child would come home shaken
and intractable. Tomorrow would sleep until noon, and once lifted it would continue to hang around the house in this horrible pigiamone brown flannel, grunting, and scratching as I tried to scatarrando arrabattare lunch with the frozen Conad. No no, best avoided. Best Christmas festive and joyous dream with all the friends of the heart, but everyone: those listed a year ago
and others who later joined.
But, right now. We are confident that would be all right? The Christmas party is a tricky and dangerous, just a little tension because nothing, nothing bad moods from innocent misunderstandings or explode turning into catastrophe, catharsis, in ECPIR. Put
case, the friend who helps me to peel the peas hisses: "
Look there, that bitch: we are here to work hard and that collapsed in a chair to give himself polish nails " but not enough whistles softly, that there feels and handbags are first, then breaks out the ruckus.
And then the boyfriend and desperately sad for the separation after fifteen years of cohabitation and that one who was furious and pulls me into my closet and makes a scene by saying: "But you're also invited
Him? But then you're shit really, you know I do not want to see even more painting! . "And so out of place that does not bind, and that becomes expansive
too expansive, and the one that exaggerates and gives up drinking in outburst, and one that goes out in the cold to smoke, he gets the congestion and after a while 'gives your stomach on the tablecloth of Flanders and the centerpiece of holly and mistletoe. Oh, maybe not happen, or happen only in part: but anyway, the risk is, and so the fact that Jerusalem has so far not always be taken as a disgrace.
Mah, waiting for boarding on the ship Exodus
to give me a way to recycle my Christmas in Grandma Duck. Del the rest is the right age, hair color, too, and I miss
aprons full of ruffles, nor some culinary skills. Ciccio is missing, unfortunately, but instead I can count on the help of Miss Rottermaier, plus that guy is so good, but in the kitchen is a disaster. So, selfishly, we gain in return.
Why is not the commitment of the lightest, especially for old duck like me: I have to cook for twenty guests! Already extended the usual family of his own, this year has added a large group of in-law, consuocere, uncles and aunts all widows, all otherwise destined to loneliness and all indomite ed arzille. Si sa, le ragazze càmpano di più dei maschietti, e quasi sempre càmpano meglio e con maggiore allegria: e il nutrito gruppo di cui sopra ne è la prova provata. E siccome alcune di loro si piccano di essere brave cuoche, dovrò dare il massimo.
Intanto fra ieri ed oggi mi sono portato avanti col lavoro, anche se il rush finale sarà davvero difficile; ma insomma, dovrei farcela. E intanto posso prendermi una pausa e mandare gli auguri
Urbi et Orbi da qui, a tutte le persone cui voglio bene e che non elenco per paura di dimenticarne qualcuna.
Natale è la festa della Luce che torna a crescere: ed il bello è che non si direbbe, perché sembra dominare la Tenebra; Natale è the certainty that sooner or later, will be defeated. And every Christmas tree becomes'
Arbor Vitae of Kabbalists, from which hang the Sefirot of Light is not created, the power of the Holy Spirit.
Here, today, and peel the shrimp, I realized that in mine,
Arbor Vitae, I'm lucky to have many lights, and if anyone has faded almost to go off if it seems someone else 're doing, there are others that have recently switched, or that have suddenly brightened by an unexpected splendor. But all together they look great.
At least tonight I will not give in to nostalgia, or regret. At least tonight I want to get lost in the sparkling faces, emotions, feelings
love that each of those lights represents. And if I lose myself alone, for once, never mind.