Saturday, May 19, 2007

Non-verbal Learning Disorder

awareness and rationality: reason

In common usage for "rationality" is the faculty by which individuals organize in a coherent and aware of his knowledge about the world and they choose on the basis of a appropriate behavior to various situations in which it is to come.

The reason is thus the ability to consciously choose between profit and disadvantageous behaviors. Under this assumption there is a close relation or a coincidence between the concept of rationality and that of consciousness.

È un processo tipico della specie umana e quindi distingue l’uomo dagli animali; attraverso esso, per es., l’uomo “sa” di vivere, a differenza dell’animale, che “avverte” di vivere.

Dal punto di vista filosofico la “ragione” è la facoltà opposta alla sensazione e alla percezione ed è fondamentale per la formulazione di concetti costituenti i nessi generali e necessari su cui stabilire la conoscenza.

La normalità di un individuo è basata sull’equilibrio armonico di ragione e passioni, di agonisti e antagonisti chimici della neurotrasmissione, which modulate each other in a way that one should take precedence over others. A sort of cross-check that gives an account of the influence of rationality over emotion, and emotion on rationality.
Mental illness is therefore the result of an imbalance: for deficiency or excess of neurotransmitters, by default or by excess of passion, by default or even an excess of reason.
Given the "infinite gradations of normal," to determine which is the psychic equilibrium "healthy" and then define mental illness, is often very difficult.

The reason is, and can only be the slave of the passions.
David Hume


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