcome. So much so that the laboratory dell'Acquacetosa often undetectable in the samples or exogenous EPO (ie, agents may be induced by doping) and, paradoxically, endogenous or basal, that is the natural value that everyone (even those who are not a professional athlete) has. A total of 780 tests: 640 last season, 140 so far. Three games per match day, match 4 players, two per team, selected at random. A score of waste: the most excellent, March 20, 2005 after Rome-Milan, Gattuso and Pancaro those of the Rossoneri, who said no to the levy (optional, must always be remembered) of blood lends to the (unnecessary, as seen) of urine . 780 samples of urine in the vain search of Ep. Minister Sirchia was informed of yet another mess of Italian sport. Including the most terrible suspicion: the nostro calcio è davvero pulito o c'è qualcuno, nell'ambiente, che finora ha fatto in modo che dai test incrociati sangue-urine non emergesse assolutamente niente?

Marco Travaglio su

Pare passato un secolo, da quel giorno di fine luglio del '98 quando Zdenek Zeman dichiarò all'Espresso che il calcio era finito in farmacia. Gli diedero del pazzo, del calunniatore, del visionario, assicurando che " nel mondo del pallone il doping non esiste ". Poi si capì che non lo cercavano, per questo - ufficialmente - non esisteva. E saltò il laboratorio Coni dell'Acqua Acetosa.

Ora, per la prima volta nella storia del calcio italiano (e non solo), una società viene convicted of doping. And it is the most prestigious and noble of Europe: Juventus. This, in addition to the analysis and subtleties on the device the ruling this morning by Judge Giuseppe Casalbore, is the substance of the last act of the first trial Juventus managing director Antonio Giraudo (acquitted) and the chief of staff doctor Riccardo Agricola (condemned).
fully confirmed the heart of the prosecution, supported with patience and determination in recent years by the public prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello and its substitutes Sara cake and Gianfranco Colace. The main accusation which are rotated around the six-year investigation, preliminary hearing and the hearing was with sporting fraud " somministrazione sistematica di eritropoietina " (la famigerata e vietatissima Epo) e mediante l'abuso di farmaci su atleti sani.

Quest'accusa, dislocata alle lettere g), h) e i) del capo d'imputazione, è stata ritenuta fondata dal giudice a carico del dottor Agricola . Sia sul versante della frode sportiva, in base alla legge 401 del 1989 (che punisce chi compie atti fraudolenti per alterare i risultati delle competizioni sportive), sia su quello della somministrazione di farmaci e creatina in maniera pericolosa per la salute degli atleti (articolo 445 del Codice penale).

Traduzione: secondo il Tribunale di Torino, la Juventus ha " dopato " i suoi giocatori con l'Epo e altri farmaci, in parte vietati, in part but only lawful to treat disease (in this case non-existent), in the seasons from 1994 to 1998. The first four seasons Lippi era, under the direction of new leadership Moggi, Giraudo, Bettega, marked with a harvest of success (three league titles and one Champions League). Now about those sports games will decide the judges of the Football Association and UEFA, provided that the condemnation of Agriculture "supports" the Court of Appeal, to which the defenders have already announced action.

Judge Casalbore, denying allegations that some lawyers painted it as "flat" on the views of prosecutors, issued a complex ruling, which will require to be fully understood careful reading of the reason (arriving in three months). But already sufficiently clear. Doping and the resulting charges of endangering the health of players, Giraudo was acquitted by the formula of paragraph 2 of Article 530 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: that absorbs the old lack of evidence ("when the evidence is contradictory or insufficient ").
In the process, as the Court did not identify quite sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the CEO knew what he was doing farm. Until the last prosecutors had reviewed the possibility of seeking the acquittal of Giraudo, but then opted for a request for condemnation, even more mild compared to Agricola, based on a "logical proof" circumstantial: Due to the abnormal costs of the EPA, it was unthinkable that they asserted the doctor without telling his supervisor, which allocated funds for medicines and signed budgets.

For the judge, this is not enough. There is a lack of fingerprints, documents or testimony that is to ensure that Giraudo was in agreement (nell'arringa, its defenders had observed that, if anything, the doctor responded to the sporting director Luciano Moggi, not the CEO).

In any case of agriculture and its practices that we discussed above in the three-year trial. Not Giraudo. Along with sporting fraud and alla somministrazione dannosa di farmaci, i due imputati erano accusati anche di falso materiale, per la strana triangolazione di ricette con cui la Juventus - complice il farmacista Rossano - si procurava medicinali a esclusivo uso ospedaliero. Anche questa accusa è stata confermata, ma solo per Rossano (che ha patteggiato 5 mesi), mentre Giraudo è stato assolto con formula piena e Agricola con formula " dubitativa " (il solito art. 530 comma 2). Un'altra, la creazione di una farmacia abusiva contro la legge 538/92, è caduta in prescrizione. Per le tre imputazioni minori (presunta violazione della legge 626/94 sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro e presunti test irregolari sull'Aids e sul testosterone sui calciatori), invece, è scattata the full acquittal.

All this, for the lawyer Luigi Chiappero (defender of Agricola with Emiliana Olivieri), is a "balanced away". Unfortunate metaphor, as the head g) for which Agricola was sentenced to 1 year and 10 months in prison reads: "... the testing players banned doping methods and in particular the administration of medicines to stimulate the 'erythropoiesis such as recombinant human erythropoietin in transfusion practice type, using the ban "all" from July 1994 to October 1998. " For a sentence so infamous, perhaps, is more appropriate comment by another lawyer, Paolo Trofino, defending Giraudo with Anna Chiusano: "We scored a fine goal with Giraudo, but we lost the game farm." Judgement by JUVE


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