Saturday, May 19, 2007

Invitation Format For Lohri

The Brain: Sigmund Freud

nineteenth century had established the hypothesis that the brain is the control center of the whole organism, the seat and the engine of reason and passion. Under this view clashed, however, two schools of thought: theories "lease", which find their earliest expression in the phrenology of Gall, dividing the brain in many different areas, each appointed to a particular emotional or cognitive function, the theories "associationists" but denied the esisteza functional areas and saw the brain as a unified system.

Oggi sappiamo che le diverse componenti del comportamento umano, percettive, cognitive, motorie, emozionali, sono elaborate ciascuna da numerosi centri e circuiti che agiscono in serie e in parallelo, secondo livelli crescenti di complessità.

Le funzioni cognitive superiori ( la “ragione” ) sembrano appannaggio di quelle aree neocorticali che si sono sviluppate più recentemente nella scala evolutiva, mentre gli aspetti istintivi e ancestrali del comportamento sembrano regolati da zone più profonde e arcaiche. Tale classificazione vede nel sistema libico il punto d’incontro fra passionalità e razionalità, il luogo in cui prendono forma le componenti più “cognitive” emotionality and affectivity.

The limbic system integrates different structures evolved in an intermediate stage, mostly derived from rhinencephalon, mainly the hippocampus, hypothalamus, the amygdala and the thalamus. Although representing less than 1 percent of the mass of the brain, the hypothalamus was of exceptional importance, as it is the command center of the whole endocrine system and autonomic nervous system. Through the modulation of hormonal and neural pathways descending to the spinal cord, controls the expression "clear" of the passions: heart rate, breathing, sweating etc.. Also called "brain of the indoor environment", it includes a number of centers that govern the main instinctive behaviors: pleasure / disgust, hunger / satiety and so on.
The limbic system is functionally connected to the centers of "superior" such as the prefrontal cortex, the area of \u200b\u200bmore recent evolutionary development, which has a role in shaping cognitive emotion and motivation.

The extraordinary development of the cortex in humans is not only a development of his cognitive abilities, but also an extension of his motivational and emotional component and its capacity affettive.

Odi et amo
( Ti odio e ti amo )

Perché io lo faccia forse ti chiedi,
non lo so, ma accade,
lo sento e mi tormento…………



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