Saturday, May 19, 2007

How To Avoid Swollen Eyes

Remo Bodei writes ...

A long passions were sentenced as a factor of disturbance or temporary loss of reason.
manifest signs of an alien power to the better part of man, dominate, distorting the clear vision and sviandone the spontaneous inclination to do good.
Shaken, the stretch of water of the mind becomes cloudy and Dimple, ceasing to reflect reality and prevent the will to see alternatives to the inclinations of the moment.
face of the many strategies developed to eradicate, moderate, and taming the passions (And, in parallel, to achieve dominion over themselves, making consistent intelligence, firm will, strong character) However, it seems questionable whether the opposition reason / passions to be able to account for the phenomena to which it relates and whether it is right, in general, to sacrifice their <> in the name of ideals that could be a vehicle for unexplained unhappiness. Assume
wild energy and groping in the dark (<>), which should be directed and held in check by an instance ordering lit (<>), means in fact already foreshadow an excuse to suppress controversial or channel.
decreeing the hazard and failure to drive themselves, denying them an inherent guidance and discernment, it is automatically legitimate the legality of delegating all'inflessibile imperial power or persuasive severity of paternalistic <> external protection corrective actions.
The subordination of the passions to strict rational human and threatening divine commandments has many disadvantages, theoretical and practical.
The purpose of the domain of the passions is to internalize social and cultural imperatives, so that armor, and mitridatizzare immunize the individual (the self centralizing and actively engage the energies) before actually destabilizing powers that are as foreign but always live in it - are, in fact, he - and that, moreover, when you meet with other men, have a virtually explosive chemistry to the social order.
But the requirements of morality and tradition (made institutionally acceptable <> what trade-offs, penalties and forgiveness) come into conflict with other needs and values, so that the passions are often ostracized and forced into hiding in underground consciousness, creating feelings of guilt, resentment, discomfort and discontent.


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