Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Def Jam Internship 2010

Questo non รจ il mio assessore

The commissioner Settimelli, with a decision to say the least questionable, decided to exclude some Roma families from the allocation of houses

http://pisainformaflash. / portal / en / news / dettaglio.html? Nid = 1727

The reason is that some members of these families were involved in a brawl, which received the headlines.

Now, the commissioner shall, as saying that such honorable person, and certainly more aware of me. So will certainly explain why a child can be thrown out of a house and sent in a shack, just because the father was involved in a fight (and, we note, not yet convicted).

I repeat, alderman Settimelli and all his followers: I vote on a draft of the League of AN or just not interested. As he learned the Radical Left, I prefer to vote directly to the League.