Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ski Boat Dog Clutches

instincts and passions

is difficult to give a clearer definition of passion and instinct, but the simplest explanation is that which must take account of complex biological phenomena that justify the onset certain emotional states. In

passion for psychology is defined as a strong trend in power, able to persist and dominate through emotions, images, ideas and all other forces of the spirit. In his passion, especially during the acute phase or despotic, dominates a logic of feelings that are different from the rational one.

We know that not everything is explained so robotically, and that emotions involve cognitive processes are not negligible: emotion and conscious act that are inextricably linked in our brains. Yet up to half a century ago science biological instinct and passion, considered anatomically separable clusters of nerve cells in the brain matter.
emotional states have an extremely complex organization, connecting the various structures through networks of brain circuits often bidirectional. A mass made up of nuclei of cells genetically similar to each other, ultramicroscopic welded contact points which drain into thin space separating one neuron from the other (synaptic cleft) rapid chemical transmitters of information, and space to create that feeling microseconds emotional state of well-known to us all. This is why we blush, we feel anxiety, uneasiness, dizziness and sometimes sudden changes of mood.
The emotion is realistic for the neurobiologist the product of concerted of millions of cellular elements of the nervous system. Even Charles Darwin
wrote, it "The Descent of Man" (1871):

"The fact that the animals below us suffer the same emotions as ourselves is affected clearly confirmed that there is no need to bore the reader by reporting many details. Terror has the same action upon them as upon us, making the muscles shaking, heart beat, release the sphincters, and straighten the hair. "

This series of reactions triggered by neuroendocrine changes is controlled by the nervous system nice (the main regulator of visceral functions) and the accompanying emotional experience, also made up of elements of cognitive and communication signals between individuals of the same species intended to convey instincts and passions.
methods of study of the expression of emotions in 'Homo sapiens have suffered from studies on animal behavior. The expression of emotions such as fear, joy and anger can be accurately assessed by the characterization of groups of muscles involved in facial expressions using the facial action coding system, or one that discriminates the facial movements. If
human instincts and passions following fees above all cultural, even in animals answers until yesterday only as "instinctive" - \u200b\u200band therefore unchangeable because inscribed in the genetic heritage of the species - in fact prove modificabilissime once shrewdly penetrated the factors that trigger them.

The study of the motions of the soul, and their visible manifestations of the human face, has given rise to a long tradition of "as the Passion." It is especially Descartes, and his Treatise of the passions of the soul of 1649, the classification seems to be a complete and final. In the Cartesian theory, six different core passions play soul and face of man: the admiration, love, hate, desire, joy and sadness.


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