Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Kisses out of the ordinary

Those who imperiously demanded the energetic Aunt Tilde, when he came to us from Turin. He had not even raised the cap already shouting, " Knows how to kiss! "and leaned up to the height of our children, obliged by politeness to print at least a couple on the cheek withered, dusty powder.
The Kiss of the Spider Woman the Cat the Kiss of a dead and the kiss of Judas. The apostrophe pink kiss kiss and kiss , which is just a kiss . E Kiss me Kate, and Kiss me stupid, Kiss me Licia and . God forgive me, but Kiss me Licia the song again now, but when no one listens.
The Kiss by Hayez and the Perugina, I am always asked what we are both in the first, both in the second. The
Baiser de l'Hôtel de Ville of Doisneau. God forgive me-ri, but now I still dream of being in the place of the Parisian girl.
Ba-ba-tiny kiss on the bo-bo-mouth petite / tan-tan-give me lots of kisses in quantity / Lalah Lalah lalalla lala there!
And scented kisses that open Shir Hashirìm, Song Sublime:
" kiss me he kisses of his mouth,
since his caresses are better than wine.
Your perfume have a sweet smell;
your name is a fragrance that spreads .
stolen kisses, and those denied. Those with the language distributed by some enterprising classmates and hoes during the early eighth grade trip and those with Rifrullo that they now navigate hoes, extended a few years after the slow dancing in the shadows of discos province. Those who scròcchieno Lungotevere Gabriella Ferri.
And The Last Kiss and the first, that you never forget, and I do not forget the first at all because I gave my first and only girlfriend, and it filled me with infinite sadness and despair, but perhaps because she did not know how to kiss. And I'll never forget the first kiss with my first boyfriend, who kissed her hand very well, and it seemed to explode in a Big Bang all mine, and I thought that since I was destined to expand forever, you sometimes see a lemonade successful in what can be done. And the kisses
services, which use excessively to sign correspondence with people I love, and that seems to be an affectation fag ( Tesooooorooooo baciUooooooooo! ), but which are sincere, and I want to give in person, damn to kilometers.
And finally kisses behind my back, I'm a bit 'like the house of Scajola, these freschi freschi e del tutto inediti, almeno per me. In risposta ad una mia bonaria rimostranza, un tizio mi ha scritto: " Ma a te i baci li mando sempre, solo ke tu nn lo sai "
Indipendentemente dalla loro veridicità tutta da dimostrare, e dalle intenzioni che li muovono, questi sono baci che mi schiantano, si sappia.


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