The passion chained
The need to impose a brake on the passions has led the company to forge. In an age-old process by not many variations.
The figure of a man who - in reality and imagination of our own and other cultures - is the touchstone of the values \u200b\u200band virtues.
More than a hero of knowledge for its own sake, he is often a champion of the good life, an example of firmness, of lucidity and courage.
Capable of tempting fate, it is invulnerable to his hits to his blandishments.
it safeguards its own coherence and integrity, successfully resisting the pressure, otherwise intolerable, their passions and the will of others, and remain adamantly (but cleverly) true to its decisions, because based on reasoned argument and deliberate.
Unlike many who live in an atmosphere of fear and are fascinated by that hope.
He is free from such disturbances of the mind.
Her passions are disciplined, flexible and subservient.
Those of the crowd - in fact - rebellious, stubborn and indomitable.
Remo Bodei
So (poetry) is
If the heart is complaining
mind it heartening. The mind is satisfied
heart try again. The mind rarely
recalls that ignores
mind and assiduously
the heart that falls in love.
But a heart that is broken
does not feel right, the mind goes to the heart
ask for explanation. Meanwhile
the heart up from the center of the chest and goes to the
mind to give himself a bit 'of peace.
up in the middle of the road there is a lump in my throat
the mind meets the heart
listens and comforts him.
Gemelli Ruggeri
Saturday, May 19, 2007
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awareness and rationality: reason
In common usage for "rationality" is the faculty by which individuals organize in a coherent and aware of his knowledge about the world and they choose on the basis of a appropriate behavior to various situations in which it is to come.
The reason is thus the ability to consciously choose between profit and disadvantageous behaviors. Under this assumption there is a close relation or a coincidence between the concept of rationality and that of consciousness.
È un processo tipico della specie umana e quindi distingue l’uomo dagli animali; attraverso esso, per es., l’uomo “sa” di vivere, a differenza dell’animale, che “avverte” di vivere.
Dal punto di vista filosofico la “ragione” è la facoltà opposta alla sensazione e alla percezione ed è fondamentale per la formulazione di concetti costituenti i nessi generali e necessari su cui stabilire la conoscenza.
La normalità di un individuo è basata sull’equilibrio armonico di ragione e passioni, di agonisti e antagonisti chimici della neurotrasmissione, which modulate each other in a way that one should take precedence over others. A sort of cross-check that gives an account of the influence of rationality over emotion, and emotion on rationality.
Mental illness is therefore the result of an imbalance: for deficiency or excess of neurotransmitters, by default or by excess of passion, by default or even an excess of reason.
Given the "infinite gradations of normal," to determine which is the psychic equilibrium "healthy" and then define mental illness, is often very difficult.
The reason is, and can only be the slave of the passions.
David Hume
In common usage for "rationality" is the faculty by which individuals organize in a coherent and aware of his knowledge about the world and they choose on the basis of a appropriate behavior to various situations in which it is to come.
The reason is thus the ability to consciously choose between profit and disadvantageous behaviors. Under this assumption there is a close relation or a coincidence between the concept of rationality and that of consciousness.
È un processo tipico della specie umana e quindi distingue l’uomo dagli animali; attraverso esso, per es., l’uomo “sa” di vivere, a differenza dell’animale, che “avverte” di vivere.
Dal punto di vista filosofico la “ragione” è la facoltà opposta alla sensazione e alla percezione ed è fondamentale per la formulazione di concetti costituenti i nessi generali e necessari su cui stabilire la conoscenza.
La normalità di un individuo è basata sull’equilibrio armonico di ragione e passioni, di agonisti e antagonisti chimici della neurotrasmissione, which modulate each other in a way that one should take precedence over others. A sort of cross-check that gives an account of the influence of rationality over emotion, and emotion on rationality.
Mental illness is therefore the result of an imbalance: for deficiency or excess of neurotransmitters, by default or by excess of passion, by default or even an excess of reason.
Given the "infinite gradations of normal," to determine which is the psychic equilibrium "healthy" and then define mental illness, is often very difficult.
The reason is, and can only be the slave of the passions.
David Hume
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The Brain: Sigmund Freud
Odi et amo
( Ti odio e ti amo )
Perché io lo faccia forse ti chiedi,
non lo so, ma accade,
lo sento e mi tormento…………
nineteenth century had established the hypothesis that the brain is the control center of the whole organism, the seat and the engine of reason and passion. Under this view clashed, however, two schools of thought: theories "lease", which find their earliest expression in the phrenology of Gall, dividing the brain in many different areas, each appointed to a particular emotional or cognitive function, the theories "associationists" but denied the esisteza functional areas and saw the brain as a unified system.
Oggi sappiamo che le diverse componenti del comportamento umano, percettive, cognitive, motorie, emozionali, sono elaborate ciascuna da numerosi centri e circuiti che agiscono in serie e in parallelo, secondo livelli crescenti di complessità.
Le funzioni cognitive superiori ( la “ragione” ) sembrano appannaggio di quelle aree neocorticali che si sono sviluppate più recentemente nella scala evolutiva, mentre gli aspetti istintivi e ancestrali del comportamento sembrano regolati da zone più profonde e arcaiche. Tale classificazione vede nel sistema libico il punto d’incontro fra passionalità e razionalità, il luogo in cui prendono forma le componenti più “cognitive” emotionality and affectivity.
The limbic system integrates different structures evolved in an intermediate stage, mostly derived from rhinencephalon, mainly the hippocampus, hypothalamus, the amygdala and the thalamus. Although representing less than 1 percent of the mass of the brain, the hypothalamus was of exceptional importance, as it is the command center of the whole endocrine system and autonomic nervous system. Through the modulation of hormonal and neural pathways descending to the spinal cord, controls the expression "clear" of the passions: heart rate, breathing, sweating etc.. Also called "brain of the indoor environment", it includes a number of centers that govern the main instinctive behaviors: pleasure / disgust, hunger / satiety and so on.
The limbic system is functionally connected to the centers of "superior" such as the prefrontal cortex, the area of \u200b\u200bmore recent evolutionary development, which has a role in shaping cognitive emotion and motivation.
The extraordinary development of the cortex in humans is not only a development of his cognitive abilities, but also an extension of his motivational and emotional component and its capacity affettive.
Oggi sappiamo che le diverse componenti del comportamento umano, percettive, cognitive, motorie, emozionali, sono elaborate ciascuna da numerosi centri e circuiti che agiscono in serie e in parallelo, secondo livelli crescenti di complessità.
Le funzioni cognitive superiori ( la “ragione” ) sembrano appannaggio di quelle aree neocorticali che si sono sviluppate più recentemente nella scala evolutiva, mentre gli aspetti istintivi e ancestrali del comportamento sembrano regolati da zone più profonde e arcaiche. Tale classificazione vede nel sistema libico il punto d’incontro fra passionalità e razionalità, il luogo in cui prendono forma le componenti più “cognitive” emotionality and affectivity.
The limbic system integrates different structures evolved in an intermediate stage, mostly derived from rhinencephalon, mainly the hippocampus, hypothalamus, the amygdala and the thalamus. Although representing less than 1 percent of the mass of the brain, the hypothalamus was of exceptional importance, as it is the command center of the whole endocrine system and autonomic nervous system. Through the modulation of hormonal and neural pathways descending to the spinal cord, controls the expression "clear" of the passions: heart rate, breathing, sweating etc.. Also called "brain of the indoor environment", it includes a number of centers that govern the main instinctive behaviors: pleasure / disgust, hunger / satiety and so on.
The limbic system is functionally connected to the centers of "superior" such as the prefrontal cortex, the area of \u200b\u200bmore recent evolutionary development, which has a role in shaping cognitive emotion and motivation.
The extraordinary development of the cortex in humans is not only a development of his cognitive abilities, but also an extension of his motivational and emotional component and its capacity affettive.
Odi et amo
( Ti odio e ti amo )
Perché io lo faccia forse ti chiedi,
non lo so, ma accade,
lo sento e mi tormento…………
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control center ...
According to Freud the man is conditioned by a dualistic structure
(and self-contradictory):
one hand drives press to emerge into consciousness, and secondly the inability of everyone to accept the instinctive part of his being
(along with the need to control their desires imposed by civilization)
means that mental health is reduced to a fragile compromise between the needs of order and self-imposed by the consciousness and drives life moves from the pleasure principle, which aims to achieve immediate and full of desire.
According to Freud the man is conditioned by a dualistic structure
(and self-contradictory):
one hand drives press to emerge into consciousness, and secondly the inability of everyone to accept the instinctive part of his being
(along with the need to control their desires imposed by civilization)
means that mental health is reduced to a fragile compromise between the needs of order and self-imposed by the consciousness and drives life moves from the pleasure principle, which aims to achieve immediate and full of desire.
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Remo Bodei writes ...
A long passions were sentenced as a factor of disturbance or temporary loss of reason.
manifest signs of an alien power to the better part of man, dominate, distorting the clear vision and sviandone the spontaneous inclination to do good.
Shaken, the stretch of water of the mind becomes cloudy and Dimple, ceasing to reflect reality and prevent the will to see alternatives to the inclinations of the moment.
face of the many strategies developed to eradicate, moderate, and taming the passions (And, in parallel, to achieve dominion over themselves, making consistent intelligence, firm will, strong character) However, it seems questionable whether the opposition reason / passions to be able to account for the phenomena to which it relates and whether it is right, in general, to sacrifice their <> in the name of ideals that could be a vehicle for unexplained unhappiness. Assume
wild energy and groping in the dark (<>), which should be directed and held in check by an instance ordering lit (<>), means in fact already foreshadow an excuse to suppress controversial or channel.
decreeing the hazard and failure to drive themselves, denying them an inherent guidance and discernment, it is automatically legitimate the legality of delegating all'inflessibile imperial power or persuasive severity of paternalistic <> external protection corrective actions.
The subordination of the passions to strict rational human and threatening divine commandments has many disadvantages, theoretical and practical.
The purpose of the domain of the passions is to internalize social and cultural imperatives, so that armor, and mitridatizzare immunize the individual (the self centralizing and actively engage the energies) before actually destabilizing powers that are as foreign but always live in it - are, in fact, he - and that, moreover, when you meet with other men, have a virtually explosive chemistry to the social order.
But the requirements of morality and tradition (made institutionally acceptable <> what trade-offs, penalties and forgiveness) come into conflict with other needs and values, so that the passions are often ostracized and forced into hiding in underground consciousness, creating feelings of guilt, resentment, discomfort and discontent.
manifest signs of an alien power to the better part of man, dominate, distorting the clear vision and sviandone the spontaneous inclination to do good.
Shaken, the stretch of water of the mind becomes cloudy and Dimple, ceasing to reflect reality and prevent the will to see alternatives to the inclinations of the moment.
face of the many strategies developed to eradicate, moderate, and taming the passions (And, in parallel, to achieve dominion over themselves, making consistent intelligence, firm will, strong character) However, it seems questionable whether the opposition reason / passions to be able to account for the phenomena to which it relates and whether it is right, in general, to sacrifice their <
wild energy and groping in the dark (<
decreeing the hazard and failure to drive themselves, denying them an inherent guidance and discernment, it is automatically legitimate the legality of delegating all'inflessibile imperial power or persuasive severity of paternalistic <
The subordination of the passions to strict rational human and threatening divine commandments has many disadvantages, theoretical and practical.
The purpose of the domain of the passions is to internalize social and cultural imperatives, so that armor, and mitridatizzare immunize the individual (the self centralizing and actively engage the energies) before actually destabilizing powers that are as foreign but always live in it - are, in fact, he - and that, moreover, when you meet with other men, have a virtually explosive chemistry to the social order.
But the requirements of morality and tradition (made institutionally acceptable <
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Philippe Dubois writes ...
passions in themselves are not that "movements of the soul"
(Perceptions, feelings or emotions, as Descartes says, elle trends, inclinations, desires and aversions, as he wrote the Encyclopedia - pure and then deal of pathos, strength, energy: passion-drive).
In other words, the passions as such belong to the order dell'inafferrabile and immaterial.
And you will learn, observe, code is not covered by their "expression" (general and particular),
ie where they are expressed and engrave, mark and mark it, leave traces and footprints visible.
passions, after all, is a question of representation,
a bit 'like the wind or the storm in classical painting,
you can paint only representing through their consequences (the branches laden with leaves that fold,
density and color of clouds, etc.).. The unrepresentable
that can be considered only in its manifestations, will be
always read literally and essentially,
through its effects on the bodies.
(Perceptions, feelings or emotions, as Descartes says, elle trends, inclinations, desires and aversions, as he wrote the Encyclopedia - pure and then deal of pathos, strength, energy: passion-drive).
In other words, the passions as such belong to the order dell'inafferrabile and immaterial.
And you will learn, observe, code is not covered by their "expression" (general and particular),
ie where they are expressed and engrave, mark and mark it, leave traces and footprints visible.
passions, after all, is a question of representation,
a bit 'like the wind or the storm in classical painting,
you can paint only representing through their consequences (the branches laden with leaves that fold,
density and color of clouds, etc.).. The unrepresentable
that can be considered only in its manifestations, will be
always read literally and essentially,
through its effects on the bodies.
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instincts and passions
is difficult to give a clearer definition of passion and instinct, but the simplest explanation is that which must take account of complex biological phenomena that justify the onset certain emotional states. In
passion for psychology is defined as a strong trend in power, able to persist and dominate through emotions, images, ideas and all other forces of the spirit. In his passion, especially during the acute phase or despotic, dominates a logic of feelings that are different from the rational one.
We know that not everything is explained so robotically, and that emotions involve cognitive processes are not negligible: emotion and conscious act that are inextricably linked in our brains. Yet up to half a century ago science biological instinct and passion, considered anatomically separable clusters of nerve cells in the brain matter.
emotional states have an extremely complex organization, connecting the various structures through networks of brain circuits often bidirectional. A mass made up of nuclei of cells genetically similar to each other, ultramicroscopic welded contact points which drain into thin space separating one neuron from the other (synaptic cleft) rapid chemical transmitters of information, and space to create that feeling microseconds emotional state of well-known to us all. This is why we blush, we feel anxiety, uneasiness, dizziness and sometimes sudden changes of mood.
The emotion is realistic for the neurobiologist the product of concerted of millions of cellular elements of the nervous system. Even Charles Darwin
wrote, it "The Descent of Man" (1871):
"The fact that the animals below us suffer the same emotions as ourselves is affected clearly confirmed that there is no need to bore the reader by reporting many details. Terror has the same action upon them as upon us, making the muscles shaking, heart beat, release the sphincters, and straighten the hair. "
This series of reactions triggered by neuroendocrine changes is controlled by the nervous system nice (the main regulator of visceral functions) and the accompanying emotional experience, also made up of elements of cognitive and communication signals between individuals of the same species intended to convey instincts and passions.
methods of study of the expression of emotions in 'Homo sapiens have suffered from studies on animal behavior. The expression of emotions such as fear, joy and anger can be accurately assessed by the characterization of groups of muscles involved in facial expressions using the facial action coding system, or one that discriminates the facial movements. If
human instincts and passions following fees above all cultural, even in animals answers until yesterday only as "instinctive" - \u200b\u200band therefore unchangeable because inscribed in the genetic heritage of the species - in fact prove modificabilissime once shrewdly penetrated the factors that trigger them.
The study of the motions of the soul, and their visible manifestations of the human face, has given rise to a long tradition of "as the Passion." It is especially Descartes, and his Treatise of the passions of the soul of 1649, the classification seems to be a complete and final. In the Cartesian theory, six different core passions play soul and face of man: the admiration, love, hate, desire, joy and sadness.
passion for psychology is defined as a strong trend in power, able to persist and dominate through emotions, images, ideas and all other forces of the spirit. In his passion, especially during the acute phase or despotic, dominates a logic of feelings that are different from the rational one.
We know that not everything is explained so robotically, and that emotions involve cognitive processes are not negligible: emotion and conscious act that are inextricably linked in our brains. Yet up to half a century ago science biological instinct and passion, considered anatomically separable clusters of nerve cells in the brain matter.
emotional states have an extremely complex organization, connecting the various structures through networks of brain circuits often bidirectional. A mass made up of nuclei of cells genetically similar to each other, ultramicroscopic welded contact points which drain into thin space separating one neuron from the other (synaptic cleft) rapid chemical transmitters of information, and space to create that feeling microseconds emotional state of well-known to us all. This is why we blush, we feel anxiety, uneasiness, dizziness and sometimes sudden changes of mood.
The emotion is realistic for the neurobiologist the product of concerted of millions of cellular elements of the nervous system. Even Charles Darwin
wrote, it "The Descent of Man" (1871):
"The fact that the animals below us suffer the same emotions as ourselves is affected clearly confirmed that there is no need to bore the reader by reporting many details. Terror has the same action upon them as upon us, making the muscles shaking, heart beat, release the sphincters, and straighten the hair. "
This series of reactions triggered by neuroendocrine changes is controlled by the nervous system nice (the main regulator of visceral functions) and the accompanying emotional experience, also made up of elements of cognitive and communication signals between individuals of the same species intended to convey instincts and passions.
methods of study of the expression of emotions in 'Homo sapiens have suffered from studies on animal behavior. The expression of emotions such as fear, joy and anger can be accurately assessed by the characterization of groups of muscles involved in facial expressions using the facial action coding system, or one that discriminates the facial movements. If
human instincts and passions following fees above all cultural, even in animals answers until yesterday only as "instinctive" - \u200b\u200band therefore unchangeable because inscribed in the genetic heritage of the species - in fact prove modificabilissime once shrewdly penetrated the factors that trigger them.
The study of the motions of the soul, and their visible manifestations of the human face, has given rise to a long tradition of "as the Passion." It is especially Descartes, and his Treatise of the passions of the soul of 1649, the classification seems to be a complete and final. In the Cartesian theory, six different core passions play soul and face of man: the admiration, love, hate, desire, joy and sadness.
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Introduction: emotions
A centuries-old cultural tradition and our romantic sensibilities have conditioned us to interpret a variety of symptoms associated with intense emotions, but in particular to the fear and love of nature as expressions of a weak, defective, namely women. The romantic fiction, cinema and television have reinforced these stereotypes so that the man of today they have become the most visible sign of the "female condition". Tracing the history of civilization West we see instead that they were indeed indicative of a noble mind, a cultivated emotional sensitivity, especially for men.
The speech is clearly centered on the emotions of love, the "first" among all the feelings, and kick off the interpretation of the same name, which means feeling, eros, love and lovers, lovers heroic.
Emotions cause of psychosomatic reactions. The pallor
is determined by the fact that in times of desperation the warmth of the body falls toward the center of the body, chilling the skin areas.
The sigh is caused by the fact that those who have some passion are with a full heart to that which gives pain.
The failure is occasioned by the temporary suffocation if the heart does not call the soul.
Tears are the product of excessive internal heat drives the moisture out of the eyes natural.
emotional reactions, because they do not respect the hierarchical order that says that the brain, being the top, always have control over the rest of psychomotor functions, they tend to stir up the natural order.
The speech is clearly centered on the emotions of love, the "first" among all the feelings, and kick off the interpretation of the same name, which means feeling, eros, love and lovers, lovers heroic.
Emotions cause of psychosomatic reactions. The pallor
is determined by the fact that in times of desperation the warmth of the body falls toward the center of the body, chilling the skin areas.
The sigh is caused by the fact that those who have some passion are with a full heart to that which gives pain.
The failure is occasioned by the temporary suffocation if the heart does not call the soul.
Tears are the product of excessive internal heat drives the moisture out of the eyes natural.
emotional reactions, because they do not respect the hierarchical order that says that the brain, being the top, always have control over the rest of psychomotor functions, they tend to stir up the natural order.
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