Sunday, December 30, 2007

Rollers For Curly Frizzy Hair

Le proposte bislacche di un ex ministro

The former president, former minister, former director of the Bank of Italy Lamberto Dini has listed seven key points to secure your confidence in the Prodi government.

you can read them here , Corriere della Sera.

If the proposals were a customer of a bar for truckers, it is reasonable smile. Being a former president, former minister and former director of the Bank of Italy there is to be dismayed. And you can give the same reason Dini, when he says that there is no meritocracy in Italy: in fact, do not understand how to make a character like becoming director della Banca d'Italia eccetera.

Partiamo dall'introduzione.

"Neanche al culmine di una fase economica espansiva il nostro bilancio pubblico raggiunge il pareggio; e si continua ad alimentare quel debito che costituisce la fornace nella quale l'Italia brucia le proprie speranze in un futuro migliore."

Benissimo. Quindi, un obiettivo chiaro sarebbe (o dovrebbe essere) quello di raggiungere il pareggio di bilancio, e accelerare la riduzione del debito pubblico. Siccome inoltre, a parlare non è l'avventore di cui sopra, ma un ex ministro del Tesoro, si potrebbe sperare di vedere qualche numero, almeno vagamente sensato. Tanto per discutere di cose serie.

Niente di tutto ciò.

It begins with a fantastic "reduction of 5% of the PA staff through early retirement."

Now, since you can not gassing people, the staff of the PA will be taken as official money to make money as a pensioner. You will also need to pay him the settlement (which agrees, is a debt already in the budget, but the cash required to pay this debt still has a cost). And, last but not least, would further reduce Italy's ability to achieve one of the Lisbon objectives in relation to the percentage of people employed.

Then we discuss the policy: which means "the 5% of staff"? It 's a way of thinking by accountants, not by managers. Any manager knows that, in a company, the point is being able to throw out the bums and move staff where needed. Back to square one. Dini is proposing to reduce by 5% tax inspectors? those of work? judges? Who, exactly, are we talking about?

It 's very convenient to speak generally. Much less comfortable trying to point the finger, and indicate who should go away.

Point 2 is now an evergreen: the scaling of the cost of politics by abolishing the provinces. I wonder why when it comes to the cost of politics Roman politicians always start from the periphery and center ever since. The same Courier has, for example, shows how the containment measures cost of the two Houses of Parliament are exceptionally small. But there's no evidence of a position of Dini on the subject.

Now, as noted by Dini, to do something like we need a revision of the Constitution. A triviality. With the same review could reduce the number of Italian MPs, which has looked strangely Dini from proposing. Even here, however, no indication of how the operation would save. But let's move on.

Section 3 is "A reduction in the tax burden for taxpayers." However, it must be consistent. If one considers that Italy has a balanced budget, and has a very large public debt, then he can not speak for the reduction of tasse. Potrebbe (e dovrebbe) chiedere che ogni centesimo in più sia destinato alla riduzione del debito. E avrebbe perfino senso: facciamo cinque anni di sacrifici, riduciamo il debito e riconquistiamo un futuro per i nostri figli. Anche qui, nicht numeretti.

Con il punto 4 si parla di rinunciare "alle centinaia di programmi inconcludenti" di sviluppo del Meridione. Se sono centinaia, Dini avrebbe potuto avere l'accortezza di indicarne una decina, magari su un sito su Internet. Tanto per far capire che un ex ministro non gioca a fare il qualunquista. Poi, che ci siano sprechi, nessuno lo nega. Ma ci vorrebbe una capacità di indicarli per nome e cognome. Così, tanto per fare una cosa nuova.

Trascuro i punti 5, 6 e 7 that are in the same tone.

There is a number.

There is a number.

There is a clear goal to be one.

Above all, you do not understand why the proposals should reduce debt, bringing the budget to balance and revive the Italian economy.

Just do not understand.

But maybe to understand you have to be former presidents, former ministers and former Directors of the Bank of Italy.