Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kate Playground Leaked

berdai Eppie, Edgar! Rapunzel

Accidenti, quando ho le paturnie mi dimentico delle cose importanti, e ricordo solo le paturnie.
E c'è mancato un pelo che dimenticassi il genetliaco di Edgar, cosa che non mi sarei potuto perdonare. Ora, chi non conosce Edgar non legga quanto dicono di lui , e quanto da He duly noted and reported, may be misconceptions and think that, as the unforgettable Raffaè Donald, the boy from all the eaves sweetness claws. In fact our Edgar is like some pre-Alpine lakes, whose placid surface hides dizzying depths, unfathomable depths, untold riches and treasures, and the waves seemingly quiet brooding mysterious and powerful energy that will impress every time it happens.
short, a very special little person, to the point that we, his loyal readers and friends have decided to organize a successful party all for him, crisp and spicy comme il faut. In the picture, some of the participants while they sing " And he's a good guy, and he's a good guy ... "(the little man followed for modesty).
Right: Miss Marple that he overdid it with the solar shower, Lore! After waxing, Any-honey after arguing with a clerk of Zadar, Poto after he darkened his hair, Byb after sbarbificazione Prince Kamar and after the rate of lap-dance. Wonderful Asa-Ashel and Alexis do not see why one was preparing snacks, the other the Martini very, very dry.
Those who are not in the photo were Tuca Tuca-engaged in living, now that the bunga-bunga stewed, while the classic van always in fashion.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Review Bushnell Tactical Elite 1x32


thoughts Going through a grove, the women
Givane, flower picking,
- To 'that, to' that - saying.
- Here, here! -
- that is, what is it? -
- It's fine Allis. -
- should be 'there for the violations. -
- Ah me, that 'the thorn pricks me! -
- That other me 'v'agiunge. -
- Uh, uh! or is that jumping? -
- and a grill. -
- Come here, run:
rapunzel grasp. -
- It 's not are they. -
- Yes, I am. -
- Cole,
or she,
streets' here,
streets' here
pe 'mushrooms. -
- Costa,
pel sermolino. -
- No' staren troppo,
che 'l tempo si turba! -
- E' balena! -
- E' truona! -
- E vespero già suona. -
- Non è egli ancor nona! -
- Odi, odi,
è l'usignol che canta:
"Più bel v'è,
più bel v'è." -
- I' sento... e non so che. -
- Ove? -
- Dove? -
- In quel cespuglio. -
Tocca, picchia, ritocca,
mentre che 'l busso cresce,
ed una serpe n'esce.
- Omè trista! - Omè lassa! -
- Omè! -
Fugendo tutte di paura piene,
una gran piova viene. What
slips, falls
which, what pricks the
pede. On the ground
van wreaths
that this man who has learned to leave, and this strikes:
tiens blessed who may lay more striving. Yes
steadfastly stood the day I beheld them, I do not
m'avidi and all I bathed.

I have always loved to madness these girls chattering in Tuscany, a little 'goose, described by Franco Sacchetti almost seven hundred years ago. Almost as much as their older sisters still dancing in the hall of the Nine, down to Siena. The word
Rapunzel , though, I had already conquered and fascinated by the first: since a child eager to read, I received a gift in the Tales of the Brothers Grimm. Probably a significant part of what they are coming from there, from those dark and scary stories, and symbolic dream, but that's another story. I could not imagine that in any case, that word would have become a kind of dangerous talisman, and had so much importance in my life.
" Oh Rapunzel, let your hair
I will use that to climb them! "
The memories are confused, I know that for a while 'they broke it for me, and we climbed the tower to lungo; poi non so bene se fu la strega a tagliarglieli, o se invece fu una decisione sua: ma la treccia non scese più.

( Tutto questo per dire che NON andrò a vedere il nuovo cartone animato della Disney )

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hamemade Pontoon Boats

Voga, Tore!

Siccome devo attrezzarmi per affrontare una serie di dopo che si stanno profilando all'orizzonte, ho deciso di prendermi un vogatore. Pare che la mens sana non possa prescindere da un corpore sano; e poichè il mio, di corpore , sta cominciando a fare la ruggine e a perdere colpi, non vorrei mai fosse proprio questa la causa prima delle molte ubbìe psicologiche ed emotive che mi stanno travagliando da un po' di tempo in qua.
Il vogatore, di quelli classici a remi snodati e sellino scorrevole, me l'hanno quasi tirato dietro: un'offertona. Il tizio del Trony diceva che quel tipo lì non lo vuole più nessuno, quando va bene prendono quelli con il cavo da tirare, ma tutti comprano le macchine più stravaganti che promettono fisici di questo tipo senza fatica ed in non più di due settimane. Ammesso che sia vero, io non è che voglia diventare come l'Incredibile Hulk, azi! Ma il fatto di dovermi rassegnare alla mia pervicace singletudine non mi esime dal cercare di mantenere un fisico sufficientemente tonico ed efficiente, e dall'evitare di lasciarmi andare al rancoroso cupio dissolvi che ogni tanto mi tenta come la Fiesta Snack.
Dice: "Embè? Perché non vai in palestra come tutti gli altri? O in piscina, o magari a fare pattinaggio artistico, che in una tutina di lurex color fuchsia ti ci vedrei anche?" Ma perché non ce la farei, il mio lavoro non ha orari, ed il tempo libero che mi ritaglio me lo rubo a pezzi e a smozzichi quando capita. No no, al galeotto il remo si confà di più.
E un risultato l'ho già avuto ancor prima di cominciare. Ne scrivevo al bastone della mia vecchiaia
(nel senso che non manca mai di mazzuolarmi affettuosamente quando gli confido i miei sbarellamenti) e lui nel giro di nemmeno un'ora, da quel bravo scrittore che è, mi ha confezionato e regalato un raccontino delizioso tutto per me.
Ma mi è piaciuto talmente tanto che lo riporto per intero, sperando non se n'abbia a male.

Salvatore voga che è una bellezza: come è una bellezza anche lui, e tutte le ragazze gli corrono dietro. Ma lui, niente: pare preso solo dai remi, dalla barchetta, dal mare dove ogni pomeriggio scende con il sole o colla pioggia, e monta in barca, e via.
Voga, Tore! gli dicono tutti per prenderlo in giro: ma lui nemmeno li ascolta più.
Voga voga, un giorno arrivò, proseguendo sotto costa, a una piccola insenatura che non aveva mai raggiunto prima, e che nemmeno si vedeva dalla strada, che pure faceva ogni giorno per andare al paese vicino a lavorare come vigile urbano: gli unici momenti in cui dava retta a qualcuno.
Sorpreso dalla scoperta, accostò, e scese, portando la barchetta in secca; e rimase ancora più sorpreso nel vedere che, in fondo alla caletta, così minuscola eppure così bella, c'era una piccola grotta. Non più alta di una persona, larga appena il necessario per entrarci: e lui, di solito così indifferente a tutto ciò che non fosse il mare e i remi, così, senza pensarci, ci entrò.
La grotta si faceva subito un po' smaller, but took a few steps to widen, and slowly you will miss the size. He lit a torcetti power which he always carried with him when the darkness plucked in the middle of the sea, to see upon returning to shore, but could see that with just a vast space, which was to occupy the whole of that was over the hill .
So you only noticed after a while 'there was someone who did not understand it could be, if men or women, or whether an animal. She felt his breath, felt the movement, and began to distinguish as a silhouette that moved with difficulty, as if it were tied or chained, and the curiosity to learn more, pushing him forward, almost despite himself.
was a donkey tied a thick rope that not only prevented any movement, but stared at him with a kind of trellis walled in stone, and with a kind of muzzle that prevented him from opening his mouth. No sound for this, but after that Tore had entered, and more as they approached, they waved more and more, we do not know for fear of more torture or the desire to be freed.
Tore is a little scared, at first, and not for the reaction of the donkey, which certainly could have, once released, take it with him. But he feared the reaction, far more dangerous, someone who could surprise him there, if it was not present and did not display.
But the poor beast gave him trouble, walked in silence, but with quiet ways, and the ass he calmed down. He began to consider how to deliver them, and then how to take it away, but soon decided that the first thing to do was to put an end to the imprisonment, he would do the rest.
The untied, slowly: the ass so he calmed down, and when he took a muzzle not moaned. Then he took him by the rope around her neck and led him out on the beach. Meanwhile it grew dark: good thing, no one would see them, and approached the boat, which was still there on the shore. But the biggest surprise came when he saw that the the ass without any hesitation, he entered the water and began to swim. He put the boat into the sea, and followed him. There had to be used, since that seemed to be the only access route to the cave, and the donkey took the opposite direction from which Tore had arrived. He thought for a moment that doing so would have strayed too far from home, but the curiosity to see where he was the donkey was too strong swimmer.
went around the cape, the coast becomes low and sandy; Tore knew, and thought that the donkey would have stopped there, not at all, still continued. He passed around the country, and continued on to the next promontory, the double, and Tore always behind, until he saw another cove almost equal to the first, and the ass out of the water and went to a tiny little house that was down the beach.
The donkey began to run harder and harder, and Tore, who had left the boat on the shore, he ran, arrived at the door, began to bray loudly. The door opened, and saw a small light that lit up: and behind the lamp, the voice of a man who exclaimed "Ciccio Ciccio, you're back! .
Tore had a moment's hesitation, but his voice was so beautiful that intrigued him: and walked to the door. "I freed I "said the stranger;" My name is Tore, I live near here, and who are you? "
The stranger drew back suddenly, but not closed the door. It was an invitation to join? Tore took it: and went inside.
faces a beautiful man, poor but kept in a room with dignity .
"My name is Fredo" , "said the stranger," I live here because I lost my job, I have taken from the house, and I was left with only the ass. In fact, I was left, then one day he too is gone, I have stolen for sure. But now you've given me! How can I thank you, I who have nothing? "
not tell you everything you said, in short, Fred had a hotel, but was opposed to the local underworld and therefore had been marginalized by all. But the worst thing is that it was also found that was homosexual, and this for the locals was almost worse.
Tore was puzzled, and not only for the story, but because he too gay, that he well understood for all the times he had felt like a stranger in home, and because everything that was happening that night was almost too much.
decided that they would react with all this, and would have gone away: it gave him time to organize their departure, and after a week embarked on a far away place.
Now they live together for ten years, and operate a fine Italian restaurant in San Francisco.
And the ass, you say?
Following the emotions did not make it. Now rest in peace, but Tore Fredo and remember him with great affection. After all he was to have the merit of having made them meet.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Do I Make My Own Blueprint Online

Love in the Time of the bunga-bunga

Where were we? Here are the stuff that happened, but the stuff! It put us even more that my leisure, especially in these times. And 'me that I ruined the bunga-bunga, of course that in the broadest sense of the term: they say logori soprattutto chi non lo fa. E io, appunto, non lo faccio. Neanche nell'accezione più ampia del termine.
Ah, già: dovrei parlare del fidanzamento cui avevo accennato tempo fa, e che procede a gonfie vele . Lo farò, perché è una storia tenera, toccante e ricca di assennati ammaestramenti. Ma non è urgente, non essendone io, purtroppo, il protagonista. Lo avevano capito fin da subito non più di un paio di persone, quelle che mi conoscono meglio, che sanno leggermi dentro e che non sbagliano mai nel farlo. Però sì, mi sono commosso, a volte fin quasi alle lacrime, per i molti commenti con le felicitazioni ed i mirallegri; e sono sincero, ho sfiorato il cielo con un dito nel constatare l'affettuosa consideration that many have shown me. But what really is not. A that kind of love I know I'd do well to give up. There are no cut, there is nothing to do. It will air, the water will be, will be genetic predisposition, but every time I end up living it as a pain rather than as a harmonious redefining myself. I'm torn, instead of completing. And then I've got
ketone, acetone, which would be the children. No, say the acetone! At my age can not be serious! My peers if they eat too much fat in them into love handles, double chins and bellies, but I am I doing the ketone, that since my name is on the ball. He says that when a will produce in dosi eccessive, poi sente uno stato permanente di languore allo stomaco, ha i battiti accelerati ed il cuore ballerino, gli si sfalsa il ritmo circadiano e gli si altera il rapporto sonno-veglia. Insomma, uno crede di essere innamorato e invece è il chetone. Ho chiesto al mio medico cosa può aver provocato tutto ciò, se per caso non c'è dietro qualcosa di più preoccupante e temibile. Ha fatto spallucce. Secondo lui è la conseguenza di un lungo periodo di stress, di protratte sollecitazioni nervose e di defatiganti traballamenti emotivi. Però il mio medico è il sosia sputato di mister Bean, e non so quanto credito possa dare alla sua diagnosi. Sta di fatto che se sono ridotto così senza essere fidanzato, figuriamoci what would happen when I was. So to protect my health I should give me the bunga-bunga. But the idea is repugnant to me, what can I do? If I think I should have carved a marble statue from the guests to contemplate, with the features of Superman but with my face, I give mad. I think if depression is the flag menu: mozzarella tomato and olives; trio of pasta with cheese, pesto and pommarola, pistachio ice cream, strawberry and vanilla. And do not say seven thousand in an envelope, but at least seventy € per call while we want to give them to him, no? And it's easy to make the figures. And the guests, as they will be happy to put the green or red sheath dress and heels fifteen seventy €? And above all: the proportion of Lele and Emilio, who do I do? Also for the bunga-bunga should be cut, and I, even there, they are not.
And once again I find myself longing for the lethargy that can not afford, to escape that I can do, I can not keep the dreams, the hopes that I can not caress.