Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Have That Retro Look In Films

Empire Day of Remembrance labile

" There is a time for everything, all under heaven its time: a time to be born and a time to die A time to plant and a time to uproot; a time to kill and a time to save, a time to kill and a time to build; a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to cast away stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to not do so; a time to search and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away; a time to tear and a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak "
Ecclesiastes, 3: 1-2

To all those who were destroyed because they were like me. Jews. Roma and Sinti. Homosexuals. Political opponents. physically and mentally disabled. Jehovah's Witnesses.

" were working at the quarry under impossible conditions, under the constant threat of guns of the SS who guarded us, screams and shots of the team.
accidents and fatal injuries were newspapers and not a day passed without one or more prisoners were killed.
Almost every morning [...] received by the SS and the Kapos a list with the number of prisoners who do not have to fall. [...] '

" One of the favorite sports team leader had beaten prisoners and pulled the wagons. In half an hour, we had to hoist five hundred meters and then let them back down, holding it with all our strength, because their weight made him take a speed considerable. When one of the carriages derailed, following the truck was going to crash against the detainees and their causes serious injury.
often happened that a detainee was transported to the infirmary because he had his leg crushed.
Once there, it was definitely lost: an SS doctor gave him a lethal injection. "

" HD, used in commerce, born in 1915, was arrested March 20, 1938 when he had gone illegally in Prague. [...] At the same time they had arrested one of his close friend, who had extorted a confession. He was then sentenced to three and a half years in prison for "crimes against morality. "
serving his sentence in November 1941 was sent to the concentration camp of Buchenwald.Ciò that the first impression upon arrival were the corpses of prisoners of company rules that were thrown at the door like sacks of wheat.
Also that evening, a young gay hung himself and everyone continued to eat quietly without any worries. [...]

On January 4, 1942, was sent to a medical laboratory where experiments were performed on fever and hives where they used preferably young gay men as human guinea pigs. HD interest good for the disease, although later he suffered from heart problems […] »

«Nel frattempo, i nuovi arrivati omosessuali, condannati in base all’articolo 175, venivano rapidamente fucilati nel bunker.»

Testimonianza di Jaroslav Bartl, in " Internati omosessuali nel campo di concentramento di Buchenwald "

"Agli omosessuali erano spesso assegnati i lavori più estenuanti da fare nel campo e molti di loro morivano distrutti dalla fatica. Costretti a trasportare pesanti massi nelle cave molti di loro riportavano terribili infortuni.

Altri di questi lavori consistevano nello spostare quantità di pietre inutili per giorni e giorni da una parte all’altra of the field, with the sole purpose of the SS to eliminate the "homosexual spirit".

Since 1943, the SS had started the "program of extermination through forced labor" specifically designed to lead to death homosexuals and criminals.

" During the morning we had to carry the snow outside our block and move left or right side of the road.
contrast in the afternoon we had to carry the same snow back from the right side to left side of the road ...

had to shovel the snow with our hands, our bare hands, without gloves. ... We worked in pairs

psychological and physical torture ... This lasted six days until a new "Pink Triangle" of prisoners was not assigned to our block and took our place.

Our hands were completely broken and half-frozen, we had become slaves of the SS dumb and meaningless. "(Testimony of Heinz Heger).

Gay men have been treated with special contempt not only by the SS but also many of the other prisoners who considered them as degenerate perverts.

life in concentration camps was a lonely life that put a strain on the psychological resistance regardless of the period of time.

the face of such hatred and degradation is not surprising that many committed suicide by running electric fences rather than continue to suffer persecution.

Despite the hostility of many prisoners in the camps, some Pink Triangle still be able to integrate and to help others.

For example, Kitty Fisher, a Jewish inmates deported to Auschwitz in 1944 at the age of 16 years, gives a prisoner from the Pink Triangle's survival and that of his sister.

On arrival at the camp, a prisoner who was at Auschwitz as early as 1940, helped her. Helped her with food and tried to comfort her and her sister, giving them hope.

Before seeing it for the last time, he directed her to a large selection that ultimately served to liquidate the camp.

He told her to pretend to be a weaver and tell SS that she and her sister were trained.

This advice saved her life: "May his memory be blessed because he has contributed to my salvation."


The penalties for various crimes in the camps included the hanging tree, or a tall pole with a hook to which were attached hands the detainee handcuffed behind his back.

The body weight was pulling the arms upward resulting in excruciating pain shoulder under the strain. The SS called this punishment "the forest singer." Heinz Dormer The gay survivor remembers "the inhuman screams and cries."

"For half years I was kept bent ... My hands were tied to my ankles. When I brought the food, the bowl was on the floor, they poured it from above and this is poured on the ground.

I had to lick with his tongue. We could not get out, so our pants were dirty. " testimonianza di Paul Gerhard Vogel, sopravvissuto.

Un'altra punizione diffusa era l'horse: una panca di legno su cui la vittima veniva legata supina, gambe e braccia legate alle gambe, prima di essere colpito più volte con un oggetto contundente o una frusta.

Altre forme di punizione includevano lo stare in piedi per ore e ore o al calore del giorno o nel freddo della notte oppure strisciare più e più volte lungo il pavimento di cemento su gomiti e ginocchia.

Tutte queste punizioni venivano effettuate di fronte agli altri detenuti per l'umiliare il condannato.

Due uomini delle SS hanno portato un ragazzo al centro della piazza… …Le SS lo spogliarono e infilarono his head in a bucket.

Shortly after they stirred up their ferocious German shepherds against him: the guard dogs first morsero his groin and thighs and finally devoured right in front of us.

His cries of pain were amplified and distorted by the pain of his head trapped. My rigid body reeled, my eyes were wide open in terror, tears rolling down my cheeks and I prayed with all my might that the pain would end quickly. "
(testimony of Pierre Seel).
Sometimes the SS forced the prisoners to watch the most atrocious executions. These public displays of horrific violence would be their second a deterrent to any thought of rebellion and have created a climate of terror and loneliness.

In some areas the pink triangles were housed with other prisoners, but at times, such as Sachsenhausen, special cabins were built especially for them at the end of segregation.

in these blocks, the pink triangles were obliged to sleep with her hands clearly visible outside the thin blanket to avoid any physical contact with other inmates who shared a bunk.

The lights and the noise of the other prisoners, making them more difficult to fall asleep for a long period of time.

" Anyone found with her underwear on the bed or with his hand under the blanket (and checks were carried out almost every night) was taken and was soaked in different bowls of cold water before being left outside for an hour. Only a few managed to survive this treatment "(testimony of Heinz Heger)

From" Homocaust. The gay victims of the Holocaust "Lewis Oswald


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